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Tencent most recently led a US$350 million Series C round in Koudai Gouwu, a Chinese mobile shopping marketplace, on October 23, 2014 with four other investors. It also put up US$100 million of private equity in Guahao, an online medical service provider, on October 13, and US$3.5 million in seed funding for Tile, a valuables location-tracking device and app, on October 1.

Clearly Blink has some way to go to catch up with the likes of SnapChat, but this backing from Tencent could give it the first real shot at doing just that. For now, details on the company remain fairly scant in English-language media, but expect that to change before long.


Tencentは直近では、2014年10月23日に他の4つの出資者とともに、中国系モバイルショッピングマーケットKoudai Gouwuへの3億5000万米ドルに上るシリーズC投資ラウンドを主導した。他にも10月13日にはオンライン医療サービスプロバイダーのGuahaoの未公開株に1億米ドル、10月1日には貴重品位置追跡装置と同アプリのTileに350万米ドルの起業資金を投資している。


louis 英語 → 日本語

Alibaba’s online mutual fund Yuebao is actually shrinking

Alibaba’s mutual fund Yuebao garnered a lot of attention when it first launched last summer, and at first, it grew extremely fast. But by this July, it had begun to stagnate, and now according to the latest numbers, investment in Yuebao is actually dropping.

Back in July, Yuebao held RMB 574 billion (US$92 billion) in assets, making it the fourth-largest money market fund in the world. But this past Friday, Tianhong Asset Management Co. (which manages Yuebao’s funds and which is also owned by Alibaba) announced Yuebao’s latest numbers: RMB 534 billion (US$87 billion). That suggests that users have pulled almost US$5 billion out of Yuebao since July.




7月の時点では、Yuebaoは5740億人民元(920億米ドル)の資産を保有し、世界第4位のマネーマーケットファンドだった。しかしこの金曜に、Tianhong Asset Management Co.(Yuebaoの資金を管理している、Alibaba所有の企業)が公表した最新の資産は5340億人民元(870億米ドル)。つまり、ユーザは7月以来、ほぼ50億米ドルを引き上げたことを示唆している。

louis 英語 → 日本語

Yuebao has also been limited by government restrictions that emerged around March, which made it harder for customers to shift funds to online rivals, imposed transfer limits, banned new types of payments such as QR codes, and halted the launch of virtual credit cards. Alibaba chairman Jack Ma publicly slammed the central bank and big four for abusing their ‘monopoly’.

Of course, with total assets of US$87 billion, Yuebao is still one of the biggest mutual funds in the world despite its recent dip. Whether it can retain that title in the long run, though, remains to be seen.

We have contacted Alibaba for comment on this story, and will update if we hear back.


Yuebaoも3月ごろに明らかになった政府の規制によって足かせをはめられてきた。顧客が他のオンライン投資信託に資金を移動することを難しくしたり、送金に関する制限を設けたり、QRコードなどの新しいタイプの支払い方法を禁止したり、ヴァーチャルクレジットカードのローンチを停止したりしたことなどだ。Alibaba会長のJack Ma氏は、中央銀行と大手4銀行が「独占状態」を濫用しているとして公に非難した。

