China Mobile and Local Banks Launching SIM-based NFC Payment SolutionChina Mobile, one of the three Chinese telecom operators, and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank (PDB) jointly launched a SIM-based NFC payment solution. It’s for free for any China Mobile user to replace the SIM card in his/her phone for a NFC payment-enabled one. Now the card is available in three cities, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Changsha. In August PDB will have its branches in 28 provincial regions help users get the new SIM card.
China Mobileと地方銀行がSIMカードベースの非接触型決済を開始中国三大携帯電話会社の一つのChina Telecom(中国移動通信)とShanghai Pudong Development Bank (PBD, 上海浦東発展銀行)は共同でSIMカードベースの非接触型決済を開始した。China Mobileのユーザーなら誰でも無料で、現在使用中のSIMカードを非接触型決済対応SIMカードに交換することができる。このカードは今のところShanghai(上海)、Guangzhou(広州)、Changsha(長沙) 3都市で利用出来る。PBDは8月からは28の省の支店でユーザー向けに、新しいSIMカードに交換するサポート業務を行う。
Tapping to pay with such a SIM card-powered smartphone in a convenience store or at a vendor machine is supported by QuickPass POS which is supplied by China UnionPay, China’s bankcard association. There are reportedly 1.2 million such devices in China.Other services include mobile phone billing and bank account checking. It will support bus, subway and taxi by the end of this year, according to a PDB representative.
このSIMカード装備のスマートフォンを持っていれば、China UnionPay(中国銀聯)が提供しているQuickPass対応POS端末にがあるコンビニや自動販売機の前でタッピンダすれば支払いができる。報道によれば、このような端末は中国に120万台ある。その他のサービスとして携帯による支払い請求や銀行口座の確認ができる。またPBDの代表によれば、このサービスは今年の年末までにバス、地下鉄、タクシーでも使えるようになる。
The SIM card has been compatible with three more banks, China Merchants Bank, China CITIC Bank and China Everbright Bank, and is capable to store more than 20 bank card details.PDB rolled out the first mobile payment service in 2011 and now has 900 thousand users making mobile payments with the service. The cooperation with China Mobile must bring PDB users quickly. And the deal couldn’t be possible if China Mobile didn’t dump its self-developed mobile payments technology for the one adopted by China UnionPay and the rest of the world in late 2012.But still, the one problem is there is a limited number of NFC-enabled phone models.
このSIMカードはChina Merchants Bank(招商銀行), China CITIC Bank(中信銀行)とChina Everbright Bank(中国光大銀行)の3つの銀行とも互換性があり、さらに20以上の銀行カードの詳細情報を記録することができる。PBDは2011年に初めて携帯での支払いサービスを展開し、今では90万人のユーザーがそのサービスで支払いをしている。China Mobileとの提携でPBDのユーザーは急速に増えることは間違いない。そして、もし2012年後半にChina MobileがChina UnionPayやその他の世界のシステムを採用した端末向けの、携帯での支払い技術の自社開発を中止しなければ、この提携は不可能だった。しかし、問題は、非接触型決済に対応した携帯のモデルの種類が限られていることである。
The Book Bag was posted by airmail on 14th May. I don't have a tracking number but I do have the receipt of posting. I didn't sent 'signed for' as the cost would have been £9.00. According to Royal Mail UK it should have arrived in 5-7 working days which has now passed.I will refund your payment today and hope that it arrives in the next few days. If it does arrive please keep it with my compliments. This is the first time in over 1400 sales that a parcel has not arrived when sending abroad. I can make and send you another one but it would take some time to arrive - would you like me to do that or would it be too late for your mum?Kind regards
その本は5月14日に航空便で発送されました。追跡番号はありませんが、郵送のレシートがあります。"Singed For"書留サービスのコストは9ポンドだったので、これを使ってはいません。イギリスロイヤルメールによれば、5-7営業日のうちに届くということです。本日中に返金しますので、数日の内に受領できると思います。受領したら、私の感謝の気持ちとともに取っておいて頂きたいと思います。1400回以上販売しましたが、海外に向けて発送した荷物が届かなかったのは今回が初めてです。再送したいと思いますが、届くまでに時間がかかります。再送した方が宜しいでしょうか?それとも、あなたのお母様に贈るには遅すぎるでしょうか?宜しくお願い致します。
STEP 4 – PAY THE FINAL INVOICE AND HAVE YOUR CARGO SHIPPED TO THE DESTINATION. VOLUME AND WEIGHT.It is difficult to predict the precise volume and weight of an international shipment at the time of booking. The actual volume and weight of your international shipment will most likely differ from the measurements you provided in your booking request.After the shipping terminal accepts you cargo, the carrier will send to us the volume and weight verification on your cargo, i.e. the actual volume and weight on your international shipment. Based on this information we will e-mail you our final invoice with total charges on your international shipment less the security deposit that you have already paid.
