I expect that to change fairly quickly though. Given the number of Asian companies in gaming and mobile software especially that are pushing out globally, I expect that in five or ten years’ time, the Software patent rankings could look very different.
WeChat App Implicated at Trial of Pedophile in ChinaThe trial of a sexual predator in Guangdong province in southern China has implicated the smash-hit messaging app WeChat as the way that the man lured in underage boys. The accused, Li Jun, a former official at a Civil Affairs Bureau in the province, is said to have used WeChat – known in China as Weixin – to befriend and ‘groom’ 160 boys, some aged under 13, who were living nearby.
アプリWeChatが関係した中国の小児愛者の裁判中国の南に位置する広東省で行われている性犯罪者の裁判に、大ヒットしたメッセージ交換アプリWeChatが関係していた。その男は未成年の少年たちを誘うためにこのアプリを利用したのだ。以前、同省の民政局に勤めていたLi Jun被告は中国ではWeixinとして知られるWeChatを利用して、13歳以下の少年を含む近くに住む160人の少年と仲良くなり、そして「仕込んだ」のである。
Li did this with a couple of WeChat location-based features, says the China Daily today, called ‘Drift Bottle’ (pictured right) and ‘Look Around’ to connect with strangers – specifically young boys – in his area. The court heard how Li somehow persuaded at least three of the boys to have sex with him, and the man faces “up to five years” in prison.
今日のChina Dailyが伝えるところによると、Li被告はWeChatが備える2つのロケーションベース機能「Drift Bottle」(右画像)と「Look Around」を使って、被告のいた地域にいる見知らぬ人、主に少年たちと連絡を取ったという。法廷では、Li被告が性的行為を自分とするように、少なくとも3人を説得したことが明らかとなり、「最高5年」の懲役を求刑されている。
The case prompted the state-run paper to warn of the danger of such smartphones apps, which is something we’ve heard in the country earlier this year too. Criminals could also use these social apps with location-based tracking to find targets nearby for thefts, fraud, or for touting illegal services. The paper adds:
このケースを受けて、China Dailyはそのようなスマートフォンアプリの危険性について警告しているが、これについては今年早くに同じようなことを我々は中国で聞いている。犯罪者たちもこれらロケーションベースの追跡機能を備えたソーシャルアプリを利用して、近くにいるターゲットを見つけ出し、窃盗、詐欺あるいは非合法のサービスを売り込むことができる。同紙は次のように付け加えている。
Police from Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, said they have observed an increase in reported thefts and sexual assaults coinciding with the popularity of [such apps on] high-tech gadgets. […] The Hangzhou police said they have seen some 20 Weixin-related theft and fraud cases since last December. Their counterparts in Beijing, where specific data are currently unavailable, confirmed seeing a similar increase.
WeChat’s ‘Drift Bottle’ and ‘Look Around’ are features that are turned off by default, and require the user to turn them on in order to be found and receive messages from strangers. Both those features are plug-ins (sort of like browser add-ons), so they can be uninstalled if a user wishes. Most people use WeChat – and other apps like Line and KakaoTalk – to talk with friends and family. The makers of WeChat, Tencent (HKG:0700), expect its mobile-only messaging app to surpass 300 million users next month.
WeChatの「Drift Bottle」と「Look Around」機能は、初期設定の段階ではオフとなっており、この機能を使って見知らぬ人から発見され、メッセージを受けるためにはユーザーが自らその機能をオンにする必要がある。両機能とも(ブラウザのアドオンのような)プラグインであり、ユーザーが望むならそれらをアンインストールすることが可能となっている。WeChatやLine、KakaoTalkなどのアプリを使うたいていの人々は、友人や家族と話をするためにそれらアプリを利用する。WeChatのメーカーであるTencent(HKG:0700)は、モバイル端末でのみ利用できるメッセージ交換アプリのユーザー数が来月には3億を上回ると期待している。
Dangers lurk, of course, in any form of contact with strangers, so these messaging apps – even flirty ones like Momo – are mostly safe, and it’s up to developers to build in safeguards, and for users to be wary and exercise common sense. Parents, too, need to be aware of what kinds of apps and social services their own kids are using.The court has yet to reach a verdict in the Li case.
Adriana Gascoigne, the CEO and founder of both Girls in Tech and HelpLearn.Asia, initially moved from the United States to Singapore for personal reasons. When things fell through, she quickly picked up the pieces, and secured a position in startup within a couple of months. After eight months in sunny Singapore, she decided to embark on her own venture, HelpLearn.Asia, while continuing the expansion efforts of Girls in Tech throughout Southeast Asia. She is also currently working on a social enterprise, which will also be revealed in the upcoming months.
