If you’re interested in potentially participating, stay tuned: details of the program have not been announced yet.Note: The name “double-hundred” refers to the 100 companies Tencent will pick and the 10 billion user visits it plans to send them. The number 10 billion in Chinese is rendered as 100 100 millions, so although “double-hundred” doesn’t make as much sense in English, it works in Chinese. The name also may have been chosen in part as a reference to a 2000 government plan with the same name that was focused on importing and developing talent from overseas.
Tencent Showcases WeChat-Connected HardwareFour months ago, WeChat released an API (application programming interface) for connected hardware to develop applications running off WeChat public accounts. Recently WeChat decided to accept requests not only from established businesses but also from individual hardware developers. The integration process for these apps takes just two weeks to complete, according to WeChat.WeChat hardware integration allows control over these products through WeChat public accounts and social features, taking advantage of the dominant mobile social service in China.
When WeChat released the API, several activity trackers (such as fitness and health trackers) became WeChat-connected so that users can follow their activity data, or see how well they or their WeChat contacts perform on the ranking chart. At Tencent’s annual partner conference this week, several more WeChat hardware products, in sectors such as healthcare, wearable and TV, were showcased to show what WeChat integration can do and what its potential is. Here are some examples.
Razer NabuGaming hardware and software developer Razer launched fitness wristband Razer Nabu during CES 2014 earlier this year. Later in July it unveiled a WeChat-connected version.Two Razer Nabu users can get connected on WeChat by “high-fiving” each other. When a WeChat message is coming in, Nabu creates an alert.As Razer has a background in creating devices or services for gamers, it has produced gaming-related features for Nabu. Apart from notifications, Razer Nabu users can get virtual reward items by walking or exercising in real life. With the WeChat-integrated Razer Nabu, users can earn virtual rewards for Tian Tian Ku Pao, a popular running game on WeChat.
Razer Nabuゲーム用ハードウェアとソフトウェアの開発を行うRazerは、今年上半期に開催されたCES 2014でフィットネス向けのリストバンド製品のRazer Nabuを発表した。7月にはWeChat連携版を発表した。Razer Nabuのユーザー同士ならば「ハイタッチ」をすることでWeChat上でつながることができる。WeChatのメッセージが到着すると、Nabuが通知してくれる。Razerはゲーマー向けの機器やサービスを製作してきた背景から、Nabuにはゲームに関連した機能が搭載されている。Razer Nabuは、通知だけでなく、実世界での徒歩や運動量に応じてバーチャルなご褒美をゲットできる。WeChat連携によって、WeChat上でプレイできる人気ゲーム、Tian Tian Ku Pao(天天酷跑)のバーチャルなご褒美をもらうことができる。
iHealth Blood Pressure MonitoriHealth Labs’s iOS-connected healthcare gadgets are now being sold on Apple’s online store. iHealth, a Tianjin-based company, was one of the first hardware companies with which WeChat partnered, in order to figure out how to enable communications between hardware and WeChat.iHealth’s activity-tracking wristband was of the first activity trackers WeChat unveiled when announcing the first API. Liu Yi, CEO of the company, introduced another portfolio product, a blood pressure monitor that works with WeChat, at Tencent’s partner conference.
iHealth血圧モニターiHealth Labs社のiOS対応のヘルスケアガジェットは今ではAppleのオンラインストアで販売されている。iHealthは天津に本社を置く企業で、WeChatがハードウェアとWeChatとの連携を模索していた頃、初期段階から協力関係を結んだハードウェア企業の一つである。iHealthのアクティビティトラッキングができるリストバンドは、WeChatが初期バージョンのAPIの公開と同時に発表された。iHealth社CEOのLiu Yi氏は、Tencent社のパートナー向けカンファレンスで新たな主力製品となる血圧モニターを発表した。
TCL TV+TCL claims TV+, a TV model first unveiled in September that can be controlled by a WeChat public account, is the very first of its kind. For the TCL TV+, a WeChat public account has replaced the traditional remote control and has considerably more functions.WeChat friends who are watching the same TV program can group-chat in real-time, with the messages posted through WeChat being shown on the TV screen of everyone in the chat group.
TCL TV+TCL社のTV+は、9月に発表された、テレビとしてはおそらく最初となる、WeChat公式アカウントとの連携が可能なモデルだ。TCLのTV+では、WeChatの公式アカウントが従来のリモコンに取って代わり、さらに多くの機能を備えている。WeChatのフレンドで同じ番組を見ている人はリアルタイムにグループチャットをすることができる。WeChatのメッセージはグループチャットに参加中のフレンド全員のテレビ画面上に表示される。
Chinese users have a lot of fun creating screenshots of all kinds. To simplifiy capturing screenshots of TV programs, TV+’s WeChat public account has added the feature. TCL has also thoughtfully enabled the capture of many screenshots in the 20 seconds before a user clicks on the button, for users to choose from.As WeChat has speech recognition capability, the TV+ can be controlled by voice commands. Other functions include organizing your watchlist.
