Hello, I\'m sorry for writing in Englishas unfortunately I do not speak Japanese. I am interestedin purchasing pants for my online store in Australia.I need the traditional style farmer or gardening pants withelastic waistband, elastic ankle, and reinforced knees.I had a look on your website and the styles I would like arelisted under the \"for the spring and fall\" category, but asyour site is in Japanese, it\'s difficult for me to tell whatthe differences between the styles are.Am I able to order a sample?What are your minimum order quantities and prices?Are you able to send English language descriptions of theproducts?Thank you for your consideration.
連絡ありがとうございます。現在EDITボタンは編集できない状態になっているので私は細かな確認はできませんが、Primary Contact PersonとBeneficial Ownerのスペル等の間違いはおそらくありません。認証作業を開始した8月からもうすぐ4ヶ月が経過しようとしています。ホリデーシーズンには販売を再開したいので、迅速な対応をお願いします。本当にもう猶予はありません。。
Thank you for your correspondence.As I cannot confirm to the details because EDIT button is currently not editable. However, I assume the spelling of the Primary Contact Person and Beneficial Owner is correct. It has been already four month passed from when the authorization process started in last August. I'd like to start selling our products again for the holiday seasons, so please handle this matter without any further delay.Thank you for your prompt action.
Today I am writing you again regarding the matter I asked you in the previous e-mail.Have you checked the approximate quantity of harmonica?If you find it difficult to grasp the necessary quantity, we can propose you a price per each.We were thinking to negotiate with the manufacturer if you already have some idea on the necessary quantity. There is no problem with us for you to decide after you see our price quotation.
・背面指定位置に雄牛マークとREDBULL ロゴのワッペン貼り付け (雄牛マークは黒の縁取り、ロゴも黒の縁取り)※各ワッペンが出来上がったら取付ける前に画像を見せて下さい※前回納品分で背面のREPSOLマークの下地が赤になっていましたが 正しくは白地です 大変ややこしい注文ですが十分に注意を払って間違わず完璧な製品に仕上げて下さい。指定通りに出来なかったら納品できません。また別にREPSOLスーツとDUCATIジャケットを注文します
Stick bull mark and REDBULL logo emblem as indicated. Both bull mark and logo emblem should be black lining.※Please show us once they are ready before stitching.※ Please note that color of underlayer of REPSOL mark on the back was red for the previous delivered items. Color should be white. This order is very complicated but please provide perfect products since incomplete products cannot be delivered.We order REPSOL suits and DUCATI jackets as an additional order.