Girls in TechとHelpLearn.Asiaの創業者兼最高経営責任者であるAdriana Gascoigne氏は当初、個人的理由で米国からシンガポールへと引っ越した。物事が失敗に終わったとき、彼女は素早く事態を収拾し、2ヵ月以内にスタートアップにおけるポジションを確保したのである。8カ月後、陽光降り注ぐシンガポールにて、彼女は自身のベンチャー事業HelpLearn.Asiaに着手することを決めた。一方で、東南アジア全体でGirls in Techの拡大の取り組みも継続した。彼女はさらに現在、来る数ヶ月のうちに明らかにされるであろう社会事業に取り組んでいる。
Prior to starting up, Adriana had a taste of both corporate and startup life. She was the vice president of marketing at SecondMarket, where she was responsible for marketing, branding strategy, event production, and digital media efforts. Adriana has also worked at various technology startups, such as ImpulseFlyer, hi5, SocialGamingNetwork (SGN), Jambool’s SocialGold, and GUBA, where she spearheaded marketing, communications, and analytics.
Her background as the vice president of 360 Digital Influence at Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide and vice president of the digital group at Edelman has also reinforced her experience, which proved essential in the setup of HelpLearn.Asia, an e-learning platform providing tutorials on online and digital marketing tools.And she doesn’t stop there. In 2009, Adriana (pictured right) also launched Smitten With Mittens, a non-profit organization providing fair trade mittens, clothing, uniforms, and resources to orphans in developing countries.
Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwideの360 Digital Influenceのバイスプレジデント、Edelmanのデジタル部門のバイスプレジデントという経歴がさらに彼女の経験を強化することになり、これがオンラインおよびデジタルのマーケティングツールを利用するためのチュートリアルを提供するEラーニングプラットフォームHelpLearn.Asiaの立ち上げにおいても必要不可欠であることが証明された。そして、彼女はそこで立ち止まったりはしない。2009年、Adriana(右画像)はさらにSmitten With Mittensを立ち上げた。この組織は非営利団体であり、発展途上国の孤児にフェアトレードの手袋、衣類、制服とリソースを提供することを目的としている。
With regard to the Girls in Tech Singapore chapter, that initiative grew to over 600 members in just a couple of months. Managing a non-profit organization virtually poses two challenges: How does Adriana motivate the managing directors of each chapter? And how does she manage to grow her member base so quickly?In the video interview above, Adriana tells us that she leads by example. Regardless of the circumstances or challenges posed to her, she continues to work hard and is dedicated to build her passion around technology startups. She hopes to empower, engage, and educate women in technology, and is driven to make Girls in Tech succeed.
Girls in Techのシンガポール支部については、その取り組みによってたった2ヶ月でメンバー数は600を超えるまでに成長した。非営利組織の経営しようとすると2つの課題が持ち上がる。Adrianaは各支部のマネージングディレクターをどうやって動機づけるだろうか?そしてどのよう速いペースで成長するメンバーベースをいかに管理するのだろうか?上の動画インタビューにおいて、Adrianaは手本を示すことによってリードするのだと話している。課題や状況にかかわらず、彼女は一生懸命働き続け、テクノロジー関連スタートアップに対して情熱を傾けることに専心する。彼女はテクノロジー分野の女性たちに自信を与え、エンゲージし、教育することを望んでおり、そしてGirls in Techの成功に向かって突き進んでいる。
Was the move to Singapore worth it? Does Adriana miss her family and her friends?She admits, yes, but communication tools like Skype have helped her to stay connected to her loved ones back home. In Adriana’s words:It is a sacrifice but also an opportunity. I’m learning a lot about doing business in another part of the world, [where] the economy is thriving and people are eager to learn from those of us who have lived in Silicon Valley for many years. I most likely won’t be here forever, but for the time being – I’m living everyday as if it was my last – enjoying what I do, the people who I surround myself with, and focusing on the things that make me smile.
What’s her advice to fellow female entrepreneurs? Take risks.If you would like to find out more about her entrepreneurial journey, challenges faced, and how she overcame them, check out the video above.And for those who are keen to find out more about the HelpLearn.Asia seminar series, check out the website here. There are also early bird discounts for those who register before December 28!This is part of Tech in Asia’s series on female entrepreneurship.
