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How long have you been in operation?What related products do you sell?What are your plans for exposing Hemi-SyncR products to your market? For example, do you intend to advertise, to offer presentations or workshops? The information will help us know how best to support you.__Please consider referring Hemi-SyncR customers to me. I can guarantee a quick response to newinquirers._I wish to receive walk-in customers._I wish to receive phone/e-mail customer referrals._I do not wish to receive referrals.What would you like from us to help you market our product successfully?
In this world where she always had a passion for jewelery making, she brings a pile of bracelet charms/trinkets, pearls/beads with which once she made her own jewelery.She will meet later on Pierre a boy jeweler with whom she will share her passion.Then everything connects, she invests a part of her savings in order to help him realize one of his valuable and advanced ideas which she will sell back to her relatives. A first success made him decide to quit his job and to devote himself fully to being a jeweler. She then offers his creations in craft markets across the region. She will take part in a contest organised by the Chamber of Trade, She wins first place which allows her to show her work.
She collects medals and other objects which she brings back with her from her numerous voyages, her journeys and that she throws shovel mixed with her own jewels psycadelic of the period. This is the man which Paule treasures from an early age his first jewelery impression . She was inspired lately to realise the creations which are a mixture of fantasy and religious trinkets. Then Paule moved to Nice where she will live a sweet and happy youth. She wants to get into jewelery and she never considered long studies but her parents preferred to point her towards tourism. Also having her BTS, she works as a banker's agent due to the fact that she will find it easier to satisfy her thirst for travel .
At the beginning of her career she is picked up right away and is given the opportunity to go to Paris as a designer, however she prefers her life in Nice and accepts a more modest situation; "Le Blue," which takes off with her help and which she will develop as she redeems the name in 2005. Since then, Paule draws successfully and creates collections unconstrained by general or romantic ideas, she is inspired by what surrounds her and has recently created a collection of engravings of old musical standards she grew up with. As she puts it, she loves to make simple things that reflect her character. Guided by her own desires, she draws what she loves.
ポールの最初の経歴は、デザイナーに選ばれてパリへ行く機会を与えられましたが、ニースでの生活を好み、よりつつましく過ごすことを受け入れたことから始まります。「Le Blue」はポールの助けで立ち上げられ、過去の名声を取り戻せるように、2005年、彼女が発展させていこうとしています。その時から、ポールは成功を続け、包括的でロマンティックなアイデアで自由なコレクションを作り上げています。ポールは周りの物に鼓舞され、成長するときに見ていた古典的なミュージカルの彫刻コレクションを最近作製しました。ポールがそう言ったように、彼女は自分の個性を反映するシンプルなものを作るのが大好きです。自分のやりたいことに導かれて、愛しているものを引きつけています。
Paule was born in France in 1969 to be precise in Marseille where she grew up in the midst of a close family, and typically charged with accent and colour. A solid foundation which will later influence her everlasting zest for life. These are the grandmothers of Paule whose innate creative sense were born when they were really young. The first one was very passionate and fond of the theatre, she lived in arts leading her little girl in all kinds of exhibitions and unusual places which will give Paule her sense of observation, arouse her curiosity and develop her taste for fine things.The second one was very fond of hand work she would make all sorts of objects useful, trivial, as well as very religious ones.
With so much beauty in front of him, he decides to settle down and enrolls at the university of Albuquerque where he studies jewelery from a different perspective, ranging from obsolete to high tech methods. Back in France, he remains inspired by this experience which henceforth guides all of his work as much as the Renaissance and Middle Ages influences. His style is born. Since then, the enlightened Pascale continues to draw successfully, and now without any boundaries, general and romantic lines. Paul, in answering the high demand for men's jewelery and having a lot of unexploited ideas, decides, at the same time, to set up his own business.
please don't forget to send me your date and time of departure, and flight number... thanks.
Earnings from the insurance and pension-connected businesses of BBD totaled 721mn reais in 3Q10, as premiums and investment income growth made up for a higher combined ratio. Premiums from insurance, private pension contributions and income from savings bonds sales totaled 7.70bn reais in the quarter for expansion of 7.5% from 2Q10 and 15.1% from 3Q09. Management left guidance for the year at 16-20% premium growth. "While the combined ratio deteriorated to 85.3% from 84.7% in 2Q10, it was offset by strong premium growth and better investment income," Mario said, pointing to stable earnings from this side of the business, which had 701mn reais in earnings in 2Q10.
Of the 80% of millionaires that personally involved in their investment portfolios, 20% delegate most or all of their investment decisions to their financial advisor and 70% trust their financial advisor to help them grow their investments, the survey found.About 71% say they take advice from others on investments, but then follow their own instincts, the survey said.In addition, 92% of investors have stayed in the stock market “despite the recession, a fragile recovery and continued market volatility,” said Mark Jordahl, president of U.S. Bank Wealth Management Group, in a statement.
“They haven’t overreacted,” he added. “They’ve maintained a balanced approach to risk and its potential rewards, and while they are guardedly optimistic about the U.S. economy for 2011 and achieving their short-term investment goals, they say they are confident about achieving their long-term investment goals over the next six to ten years.”Exactly 47% said their investment risk tolerance has not changed during the last three years, according to the survey.In the last three years, 47% made no change in their allocation to equities, 47% made no change in their allocation to cash and 42% made no change in their allocation to fixed income, the survey showed.
LNL signed an agreement to sell 100% of the common stock of UILIC to PLife for $186 million plus adjusted statutory capital and surplus as of the closing date after certain preclosing distributions from UILIC to LNL. Had the transaction closed on September 30, the purchase price would have been $344 million based on adjusted statutory capital and surplus of $158 million after preclosing distributions of approximately $327 million. These distributions primarily include $188 million of Torchmark preferred stock and $132 million of fixed maturities. The sale is expected to provide approximately $250 to $320 million of additional free cash flow to the parent company in 2011.
