aaaa (kenny2030) 翻訳実績

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kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

To this end, a bipartisan group of Senators are re-introducing the STEM Jobs Act — which stands for “science, technology, engineering and mathematics” — that aims to reallocate up to 55,000 new green cards to foreign students in U.S. universities who graduate with advanced degrees in these fields. The proposal will also create triggers for further increases depending on market demand, and aims to keep families together by granting visas to eligible family members, as well. “The STEM Jobs Act allows employers to fill their talent needs with foreign graduates of U.S. universities with advanced degrees in STEM so that they can continue creating jobs and growing our economy.”


これを目指して、上院の超党派議員グループがSTEM Jobs Actを再提出している。この法案の名前は「科学(Science)、技術(Technology)、工学(Engineering)、数学(Mathematics)」の頭文字を取って略したものだ。これにより、米国の大学において、これらの分野の学士より上の学位を取得した外国人学生を対象として、新たに最高55,000件のグリーンカードを発効することを目指す。この法案は市場の需要次第でさらなる増加のきっかけともなるだろう。また、家族と一緒に暮らすことができるよう、正式な家族の成員にビザを発給することをも目標としている。「STEM Jobs Actによって、雇用主は、雇用創出と経済成長を継続できるよう、米国の大学を卒業し、STEM分野の学士より上の学位を持つ外国人を雇用することで、人材の必要を満たすことができるようになる。」

kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

Low Salary Drives Young Entrepreneurs

The founders cited the recent ‘22K’ buzzword as reinforcing their view. Well-known among the Taiwanese, 22K refers to the NT$22 000 (US$744) monthly salary a graduate can expect to make after finishing university, a figure lower than it was 14 years ago.

The founders see a silver lining here: for a country that breathes entrepreneurship, there is no longer much of an opportunity cost to forgoing employment for a startup, a notion that is gradually diffusing throughout the society. When considering entry-level employment, “young people are losing their hope. We want to try to restore people’s hope by introducing a choose-yourself option for graduates.”



