Automakers may be jealous of an app that adds connected car technology so easily. Although Audi, Mercedes, Toyota, Ford, and others are increasingly embedding technology into their vehicles, they must put those features through rigorous testing in order to insure it’s safe. This is clearly a work-around that will bring some of those features — though clearly not nearly all the tools that can be found in a $75,000 car — into anyone’s hands.
The devices are expected to eventually sell for $300, but the earliest Indiegogo donors get first crack at the CarVi for $249. When the first tier of devices sell out, the price will rise to $275. The company said it expects to start shipping this August.There are, of course, other apps meant to help drivers be safer. Among them are Mojio, Automatic, and others.
デバイスは最終的には300ドルで販売されると見込まれているが、Indiegogoの最初の投資者には CarVi は優待価格の249ドルで提供し、デバイスが最初に売り切れた時点で価格は275ドルに上がる。同社は今年8月に出荷を開始する予定だと述べた。もちろん他にもドライバーがより安全に運転することを目的としたMojio、 Automaticなどのアプリがある。
Over 2,000 doctors later, patient management app gets $440k funding boostOurHealthMate, a Singapore and India-based startup with an electronic health record (EMR) system for doctors and an online marketplace for medical checkups, has come a long way since it was an incubatee called MyFitnessWallet at startup accelerator JFDI last year.Then, it only had six clinics as customers. Now, the site has over 2,000 doctors and 700 medical centers listed from over 50 cities in India, with an additional 30 hospitals joining each week. This early traction was enough to secure a $440,000 seed round led by Bimal Shah, along with participation from Benjamin Tsai, Ben Ball, and other angel investors.
2000名以上の医師を抱える患者管理アプリが44万ドルの資金提供を受けるシンガポール、インドに本社を置くスタートアップで、医師のための電子健康記録(EMR)システムと健康診断用のオンラインマーケットプレイスを持つOurHealthMateは、昨年のスタートアップ・アクセラレータJFDIではMyFitnessWalletと称するスタートアップの卵だった。当時、会社の顧客は6つのクリニックだけだった。それが今や同社のサイトにはインド国内50以上の都市の2000名以上の医師が加入しており、さらに毎週30の病院が加入している。この早期のトラクションは、Bimal Shah氏が主導し、Benjamin Tsai氏、Ben Ballを始めとするエンジェル投資家によるシードラウンドで44万ドルを確保するのに十分だった。
Not all OurHealthMate users are paying customers. Its EMR system is being used by 46 centers with 12 of them paying. It also earns money through a referral fee from health package bookings, with 100 families having signed up through the website.From Chile to IndiaBefore joining JFDI last year, the startup made it to Startup Chile, an accelerator funded by the Chilean government. Doctors came to them saying there’s a huge market for health monitoring.