Brazilian insurance premiums and private pension contributions expanded 16.0% in the nine months to end-September to 63.6bn reais (US$37.6bn), as the group private pension VGBL product and extended warranty continued to show the strongest growth among high volume lines. In just September, premium and contribution volume was 7.72bn reais for a 1.9% decline from August, but a 12.7% increase from September 2009, according to the latest data from regulator Susep. While individual VGBL, which is for taxpayers using standard deductions, grew 20% to 23.2bn reais in the first nine months of 2010, group VGBL was up 33.3% to 1.38bn reais.
The Sixteen Decisions help give meaning and purpose to the lives of our Grameen members. They make Grameen a closer part of the borrowers' lives than it would otherwise be. The Sixteen Decisions are as follows: 1.We shall follow and advance the four principles of the Grameen Bank - discipline, unity, courage and hard word - in all walks of our lives. 2. Prosperity we shall bring to our families. 3. We shall not live in a dilapidated house. We shall repair our houses and work towards constructing new houses at the earliest opportunity. 4. We shall grow vegetables all the year round. We shall eat plenty of them and sell the surplus. 5. During the plantation seasons, we shall plant as many seedlings as possible.
この16の決定事項は、私たちグラミーンメンバーの生活に意義と目的を与えることを支援します。それらの事項は、その他のものよりもグラミーンを借り手の生活をより身近なものにしていきます。その16の決定事項は以下のとおりです。1. 訓練、統一性、勇気および難解な語など、生活のあらゆる場面で、グラミーン銀行の4つの法則に従い進めるものとします。2. 私たちは繁栄を家族にもたらします。3. 私たちは荒れ果てた家で暮らしません。私たちは家を修理し最も初期の段階で家を新築することに向けて働きます。4. 私たちは一年中野菜を育てます。私たちはたくさんの野菜を食べて、余りを売るものとします。5. プランテーションの季節に、私たちはできるだけ多くの苗木を植えます。
6. We shall plan to keep our families small. We shall minimize our expenditures. We shall look after our health. 7. We shall educate our children and ensure that we can earn to pay for their education. 8. We shall always keep our children and the environment clean. 9. We shall build and use pit-latrines. 10. We shall drink water from tubewells. If it is not available, we shall boil water or use alum to purify it. 11. We shall not take any dowry in our son's weddings, neither shall we give any dowry in our daughter's wedding. We shall keep the centre free from the curse of dowry. We shall not practice child marriage.
6. 私たちは、世帯を小さいままにしておくこととします。私たちは、消費を最小化します。6. 私たちは、世帯を小さいままにしておくこととします。消費を最小化します。健康に注意します。7. 私たちは、子どもたちを教育し、教育費を支払うために収入が得られることを確実にします。8. 私たちは、常に子どもたちと環境をきれいにしておきます。9. 私たちは、トイレを建て使用するものとします。10. 私たちは、管井戸からの水を飲みます。それが利用可能でない場合、私たちは水を沸騰させるか、それを浄化するためにミョウバンを使用するものとします。11. 私たちは、息子の結婚で婚姻持参金をとりません。また、娘の結婚でもいかなる婚姻持参金も与えないものとします。私たちは、婚姻持参金の呪縛から逃れ、持たないものとします。子どもの結婚にも同様に持たないものとします。
12. We shall not commit any injustice, and we will oppose anyone who tries to do so. 13. We shall collectively undertake larger investments for higher incomes. 14. We shall always be ready help each other. If anyone is in difficulty, we shall all help him or her. 15. If we come to know of any breach of discipline in any centre, we shall all go there and help restore discipline. 16. We shall introduce physical exercises in all our centres. We shall take part in all social activities collectively.
12. 私たちは、不正をしません。また、そうしようとする人には誰にでも反対します。13. 私たちは、総体としてより高い所得のためにより大型投資を試みます。14. 私たちは、常に互いに助け合うようにします。誰かが困っていれば、私たちはみんな彼または彼女を助けます。15. どの組織の中心においても規律の違反があることを知れば、私たちはそこに行き、規律の回復を支援するものとします。16. 私たちは、すべての中心に体操を導入します。私たちは、すべての社会活動に集団的に参加します。
Do you have any preference for hotel? Mabul or Kapalai? If not, I will go ahead and pay for Mabul...Here's the new flight schedule.
The last buyer decided not to buy the apartment because the price is too high for him.There is one more interested buyer so I will still need you to sign the form I am going to send to you. It will help to smooth the process of selling when he is ok with the price.I will call you in a few days time to check if you receive the form.Thank you very much.
You can not provide the same service of this product by yourself without our permission. You must not and will not try to offer any services to TRA’s clients directly.
・For each founder, please list: YC username; name; age; year of graduation, school, degree and subject for each degree; email address; personal url, facebook id, twitter id; employer and title (if any). Put unfinished degrees in parens. List the main contact first. Separate founders with blank lines. Put an asterisk before the name of anyone not able to move to the Bay Area. ・Please tell us about the time you most successfully hacked some (non-computer) system to your advantage. ・What do you understand about your business that other companies in it just don't get?
・発起人各位、次のリストに記入してください:YCユーザー名;名前;年齢;卒業年度、学校、学位とその学科;電子メールアドレス;個人のURL、Facebook ID、twitter ID;雇用者および役職(あるならば)。カッコ内に修了していない学科を記入してください。最初に主な連絡先を記入してください。空白行で発起人を分けてください。ベイエリアへ移動することができない方のお名前の前にアスタリスクを付けてください。・あなたの長所として、うまくシステム(コンピュータではない)に侵入する時間を教えてください。・他の企業がその分野でやっていない仕事について何か知っていますか。