I’m writing in regard to your inquiry about your two Sets of CD that were delivered to you on 22nd of June, which had already been broken upon delivery. Japan Post received a notice regarding the damaged delivery from U.S office today. According to their email, they claims that they haven’t been able to make an arrangement since they haven’t received necessary documents to prove the damage from you. Have you received such documents? If you have, we’d like to know if you already filled it out and sent it to someone in charge or not. Please understand that if you don’t submit this documents, we won’t be qualified for the warranty regarding the damaged delivery.
親愛なる Joseph, 連絡ありがとうございます。実はわたしは現在Ebay のアカウントが停止中です。ですので、残念ですがeBay上では販売ができません。せっかく何度もご連絡頂いたのに本当に申し訳ございません。
Dear Joseph,Thanks for your massage. Actually, my eBay account is currently unavailable and I’m afraid I can’t sell on eBay now. I deeply apologize for this even though you’ve already contacted me many times.