仲間の女性の起業家に対するアドバイスについて尋ねると、リスクをとってください、とのことだった。もし、あなたが彼女の起業家としての旅路、直面した手強い課題、そして彼女がどのようにそれらを克服したのかについて、さらに知りたいと思うならば、上記の動画をチェックしよう。そしてHelpLearn.Asiaのセミナーについて知りたいと熱望している人たちについては、このサイトをチェックしよう。12月28日より前に登録すれば、さらに早期割り引きを受けることができる!この記事は、女性の企業家精神をメインテーマとするTech in Asiaの連載シリーズの一部である。
Since everyone is social, how do you stand out from the rest?It is a no-brainer these days that brands must use social media to strategically communicate and build relations with their customers. However, with everyone using social media, how can your brand stand out from the rest?According to SimplyMeasured.com, there has been a 65% increase in engagement just one month after Facebook introduced timeline for brands. By this, I believe that a strong differentiating factor for your brand is visual content. After all, people love to see and share visual content because it brings an element of entertainment to the learning process, which reflects well on your brand.
One of the successes of Pinterest and Tumblr was its visual element. Not only had it fuelled our obsessions for beautiful photography and sensational design, it has created consumer trends whereby consumers now take more pleasure in visual evocations. In the past, marketers were spreading the message that “content is king” but now, it could possibly be that “visual content is king”.If visual content is not part of your marketing strategy for social media, you could be missing on many of the viral benefits that visual content can create for your brands. Take a look at what these big brands are doing on their Facebook Fan pages and how they are very effectively engaging their fans.
Not every brand can as big as Starbucks or Coca-Cola or has the capacity to allocate huge budgets for social media, but every brand should not belittle the importance of visual content marketing nonetheless. Pictures are a good way to start sharing visually rich content but one still needs to be strategic about how pictures are shared.Because of the location of the “Photos” icon on Facebook, that section is most likely to receive the most clicks.
However, it is believed that the photo albums can best maximize the marketing value of each post.This is because the “Photos” icon links to the “Photo Alubms” section of the page. Therefore, it would be best to maximize the use of Photo Albums to drive traffic and encourage sales. For example, the highly popular Facebook Fan page – Tokyo Otaku Mode releases their pictures in nothing but Photo Album forms.Not only does the page look more neat and vibrant, it increases the user engagement as they scroll through pictures in each album.
しかしながら、アルバム機能こそ各投稿のマーケティング価値を最大にすることができるものだと考えられている。「写真」アイコンは「アルバム」セクションにリンクされているからだ。だからトラフィックを集め、セールス促進をはかるにはアルバム機能を最大限に利用するのがベストだろう。例えば、非常に人気が高いTokyo Otaku ModeのFacebookファンページはアルバムの形以外では写真を投稿していない。そのページがより整理されて、活気に溢れているように見えるだけではなく、各アルバム内の写真をスクロールして見ることにより、ユーザーのエンゲージメントが増すことになる。
However, if the nature of your business does not allow you to generate new and fresh pictures all the time, how can you still engage in visual content marketing?Content heavy websites like news blogs such as Mashable have begun creating informative infographics for their readers to visualize the data.Infographics are graphic visual representations, data or knowledge that are able to represent complex information quickly and clearly. For example, news blog, Mashable was able to communicate the immense data of the Tumblr Statistics with this piece of infographics here.
By conveying the message through an infographic, readers are also able to retain the knowledge for a longer period of time as compared to a large body of text.We live in the Internet Age where we first news on Twitter or Facebook travels faster than traditional media, and where access to any information is but a click away. And because of the wealth and immediacy of information, the speed in which we process it and the manner in which we consume information has fundamentally changed our lives.
Author of The Atlantic, Nicholas Carr talks in his article, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” that we can no longer pay full attention to long pieces of writing and will often get bored after a page or two. Our ability to interpret text, to make rich mental connections to what we read without distractions has become largely disengaged. Therefore, as smart marketers and business developers, we ought to rethink how much value propositions of visual content marketing.
The AtlanticのライターであるNicholas Carr氏は「Googleは我々を愚か者にしようとしているのか?」という記事において、我々はもはや長い文章に細心の注意を払うことができなくなっており、1,2ページ読んだらしばしば退屈してしまうと述べている。すなわち、気を散らすことなくしっかりとテキストと向かい合わなくてもよい、テキストを解釈する能力を我々はあまり使わなくてもよくなったのだ。だからこそ、我々はスマートなマーケターと営業開発者として、ビジュアルコンテンツマーケティングにはどれほどの価値があるかについて再考すべきである。