Koko (kbbohannon) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
ビジネス 食べ物・レシピ・メニュー 旅行・観光 文化 マニュアル
kbbohannon 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

通常この商品を発送する際は、受け取りサインの必要のないSAL便で発送するのですが、ホリデーシーズンに限り早くお届けできるよう書留便にて発送します。(ホリデーシーズンは貨物量が大変多くなるためSAL便扱いの荷物は処理が後回しになりお届けが大変遅れます) この時期は通常の発送方法(SAL便)で送るとお届けまで1ヶ月程かかることが多いためです。サインの必要な書留便は、不在がちのお客様には大変ご不便をおかけしますが、何卒ご理解いただけますようお願いいたします。



Shipping method:
Normally, when we ship this item, we use the SAL that does not require recipient's signature. However, only during the holiday season, we ship via registered mail so that it can get to the destination sooner. (SAL package will be pushed back during the holidays since volume of packages increase and that causes a lot of delay for delivery.) Some times during this season, it can take about a month for our normal method (SAL). It will cause trouble for those who are not at home a lot when a package requires a signature. However, we'd appreciate your understanding.

I am sorry to cause trouble but please contact the nearest post office. (If they do not receive a re-delivery request, it will be sent back to Japan.)

kbbohannon 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Thank you for making payment for shipping on 19.12.19 however following a new security measure if payment has been made from a PayPal email address that is different to the one registered with us we are emailing the payees PayPal email address to ask them to verify that they have made the payment. Therefore your shipment is currently on hold at forward2me.

Please could you check your PayPal email inbox to locate our email and select the Yes button to confirm that you have initiated the payment so the transaction can be approved?

If we don't hear from you within 24 hours, we will presume that you haven't intiated this payment and will arrange to refund the payment.

I hope to receive the approval soon






kbbohannon 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Thank you for your e-mail of 9 October regarding your ATM card.

As our e-mail service is for enquiry only, we are unable to accept any banking instructions sent via e-mail. Therefore, may I suggest you to reinstate your ATM card through the steps provided in previous e-mail.

Besides, please use your existing ATM card Personal Identification Number (PIN) to activate the card by performing a balance enquiry via ATMs of UnionPay network within three calendar days. Please disregard the previous e-mail on 5 October and subject to this e-mail, I am sorry any confusion you may cause.

If you have any other questions, please call our Personal Banking Hotline on [111] 2222 3333.





質問等ございましたら個人銀行業務担当ホットライン 111 2222 3333までご連絡ください。