Good morning. It is Friday. What are you guys doing on this weekend?
Noted about the case.I have no complains since I decided to do business with you after checking your profile picture and the feed backs to you.Please arrange the shipping.Thanks and regards.
yes I can ship together, but if you recieved the second invoice, it has the correct combined shipping of $●●, as it is too big to fit and ship properly in a flat rate box,
はい。一緒に発送出来ますが、もし二枚目のインボイスを行け取っていましたら、そこには同梱の発送費用 $●●が記載されています。定額制料金の箱には大きすぎて収まりません。
Since ●● is a large item, you can easily bundle ▲▲? Please revise the invoice with the bundle shipping price and send it to me please.
Today we received a package for you from Unknown which did not contain your suite number (which is R2222).To avoid delays, your suite number must be included in your address on packages we receive. When you place an order, please verify your shipping address has your Suite number in your U.S. address. We realize that sometimes the merchants will fail to include your suite, and apologize for any inconvenience. Below is how your address should look
Hey Can You Please Confirm The Paypal Email Address You Made The Payment To. (fx@xmail.com) Should Be The Correct One And What Payment Method Did You Use Within Paypal Such As E-Check Etc.. Thank You For Your Time, As Soon As The Payment Is Proccesed We Will Gladly Ship Out Your Item.
Could you advise the serial no. and model name please? If you do not know the model name, let me know the number such like 6B or 2A which should be on the mouthpiece slot. Thanks.
GREAT WORKING CONDITIONと書かれてますので、非常に楽しみに待ってます。ケースの質問に対して答えてもらえませんでしたが、当たり前の質問だったから返事がなかったのですね。発送されたらトラッキングナンバーを教えてください。素晴らしいフリューゲルホルンを譲ってくれてありがとう。
Since it says GREAT WORKING CONDITION, I am looking forward to it.You did not answer to my question about the case, I understand that it was because my question was too common to reply.Kindly advise the tracking no. once shipped.Thank you so much for shipping wonderful flugelhorn.
このモデルは、○○○ #601 ですか?
Is this model ○○○ #601 ?
Thanks for your email.Noted.I will contact you when I purchase products together.Thanks and regards.
Questioning again, is the attached case original hard case?Kindly advise what it's like.
This is a gorgeous Flugelhorn. This is (名前), the successful bidder. I would like you to send it to Japan. Can you arrange EMS? I am not so familiar with the shipping conditions in Switzerland so kindly advise. How many shipping days difference are there between priority service and economy service?I will settle the payment once above is confirmed.
Hi.Let me ask you some questions.Can you ship the products you are selling on this site to Japan?Are the credit cards VISA/MASTER issued in Japan acceptable?
This auction is for vintage Barbie doll lot including 9 dolls from 60's, 70's & 80's in good, clean condition with some TLC. Some of the dolls have issues but are still nice for display. 60's dolls include Barbie ponytail that has had her ponytail cut, she has curved foot, no green ear, no neck splits. Bubblecut has green ear and no neck splits, some minor damage to right hand and left foot. This auction includes 70's dolls, 2 Malibu Barbies, Malibu Skipper, Casey (one leg cracked at knee so that leg does not bend, big green ear on one side of head), and three other dolls from 80's. Two vintage Barbie cases are included along with extra bag of mostly handmade clothes.
こちらは60年代、70年代と80年代のバービー人形9体を含むセットのオークションです。状態も良く、汚れも無い状態で、大事に扱われていたものです。いくつかの人形は難ありですが、ディスプレイ用に適しています。60年代の物にはヘアスタイルがポニーテールのバービーポニーテールが含まれています。彼女の足はカーブしています。耳は緑色に変色していません、首にひび割れもありません。バブルカットのバービーは耳が緑に変色しており、首にひび割れがあり、また、目立たない破損が右手と左の足にあります。こちらのオークションでは70年代のマリブバービーが2体、マリブスキッパーとケーシー(片方の膝にひび割れが原因で曲がりません。片方の耳の広範囲が緑色に変色しています。) そして80年代のバービー3体の出品です。2体のビンテージバービーのケースには手作り生地の特性バッグが含まれます。*TLCとは “Tender Loving Care” の略と思われますので、大事に扱われたと訳しました。
Aren't you mistaking me for a vicious buyer? ( My reputation is also 100%).As I have been saying so many times, I could not contact you through ebay so I had no choice but to contact you through paypal.I understand that you have great reputations but if I delete my claim now, I won't be able to claim in any case.Do you understand? What is the reason for not shipping the product(s) that is(are) already payed for?If you cannot tolerate my slight mistake on the way to contact you, I am sorry but I will give up on this and report the transaction cancellation to paypal.
I have purchased from you several times. Thanks always. By the way, can you ship several items together? I am going to bid different products three days after.I think it will save some shipping cost and trouble. What do you think?
You are taking it wrong. I did not contact you through paypal to complain. That was because I wanted to make sure that you would utilize the shipping method with tracking no.(If you sent it without the number, you cannot change it.) I tried to contact you through ebay first but I could not, so I had no choice but through paypal.(It looks claim but it is not.) I know that you have good reputation. Do you understand the paypal system? If you take it back, you cannot send a claim againwhich means you will lose the way to claim when the delivered products are amaged.
Regards the product I mentioned previously, I would like to check few points.I thought the product would be sent from the U.S., but is this sent from Germany?The voltage spec in the U.S. is different from the one in Germany, correct?I am using this product in Japan.If this product is the U.S. spec, it should be okay but if this is Euro spec, I am afraid it won't work in Japan.
Could you let me know if this is the U.S. spec or Euro spec please?Also, if the instruction is in Germany, I could not read it.I can't use the product unless it is the U.S. spec.Await your reply.Thanks and regards.
The products are not here yet.---Regards the order No. OOO, the products are not here yet.What is the current situation? (Kindly update the delivery status.)Thanks and regards.*カッコ内は、「貨物の配送状況をお知らせください。」の意味です。候補としてあげさせて頂きました。