OurHealthMateユーザの全てが有料会員であるわけではない。同社の EMR システムは46のセンターで利用されており、そのうち12のセンターが有料だ。また同社は健康パック予約の手数料からも収益を得ており、ウェブサイトには100家族が登録している。中国からインドへ昨年JFDIに参加する前、同スタートアップはチリ国政府によって設立されたアクセラレータStartup Chileに参加した。そこで医師らが彼らのところへ来て、健康管理の巨大市場があることを知らされたのだ。
“So we got doctors to help out by giving namecards to patients. We eventually accumulated a database of 3,000 patients,” says co-founder and CEO Abhinav Krishna, a serial entrepreneur and engineer who has built trading systems for investment banks.The founders, after talking to patients, realized that they are comfortable with sharing their medical details online, and are even willing to pay for a web and mobile fitness tracking app, which they eventually developed along with their enterprise product.However, they decided to pare down on the number of products they’re working on, even though they’ve been testing their fitness app for eight months. Krishna says:
「それで、患者にネームプレートを渡すことによって医師を助けることが出来るようにした結果3000人の患者の方のデータベースを積み上げることができました。」と話すのはCEOの Abhinav Krishna氏だ。同氏はシリアル・アントレプレナーで投資銀行のための取引システムを構築した技術者でもある。ファウンダーらは、患者と話をした後、ネット上で詳細な既往歴を共有することが簡単にできることに気がつき、ウェブやモバイルフィットネス追跡アプリに投資しようと思い立って、会社の商品と共にそれらを開発したのだ。だが、ファウンダーは開発に取り組んでいる商品数を8か月もテストしてきながら削減することを決めた。Krishna氏曰く、
Our focus is more defined now. We started with several half-finished products and we were trying to launch with too many features. Ever since the launch, our product evolved and it keeps evolving with the feedback we get from our clients.OurHealthMate’s other founder is CTO Akash Kumar, a computer engineering professor. Both Krishna and Kumar, originally from India, met at elite Singapore institution Raffles Junior College over a decade ago.JFDI will be holding three runs of its accelerator program this year. It’s now open to applications.Check out the company’s video pitch at JFDI’s demo day:
「弊社の目標は現在では以前よりも明確になっています。数点の半製品をスタートして、あまりにも多くの目玉商品をローンチしようとしました。ローンチ後も製品は向上し、お客様から頂くフィードバックを通して改良を続けています。我がHealthMate社のもう1人の最高技術責任者Akash Kumar氏はコンピューターエンジニアリングの教授です。 Krishna、Kumarの2人ともインド出身ですが、10年前、シンガポールのエリート学校Raffles Junior Collegeで出会いました。」JFDIは今年3回のアクセラレータ・プログラム開催を予定している。現在、申込み募集中だ。JFDIのデモデイのビデオピッチをチェックしてみよう。
How the platform works Anyone can list their startup on Bigcolors, however if a startup wishes to get funding they need to initially go through a due diligence process. This involves interviews with the founders, a know your customer(KYC) background check, understanding the idea, business model and the potential of success of the idea. This process takes about 2 weeks. If the startup is approved for funding and has successfully completed the due diligence process, it can list for funding on Bigcolors. If the startup fails to reach their funding target, there is no charge for startups or investors.
“As part of our due-diligence process, we are very strict about the companies that can list and only companies that have a high chance of success are listed. Bigcolors aims to help the startups succeed by providing a platform for investors and advisors to help in the success of the startup”, adds James Giancotti, Co-Founder of Bigcolors.
「審査過程の一環として、弊社は企業を厳正に審査し、成功の高い見込みのある企業のみを一覧掲載しています。Bigcolorsは企業の成功を支援するために投資家、投資顧問用プラットフォームの提供を通したスタートアップ支援を目標としています。」とはBigcolorsの共同創立者 James Giancottiの言だ。
If a startup listed on Bigcolors successfully reaches its funding target (within the funding period) only then can investors list their stock options on Bigcolors, and if purchased, can cash out. The funding period is eight weeks. Once the funding period has closed, the new company is formed and investors will be owners of the company. Investors are able to sell their stock privately (as with any private company).
How Bigcolors is different from equity based crowd fundingJames Giancotti: Equity based crowd funding is where investors leverage funds and invest directly to finance a startup in exchange for a percentage of the company. Bigcolors is a startup exchange whereby similar to any other exchange, things are bought and sold. That is, they are traded. Bigcolors acts like an exchange where once a startup reaches its funding goal, startup options can be freely traded during a funding period. Liquidity is ONLY available during the trading period. After that time, all trading of that startup stops and the startup is incorporated.
