martinez96 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 スペイン語
martinez96 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Christopher John Cubos, member of the team who created iCalamity, says their goal with the app “is to ensure that no one will ever have to face a calamity alone.” He adds:

Most of the people in Leyte and other areas felt alone and abandoned. When the typhoon struck, nobody was there to help them right away, and most of the people who survived were left to fend for themselves.

People from different parts of the country, or even the Filipino overseas workers can track the whereabouts of their family. People will be able to know the exact location of the members of the family through their mobile numbers. The location will be plotted on an interactive map.


iCalamity開発チームの一人Christopher John Cubos氏は, このアプリケーションの目標を「大災害下であっても、誰一人として孤立無援とならないこと」としている。