Typically we will e-mail you our invoice in a few business days after the ETD (Estimated Day of Departure). I.e. after your cargo is loaded in a sea freight container, passed U.S. Customs and is ready to depart from the USA to the destination.Upon you payment we will e-mail you a confirmation of your payment. Then we will release your freight to the international ocean freight shipment and your goods should depart as scheduled. STEP 5 A few days after the Estimated Day of Departure (ETD) (sometimes it takes a little longer) we will e-mail to you your carrier's Sea freight Express Release Bill of Lading (consider the B/L a title for your internationally shipped goods).
This Sea freight Bill of Lading will show you complete information on your international shipment and the contact details of the carrier's destination receiving station, i.e. your destination agent.Print the Bill of Lading and keep it in your records in order to recover your cargo at the destination. International shipments on Express Releases should be released upon providing a copy of the B/L. No originals required.Notice: If an international shipment has been paid by a credit card(s), before issuing a Bill of Lading we may ask you for confirmation that you clearly understand that the Bill of Lading is our final document on your international seafreight shipment.
船荷証券(B/L)には、輸送会社の連絡先、仕向け港、フォワーダー情報など、あなたの国際輸送の情報が全て記載されています。あなたの貨物を受け取る為、B/Lをプリントアウトして保管してください。エクスプレス船荷証券による国際貨物のリリースは、B/Lのコピーにより行うことが出来るので、原本は必要ありません。注意: 国際貨物の送料をクレジットカードでお支払いされた場合、B/L発行前に、B/Lが、あなたの国際海上貨物に対して私どもからあなたに発行する最終の書類である旨をご理解頂いているか確認する場合があります。
It is the title on the shipped goods and the proof of transfer of the ownership to the consignee as in the Seafreight Bill of Lading (recipient of shipped goods).This will confirm that after receiving the seafreight bill of lading our service provided to you is complete as agreed. All parties involved with payment(s) of the shipment paid by a credit card(s) will consider the confirmation email the receipt of payment(s) with the payer's signature in it.STEP 6 – MEET YOUR GOODS AT THE DESTINATION.A few days before the ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival, the ocean freight carrier's destination agent should contact the consignee/notify party with a Notice of Arrival.
If for any reason you do not receive an Arrival Notice, we strongly recommend you contact your ocean freight carrier's destination agent on the ETA day in order to find out the status of your international shipment. You can see contact info for the destination agent in your Bill of Lading within the 'For Delivery/Pickup Please Apply To' block of your Sea freight Bill of Lading. Fax or e-mail them a copy of your Express Release Sea freight Bill of Lading and ask for recovery instructions on your international shipment. Note to international shipments with a trans-shipment: Your Seaf reight Bill of Lading shows that a port of discharge is different from the final destination:
もし何らかの理由で着荷通知を受け取っていない場合は、あなたの国際貨物の状況を確認するため、仕向け地のフォワーダーにETA日の問い合わせをする事を強く勧めます。船荷証券の"For Delivery/Pickup Please Apply To"欄に仕向け地のフォワーダーの連絡先が記載されています。フォワーダーにFaxかEメールであなたのエクスプレス船荷証券のコピーを送り、あなたの国際貨物の引き渡しの指示をして下さい。国際貨物の積み替え時の注意: 船荷証券の荷揚げ地が最終揚陸港でない場合
The ETA on international shipments with trans-shipments may not be the ETA to the final destination. Check the ETA port in your shipping documents. If it has not reached final destination, it may take an additional 15-25 days. Some trans-shipments, from Europe to Africa for example, may take longer.Important: The ocean freight carrier's destination agent will most likely not receive any information on your international shipment until a couple days before it actually reaches the destination. If you contact them in advance, you may fax or e-mail them a copy of your Sea freight Bill of Lading, verify your contact and wait for the notice of arrival.