Bigcolorsの株式に基づいたクラウドファンディングとの相違James Giancotti氏談話「株式に基づいたクラウドファンディングでは投資家は資金にてこ入れして直接資金投入し、その見返りとしてその会社の株式の割合を増やします。Bigcolorsも他の会社の為替相場と同様の会社取引を行ないます。言い換えれば、それらは取引されています。会社の資金調達目標がひとたび達成されれば、Bigcolorsは為替のような機能を果たし、会社のオプションを資金調達期間内に自由に取引することが可能です。その取引期間内のみ資金の換金が可能です。取引期間を過ぎると、会社の全ての取引は停止して法人組織化されます。」
Valuation of the startupsEach startup is valued at $500k USD or less. “We feel that $500k for a company which has no revenue nor traction should be the cap”, adds James.Why Hong KongHong Kong has traditionally been one of the best trading hubs in the world, so mixing financing and trading startups was a perfect fit for the city. Hong Kong is also home of some of the largest capital pools in the world which helps fund the startups.
Artists can do more than engineers to push innovation in techSome actors fully immerse themselves in their roles. They become their character for the duration of the shooting by adopting their accents, mannerisms, and personalities. Very rarely do they stay in character beyond the wrap party.And then there’s Ashton Kutcher. After playing Steve Jobs in the biopic of the late Apple founder, the actor was made a product engineer by Chinese technology company Lenovo. Many, including Quartz, dismissed the appointment as little more than a public-relations stunt and cast doubt on his technical capabilities.They shouldn’t.
アーティストは技術者以上に技術革新を推進できる自分の役柄にどっぷりはまる俳優がいる。役柄のアクセントや癖や個性を身に着けることにより撮影中、登場人物になりきるのだ。撮影終了の打ち上げパーティーが終わっても尚、役柄にはまっていることはまずない。だが、Ashton Kutcherの場合は違っていた。Appleの創立者の故Steve Jobsの伝記映画が終わると、俳優Ashton Kutcherは中国のテック企業Lenovoの生産技術者の役職を与えられた。Quartzを含む多くはばかげた宣伝活動に過ぎないとこの役職を辞退し、Ashtonの技術的能力に疑いの目を向けたのだった。
What if we’re not asking the right questions? What if creative people such as Kutcher bring the human-centricity that technology companies are missing? After all, it’s what they live for. What if Kutcher’s knack for success as an investor is not just chance but precisely because of his artistic temperament? It could give him (and Lenovo) the ability to prioritize humans in technology and their needs better than engineers.In 2005, I heard a version of this philosophy that changed my life. “Almost always, the paradigm shifter is someone outside the industry. The 21st century is the outsider’s century,” futurist, author and filmmaker Joel A. Barker declared at a 2005 conference in Istanbul.
もし我々が正しい質問をしていなければどうだろうか。もしKutcherのようなクリエーティヴな人物がテック企業に不足している人間中心主義をもたらしたらどうだろうか。結局、それこそが人の生きがいなのだ。Kutcherの投資家としての成功のコツはチャンスのみならず彼の芸能人としての性向によるものだとすればどうだろうか。芸能活動はKutcher(とLenovo)に技術よりも人間を、技術者よりもニーズを優先する能力を与えたのだろう。2005年、私は自分の人生を変えたこの哲学の説明を聞いた。「必ずと言ってよいほど、パラダイムの転換者は業界外の人間だ。21世紀は部外者の世紀だ。」とは未来派主導者、作家、映画監督のJoel A. Barkerが2005年のイスタンブール会議で言明した言葉だ。
His words helped clinch my decision to turn down admission to an MBA program in Paris and study drama in Istanbul instead. I majored in engineering in undergrad and graduate school, and everyone said an MBA was the next logical step. That, they said, would give me the necessary skills to run a business—not an arts degree.Thankfully, this point of view is being turned on its head.
Ray Kurzweil, founder of Singularity University and vice president of engineering at Google, explained how we can benefit from artists’ and designers’ skills in technology at a talk. “There should be a robust communication between arts, humanities and technology,” he said. “Technology really suffers when they [engineers] don’t really understand human nature.” He talks about “merging those two worlds because ultimately that’s where success would lie.”