演題発表に関連し、開示すべきCO I 関係にある企業等はありません
With regards to the theme of the presentation, there are no companies in COI relationship that should be disclosed.
Epilogue: Beyond Alibaba, beyond Amazon, beyond money, beyond humanityNow, where are these two men putting their money? Looking beyond their business philosophies and their businesses, this gives us a visceral idea of what they really care about. When asked at a talk in 2013 what his favorite books were, Bezos said he loves science fiction. And this is especially reflected in his over $500 million of personal investment into a company called Blue Origin. This is one of the biggest investments of his over $5 billion portfolio1.
エピローグ: アリババ、アマゾン、金、人間性の向こうに見えるものそれでは、この2人の男たちは稼いだお金をどこに費やしているのだろうか。彼らのビジネス哲学と手がけているビジネスとを紐解いていくと、この2人の真の関心事が見えてくる。Bezos氏は、2013年のとある対談で好きな本について聞かれると、サイエンスフィクションが大好きだと答えた。これは彼が個人資産から5億米ドルを超える投資を行っているBlue Originという企業と無関係ではないだろう。これは彼の50億米ドルをも超えるポートフォリオ(*1)の中でも最大規模の投資の一つだ。
Blue Origin has worked on research projects in areas like planetary defense and space rockets. It’s part of Bezos’ life long dream to build “space hotels, amusement parks, and colonies for two million or three million people who would be in orbit,” he said. Recent reports indicate that Bezos might be working out so that he can personally go into space too.
Blue Origin社は、惑星防衛や宇宙ロケットといった領域での調査プロジェクトを行ってきている。これは、「将来、周回軌道に乗る2-300万もの人々のためにコロニー、宇宙ホテル、アミューズメントパークを建設したいのです」と語る、Bezos氏が人生をかけて追いかけている夢なのだ。最近のレポートによればBezos氏自身も宇宙に行けるようにトレーニングを行っているかもしれないというのだ。
Ma has teamed up with Jet Li to start a Tai Chi school. Yes, believe it or not, Jack Ma is a Tai Chi Master. If you listen to him talk, you can hear the Taoist and Buddhist influences seep through: “Today is cruel. Tomorrow is crueler. And the day after tomorrow is beautiful.” Ma also meditates every day. In the various talks mentioned above, one of the most common themes is Ma’s interest in personal development and determination. These are no doubt fueled by his personal Tai Chi practice.So at the end of the day, the story of Alibaba versus Amazon is really a story of a Tai Chi master and a wanna-be astronaut.
Ma氏はJet Li氏と組んで太極拳の学校を開設した。そう、信じられないかもしれないが、Jack Maは太極拳のマスターなのだ。「今日はひどい日ですか。明日はもっとひどい日ですか。明後日こそは美しい日なのです」。こんな彼の話からは道教と仏教の影響がにじみ出てくる。Ma氏は瞑想も毎日欠かさない。Maのこれまでの話からは、内面の啓発、そして決意に対するMa氏の強い関心が一貫して窺える。これらは間違いなく彼の太極拳の修練によって支えられているものだ。
1. Bezos’ investment firm, whose website lists the entire portfolio, has made investments spanning from Uber to Business Insider. In the meantime, Ma has recently spent his money on companies like financial software company Hundsun, video content site Wasu Media, and a rather controversial Alipay deal. If you dig deeper, you’ll find that Ma has invested in even more via three entities, Yunfeng Capital, Zhejiang Alibaba E-Commerce Co, and Zhejiang Finance Credit Network Technology. Both of the latter companies don’t have websites, nor much information on them, thus adding to the mystery of investments that Jack Ma has.
1 Bezos氏の投資ファームは、ウェブサイトにポートフォリオの一覧が掲載されおり、それによると、投資先はUberからBusiness Insiderなど多岐に渡っている。これに対しMa氏はフィナンシャルソフトウェアのHundsun(恒生)、ビデオコンテンツサイトのWasu Media、そして物議を醸したアリペイ(Alipay)の買収などに資本を投じてきた。さらに詳しく見ると、Ma氏はYun Feng Capital、Zhejiang Alibaba E-Commerce Co.、そしてZhejiang Finance Credit Network Technologyの3社を通じてさらに大きな投資を行っていることに気づくだろう。3社のうち後に挙げた2社はウェブサイトを公開しておらず、情報もあまり出回っていないため、Jack Ma氏の手がける投資は謎のベールに包まれている。
Ecommerce players would be hard-pressed to find anyone with as much skin in the game globally as SoftBank or Sequoia. Tanuwijaya has chosen his investors wisely. He explained to Tech in Asia that Tokopedia was fortunate enough to have its pick of the crop. But apart from US$100 million in fresh capital, Tokopedia can now ideally position itself to see an Alibaba-like trajectory. That’s something worth talking about, as a behemoth company coming out of Jakarta would lay to rest any claims that the Indonesian market is overhyped.