国際貨物の積み替え時のETAは最終揚陸港のETAではない場合があります。出荷書類の港へのETAを確認してください。もし最終揚陸港に到着していない場合、さらに15-25日かかる場合があります。積み替えが、ヨーロッパからアフリカといった場合には更に長くかかる場合があります。重要: 殆どの場合、実際に目的地に到着する数日前まで、あなたの国際貨物の情報は仕向け地のフォワーダーに届きません。あなたから、前もってフォワーダーにFAXかEメールでB/Lのコピーを送って連絡すれば、フォワーダーは予めあなたの情報を照合し、着荷通知を受け取る準備をする事ができます。
Have you been buying Gametel through Amazon in the US? Just curious as we have seen sales out of the US with someone with a similar name to you?There may be certain approvals that we have to obtain in order to sell volume in Japan, I am not sure of what the rules and cost of these approvals would be? Do you know?More details on Gametel are as below; Fructel AB is a subsidiary of SVEP Design Center AB, a privately owned Swedish company that turns concepts into reality by designing and developing products combining ID, Mechanical Design, Electronics, RF, Software, Firmware and all necessary approvals for clients.
GametelをアメリカのAmazonで買ったていた事がありますか?あなたの名前に似た誰かがアメリカ国外で売っているのを見た事があるので、好奇心からの質問です。日本で量販するためには、恐らく何かしらの許可を得る事が必要かと思います。この許可は、どのような基準で幾らコストがかかるかは分かりませんが、ご存知ではないでしょうか?Gametelの詳細は下記の通りです。Fructel AB社はインダストリアルデザイン、機械設計、エレクトロニクス、高周波、ソフトウェア、ファームウェアと顧客の認可に必要な技術を組み合わせてコンセプトを現実のものにするスウェーデンの非公開企業SVEP Design Center AB社の子会社です。
Is It Possible to Be Both a Founder and a Daddy?Tom Clayton has started and run numerous high-tech startups in Silicon Valley. Now running Bubble Motion, a Sequoia Capital, SingTel Innov8, and JAFCO backed social media startup that is one of the largest VC–backed startups in Southeast Asia having raised over $60M+ in funding.Over a year ago, Kiip CEO Brian Wong made a rather definitive comment at a tech conference in Singapore: “You can’t have kids and run a startup.” He went on to give examples of former employees with kids who didn’t last at his company because they couldn’t balance their work and family life.
設立者と父親の料理は可能?Tom Clayton氏はSilicon Valleyで多くのハイテク関連の新規事業を立ち上げて経営し、今はBubble Motion、Sequoia Capital、Sing Tel Innov8を経営し、東南アジア最大級のベンチャーキャピタルでありソーシャルメディアに支援されたJAFCOの6,000万ドル以上の資金を集めた。1年以上前、KiipのCEO Brian Wong氏はシンガポールのある技術協議会で「子供がいたら新規事業の経営はできません」と、かなりな決定的なコメントをし、以前いた子供がいた従業員は仕事と家庭の両立ができないため、彼の会社で長く働く事が出来なかった幾つかの例を挙げた。
Hmmm… That made me do some deep introspection. Was I doing a disservice to my startup since I was now a father? After all, I was single during my previous six startups and only had kids in the past few years. Moreover, was it a problem that 34 of our 60 employees have kids? It was easy to blow off the flippant comment by the 20-something-year-old founder who did not have kids, but it did cause me to reflect nonetheless.
For me, being a dad and running a startup seemed to be working fine. In fact, I don’t think I am slacking at either job and I often get asked how I balance both tasks. After significant reflection and a great conversation with my three-year-old daughter on the topic, I think I started to understand what it takes to manage both lives in parallel.
First of all, I disagree with Brian’s comment. It is possible to be a parent and an entrepreneur – and I think there are thousands of role models out there who prove this. However, in order to do so, you must be absolutely ruthless with your schedule. This means giving your personal life the same dedication that you give your startup. I have always had an extremely busy work schedule – logging 90-hour work weeks and 350,000 plus air miles a year; I am currently the CEO of Bubble Motion, a Sequoia-backed startup based in Singapore, but I have also founded and worked at six different Silicon Valley startups before this.
先ずはじめに、私はBrian氏のコメントには賛同しない。親になり、且つ、企業家であることは可能だし、何千という人々に証明されたそれぞれの役割モデルがある。しかしながら、そのためには何としてでもスケジュール通りに進める強い意志がなければならないし、それは事業と同じくらい私生活にも没頭しなければならないことを意味する。私は毎週90時間働き、飛行機には年間35万マイル以上乗るという超過密スケジュールの下で仕事をしている。今はSequoiaが支援しているシンガポールのBubble MotionのCEOだが、その前はSilicon Valleyで6つの新規事業も立ち上げて仕事をして来た。
Even with the hectic work demands that I face on a daily basis, I’m still able to be very involved in the lives of my wife and two young daughters. Before having a family, I had a “work hard, play hard” mentality and the “play hard” was my free time to let loose. Now I’ve just replaced the “play hard” with intense family time; thus, whether you’re 25 or 35 or 45, it’s no different. This balance hasn’t always been the case, and certainly doesn’t come easily – it takes a lot of effort and perseverance to achieve an equilibrium.4 lessons for a good work-family balanceHere are some of the lessons I have learned that may help aspiring entrepreneurs maintain a strong work-family balance:
1. Managing time effectively is a must – When everyone wants your time, everything must be scheduled. Rather than attempting to multitask with the deluge of daily requests and to-do’s, creating 15- to 30-minute increments per task helps me hone my focus. Most tasks and meetings can be completed in less than 30 minutes and by keeping to a rigid schedule I can turn my focus on and off. With this comes the ability to prioritize more easily. It’s also important to have one central means for communication and staying on top of things. For me, it’s my email Inbox.
1. 効率的なタイムマネージメントが必要誰かがあなたの時間を使う時には、全ての事がスケジューリングされていなければならない。毎日上ってくる要求とやらなければいけないタスクの洪水の中で幾つかの仕事を同時進行しようとするよりも、15-30分の時間を作り1つのタスクに集中した方が良い。殆どのタスクやミーティングは30分以内に終わるし、スケジュールを厳格に管理することで集中度をコントロールすることできる。また、仕事の優先順位を付けることで、より簡単に対応することができるようになる。全てに優先してコミュニケーションを集中管理する手段を1つ持つことも重要で、私にとってその手段とはEmailの受信箱だった。
Everyone knows to get something on my list, email me. I read every email and reply to most of them. I religiously empty my inbox at least once a week. This allows me to focus all of my communications and ‘to do’ items in one place and ensure I’m not missing something.2. Maximizing off time at home – When you do get to be home, it’s important to make the most of it. For me, this means setting aside time to relax with my family and give them my full, undivided attention. Each week, my daughters and I have a “daddy-daughter” night where the three of us go to dinner.
誰かが私から何かを得たいときは私にメールするし、私は全てのメールを読み、その殆ど全てに返信する。定期的に、少なくとも週に一度は、受信トレイを空にしている。この方法で私は1か所にまとまったコミュニケーションとやらなければならないタスクに集中することができ、何かをし忘れることを防いでいる。2. 自由時間を最大限に有効活用あながた家にいるときには自由時間の有効活用は何より重要だ。私にとって、それは家族とリラックスする時間を作ることであり、私の分つことのできない心の全てを家族に奉げることだ。毎週2人の娘と私は「パパと娘の夜」の時間を設け3人で食事に出かけている。
Both my daughters and I live for these nights out – they keep me grounded, and I’m sure my children love to see a distraction-free dad. In addition, having a supportive spouse who understands your lifestyle and is able to pick up your slack when you need it helps tremendously and is basically a necessity to finding simultaneous success in both the startup world and the daddy world.3. Making sure work trips aren’t all work – For founders with children, why not bring them with you when you travel for work? This is something that I try to do whenever possible. My three-year-old has already been to 23 countries across four continents!
私の娘たちと私はこの夜の為に生きているようなものだ。娘たちにとって私は中心的存在だし、娘たちがリラックスした自由なパパを見るのが好きだと確信している。加えて、あたなの生き方を理解し、たるんだ時には指摘し、サポートしてくれる配偶者を持つことは大きな助けになるし、基本的に仕事の世界とパパの世界の両方で成功する為には必要不可欠だ。3. 出張でするのは仕事だけではない子供のいる設立者は出張するときに子供も連れて行ってはどうだろうか?これは私が可能な限り実践していることで、私の3歳の娘は既に4つの大陸の23の国を訪れている!
Hotels can always get a sitter to watch children during meetings and then once work is out of the way, the evenings can be dedicated to them. Not to mention the fact that children often love the opportunity to get on a plane and go on an adventure with their parents. Everything is new and exciting for them; even the most mundane places you have seen a hundred times. Some of my best one-to-one time with one of my daughters is sitting in the airport lounge together – time that would otherwise be wasted. I’m not exaggerating when I say that bringing my daughters along makes business travel ten times better – not to mention how much they learn and see the world in the process!