Singularity Universityの創設者で Googleの工学担当副社長のRay Kurzweil氏はインタビューの中で、アーティストやデザイナーの能力によりいかに技術面でいかに多くの恩恵を受けるかについて説明してした。「芸術と人間性と技術の間にはしっかりしたコミュニケーションがはかられるべきなのです。」「エンジニアが人間の性質を本当に理解していない時、技術は不完全なものとなります。」彼は「この2つの世界を融合させる」という点について語り「そこにこそ成功が広がっている」のだと述べた。
Over the last two decades, asking about people’s nationality, gender, or ethnic origin has been increasingly regarded as discrimination. Perhaps asking for their education and expertise is, too. As contribution to innovation is changing and advancing, why alienate people who may bring fresh ideas? When pairing artists with technology, instead of doubting their expertise, we should ask whether these celebrities could focus on these projects to learn basics from scratch. Or whether other team members are ready to work with an outsider and be open enough to value basic questions.
This summer, I joined 80 people from 38 countries at Singularity University summer program. We worked on global issues such as health and education and use exponential technologies to tackle these problems, biotechnology among the most popular. However, most of us barely had high school-level biology. Without questioning anybody’s technical skills, biology 101 classes were arranged by biotechnology chair Raymond McCauley. By the end of the program, there were four biotech projects.
今夏、私はSingularity Universityの夏期講座に参加した38か国の80人の中に加わった。私達は健康、教育といった国際的な問題について検討し、このような問題に取り組むための飛躍的テクノロジー、最も人気のある技術の中でもバイオテクノロジーを用いることについて話し合った。だが、参加者のほとんどには高校生程度の生物の知識しかなかった。誰の技術力を疑うこともなく、生物の101の授業は大学でバイオテクノロジー分野で教鞭を取っているRaymond McCauley教授により準備された。そしてこの講座が終了する頃には4つのバイオ技術のプロジェクトが出来ていたのだ。
My fellow participant Katharina Wendelstadt, who has a background in history and work experience in the mobile industry, explains why: “As I am not an expert, I can ask silly or simple questions and actually they may seem so obvious that the scientists in our team had not thought of them, but helped us to refine the product.”
歴史を勉強し、モバイル産業分野で仕事をした経歴をもつ参加者の1人Katharina Wendelstadtはその理由をこう説明する。「私は専門家ではないので、チームの中の科学者が考えつかなかった実際明らかに見える馬鹿げた単純な質問でもすることができましたが、それらの質問は私達が製品改良するののに役立ったのです。」
In the same project, Geoffrey Siwo, a PhD candidate who works on computational modeling of biological systems at Notre Dame, told me what he got out of it: “It allows me to explain the technology with much higher clarity. Non-specialists are forced to think of metaphors for a technical problem at hand. And metaphors are extremely powerful catalysts for finding solutions because they enable you to abstract a complex problem into a form that you can draw into your experiences to solve a problem.”
同プロジェクトで、Notre Dameで生体系システムの計算モデル化に取り組んでいる PhD取得を目指すGeoffrey Siwo氏は、プロジェクトから探り出したことを語ってくれた。「このプロジェクトでこれまでよりずっと明快に技術を説明できるようになりました。非専門家の方々は技術的問題のメタファーを身近なところで考えざることを余儀なくされます。メタファーによって込み入った問題を1つの形式として概念化できるため、自分の経験を問題解決に引き込むことができます。ですからメタファーは解決方法発見のための極めて強力な触媒だと言えます。」
One reason for the gap is the lack of an ubiquitous payment gateway that, unlike PayPal, can thrive in places with low credit card adoption.More than cash shifters, payment gateways reduce the friction of processing payments while providing security for sensitive data.In Southeast Asia, no platform with cross-border mass market appeal exists to service the unbanked and under-banked, who still form the majority of populations in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam (PDF link).But a few companies are trying. Here’s a roundup of 10 payment-related startups in the region that show promise: