I will ship it back to the address included, and pay for the shipping costs, which I feel I should not have to do, but will in the interests of fairness. Please refund amount of $200.00 USD, which is the original purchase and shipping cost to Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I will then ship the item back to you. I will then leave 100 % positive feedback, I have been very satisfied in the past with your products and service.
This tie-up is one of Tencent’s moves to challenge the dominance of Alibaba in China’s e-commerce sector. In the same deal mentioned-above, Tencent acquired a 15% stake in JD. It also transferred its e-commerce sites to JD and allows JD to integrate its service in WeChat and Mobile QQ to commercialize its huge user base. JD grows and catches up with Alibaba rapidly after the cooperation.
この提携は、中国のeコマース分野においてAlibabaの優勢に、Tencentが切り込もうと挑戦する動きの一つである。上記の取引において、TencentはJDの15%の株を獲得した。さらに、同社はeコマースのサイトをJDに移動させ、 巨大なユーザーベースを商業化させるため、WeChatとMobile QQ のサービスをJDに統合させた。JDは大きくなり、この提携後、Alibabaに急速に追いついた。
the commodity not delivered from the German post, since at the package to declare no bill was present. I must drive to now 70 km bamberg on the customs office and fetch the commodity. still further 19% customs duties continue to result. annoying 70 km drive are only because no bill to declare were attached. they should the customs regulation of the country, to which they dispatch already know. what can we make??? Many greet
その商品は、税関の申告書がついていませんでしたので、ドイツ郵便から配達されませんでした。税関事務所があるバンベルグまで70キロ運転して、商品を取りに行かなければなりません。さらに、19%の関税もついてきます。申告すべき書類が添付されていなかったために、面倒な70キロの運転をしなければなりません。彼らは品物の送り先の国の税関規制について前もって知っておくべきです。他に何ができるでしょう??? それではこのへんで。