eコマース業界でソフトバンクやSequoiaほどグローバルにリスクをとった勝負をかけられる企業を探すのは難しいだろう。Tanuwijaya氏は賢明に投資家を選んだのだ。Tanuwijaya氏はTech in Asiaに対して、Tokopediaが投資家を選ぶことができたのは幸運なことであったと語った。だが、1億米ドルの増資を除けば、Tokopediaは今Alibabaのような軌跡に乗る理想的なポジションにあるということを強調しておきたい。ジャカルタ発の巨獣のような企業がインドネシア市場は見掛け倒しだという風評を蹴散らすことになるのだろうか。
The key ingredient in this new equation for Tokopedia is that both SoftBank and Sequoia Capital were early investors in Alibaba. Tanuwijaya, who has publicly voiced his admiration for Jack Ma, says, “SoftBank’s close partnership with Alibaba and their experience with building the world’s most highly valued marketplace will be invaluable for Tokopedia.”
Tokopediaのこの新たな方程式のミソはソフトバンクとSequoiaがともにAlibabaの起業当初から投資していたことだ。公式にもJack Ma氏を賞賛するTanuwijaya氏はこう語った。「ソフトバンクのAlibabaとの緊密な関係と、世界で最も高い評価を受けるeコマース市場を構築した経験はTokopediaにとって計り知れないものになるでしょう」。
Tokopedia will start to think globallyIndonesia is the fourth most populated country in the world with more than 250 million people and an internet penetration of roughly 20 percent. The archipelago’s ecommerce sales stand at an estimated US$1-3 billion per year at present, according to The Financial Times, which also projects the country to reach US$10 billion in online spending by the end of 2015 (although this projection was made before Tokopedia’s annoucement). It claims Indonesia’s ecommerce market is fast becoming one of Asia’s most attractive destinations for investors. The data is pretty interesting, but let’s take a moment to compare Indonesia’s local market to those in China and India.
China’s has an internet penetration rate of nearly 47 percent amongst its huge populace. China’s ecommerce spending is projected to hit US$360 billion by 2015, and that’s just on sites like Alibaba’s Tmall and Amazon. Come 2020, KPMG expects China’s local ecommerce market to be larger than those of the US, Britain, Japan, Germany, and France combined.
While Indonesia’s local market is sizable, Tokopedia will need to create a global strategy to penetrate markets other than just its own if it hopes to join the ranks of Alibaba or Amazon. Having India-based Sequoia Capital and Japan-based SoftBank as partners is a strategic leg up for Tokopedia, as the firm will surely need help to enter fresh territories and navigate regulations in neighboring countries.
インドネシアの国内市場はそれだけでも相当な規模だが、TokopediaがAlibabaやAmazonと張り合うためには、グローバルな戦略を持ち、国内外に浸透させていかなければならない。インドのSequoia Capitalと日本のソフトバンクとの提携により、新たな市場い展開する際に障壁となる各国の規制への対応において支援を受けることができ、戦略的な優位性をもたらすだろう。
Seqouia and SoftBank come with priceless strategic valueThis Tokopedia backing was Sequoia’s debut investment in Indonesia.In a statement, Shailendra Singh, managing director of Sequoia in India, mentioned his enthusiasm for the partnership and his excitement for Sequoia’s entrance into Indonesia. Sequoia is renowned for its relationships and involvement with some of the world’s highest profile entrepreneurs including Steve Jobs, nearly everyone in the “PayPal Mafia,” Google’s Larry Page, and David Filo and Jerry Yang of Yahoo. The list goes on.
Sequoiaとソフトバンクがもたらす戦略的価値SequoiaにとってTokopediaへの援助がインドネシア市場での初の投資となった。インドSequoiaのマネージングディレクターを務めるShailendra Singh氏は、声明の中で提携への熱意とSequoiaのインドネシア市場への参入への期待感を語った。Sequoiaは、Steve Jobs氏、PayPal創業者のほぼ全員、GoogleのLarry Page氏、YahooのDavid Filo氏とJerry Yang氏をはじめ、数多くの世界有数の起業家たちとの緊密な関係を高く評価されている。