aaaa (kenny2030) 翻訳実績

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Kakao Launches Free Group Voice Chat with Some Interesting Features

After a day of testing the service to ensure call quality was good enough, Korea-based Kakao announced today that it has launched what it calls the world’s first HD voice free mobile group Call service. In English, what that means is this: Kakao Talk now features group voice chat with high quality audio for up to five participants, and it’s all still free. Users can even make group calls over 3G or LTE connections, and Kakao claims that even with the high quality audio, this won’t make a huge dent in users’ monthly data allotment.



通話音質が十分に良いことを保証するため、サービスのテストに1日を費やした後、韓国を拠点とするKakaoは今日、世界初とされる高音質のモバイルグループ通話無料サービスを公開したことを発表した。理解できる言葉に直すと、これは次のことを意味する。Kakao Talkには現在、最大5人までの参加可能な、高音質のグループボイスチャットの機能がそなえられており、それにもかかわらずすべて無料となっている、ということだ。ユーザーは3GあるいはLTE通信を通してグループ通話をすることすら可能であり、そしてKakaoは高音質であっても、ユーザーが利用できる毎月のデータ割当量の中で非常に大きな部分を占めることにはならないだろうとしている。

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Share Your Next Airport Taxi With This Website

You know the drill. You touch down at the airport and claim your luggage; maybe grab some coffee, run to the restroom or make a quick phone call. But your trip’s not over quite yet. You still need to get into the city. Outside, there’s a line of people — bags in hand, tempers short — waiting for cab rides. You could get lucky and find someone who’s willing to split one if they’re going the same direction as you. It’s a tough find, though. Chances are, you end up waiting for ages.

And on it goes.





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A new website called Shairporter aims to fix that. It’s a basic platform that connects you with others to share taxi rides to and from New York City airports — the end goal being to save you both time and money.

“The United States is a very car-centric country,” Winston Wu, Shairporter’s founder, tells Mashable. “There’s not a lot of high-speed, direct rail between airports and cities like there are in China, Hong Kong or London. So that’s how I came up with this idea.”

Shairporter works two ways: you can either search the site for rides or post your own to share. The three major New York City metropolitan area airports — JFK, LaGuardia and Newark — can be used through the site.



「米国はまさに自動車中心の国となっています」、とShairporterの創業者Winston Wu氏はMashableに対して話した。「中国やホンコン、ロンドンにはあるような空港と都市の間を直接つなぐ高速の鉄道が存在していません。それで私はこのアイディアを思いついたのです。」


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If you can’t find a ride that fits what you’re looking for, you can post one instead. Same concept as above: select from a drop down menu where you’ll be leaving from and arriving to, and enter the date and time. You can add an additional message to your post too, like where to meet or what to bring.

The major rule is that one of the locations, either your destination or arrival spot, must be an airport.

“There’s something, like, 70 billion one-way trips between LGA or JFK and Manhattan every year,” Wu says. “Most of the people — about two thirds, I’d guess — commute by taxi or black car individually just because everything else is pretty inconvenient.”





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“The difference is that the website is more of an ‘arrange ahead of time’ type thing, and the mobile app is going to be more real time,” he says. “If you’re at the airport, you could basically open up the app and see who’s in your terminal, who’s going to the same neighborhood — you’ll be able to arrange things very quickly.”

Additionally, he says, he plans to expand to other big cities throughout the country, starting next year.

In an additional marketing move, Shairporter is offering free cab rides to all New York City airports on November 21 as part of its “Free Fare For All” campaign. The only requirement to get a free ride is that you register with the site, he says.





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According to the creators, this app is designed to help people overcome their programming anxieties with an easy entry to learning. It’s still an early version, so the creators are gathering feedback to drastically improve the user experience. It’s also non-commercial.

I’m personally fascinated by this app since I’ve picked up Python recently. But after trying it out, I think it has fallen short of its goals.

I wouldn’t recommend Singpath Mobile to absolute beginners as an entry point into programming. There are far better resources out there, such as Learn Python the Hard Way, any one of the free courses on Udacity, and yes, Codeacademy.




私は、完全な初心者に対しては、プログラミング学習への入り口としてSingpath Mobileを勧めたりはしないだろう。Learn Python the Hard WayやUdacityの無料コース、そして、そう、Codeacademyのようなはるかに良いリソースが存在する。