<Customers who purchased the ticked at Kyodo Tokyo>(1) The customer who made payment at Seven Eleven, and received the ticked there:Bring the ticket as is when you were ticketed to Seven Eleven which you purchased the ticket. Then the arrangement of refund is available.(Please note that the due date for refunding at Seven Eleven is May 31st(Tue) 23:59.)The amount of the refund is the payment for the ticked and the commission fee you already paid (105 yen per a ticked) only.
システム利用料¥350は、セブン-イレブンでの返金は対応いたしかねますので、ご希望のお客様は②の簡易書留での返金対応をご利用下さい。また、発券店舗へのお持ち込みが難しいお客様は、②の簡易書留での返金対応をご利用下さい。 ②クレジットカードにてお支払い・コンビニエンスストアにて発券されたお客様、発送にてチケットを受け取られたお客様:お手持ちの公演チケットを簡易書留にてお送り下さい。後日現金書留にてご返金致します。
As for system usage fee, 350 yen, Seven Eleven cannot address to refund it. So please use (2) cash registration if you need.Also, the customer who cannot bring the ticket to the shop where you were ticketed, please use (2) cash registration as well.(2) The customer who made payment by a credit card, who were ticketed at convenience store, who received the ticked by postal mail:Please send the show ticket you have to us by simple registered mail, We will make a refund by cash registration later.
ご返金金額は、チケット代金とお支払い済みの手数料(システム利用料¥350)、チケット返送時の郵送代の実費とさせて頂きます(上限¥450 とさせて頂きます)。手数料の返金はご購入者からチケットを返送された場合に限ります。※同封頂くもの:チケット、購入者の氏名・住所・電話番号を記したメモ現金書留は申込時のご住所にお送り致しますが、返金先の住所がお申し込み時より変更になる場合には返送時にメモにてお知らせ下さい。
The amount of refund is the payment of the ticket and the commission fee you already paid(system usage charge, 350 yen) andthe actual postal fee you spent in sending the ticket back(Up to 450 yen)We limit the refund for commission fee to the case the buyer send us the ticket directly.※ Ticket and the memo containing the name, address and phone number of the customer should be enclosed.We will send the money by cash registration to your address which you used when you applied, but please let us know if the destination address is different, by annotating so in the memo.
<締切> 5月31日(火)消印有効<チケット送付先> 〒107-0062東京都港区南青山5-2-1 NBFアライアンス4F (株)キョードー東京チケットセンター「倖田來未返金」係 お客様に返金が到着するまでチケット到着から一ヶ月程度を要する予定です。払い戻し期間を過ぎての対応は致しかねますのでご了承下さい。 お問い合わせ0570-550-799(平日11:00~18:00/土日祝10:00~18:00)
<Due Date>May 31st.(Tue), Letter stamp on the day is eligible.<Destination Address to Send Your Ticket>5-2-1, Minami Aoyama, Minato Ku, TokyoNBF Alliance 4th floor107-0062Kyodo Tokyo Ticket Center Co, Ltd., "KUMI MODA Refunding"It will take about one month for you to receive the refund since we receive the ticket.Please note we cannot address the request after due date.Contact0570-550-799(Week Days 11:00~18:00/Saturday, Sunday and Holiday 10:00~18:00)
チケットをお買い求めいただいた皆様、公演を楽しみにされていたファンの皆様、ならびに関係者各位に多大なるご迷惑をおかけいたしましたことをお詫びいたしますとともに、今後も倖田來未の応援を何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。 2016年4月20日倖田來未スタッフ一同
We apologize the people who bought tickets, the fans who were looking forward to the show and all of concerned people for having bothered a lot of trouble, and we would like to ask your continuous support of KUMI KODA after now, as well.April 20th, 2016.All of staff members of KUMI KODA.
【振り替え公演日程】 ・2016年3月30日(水) ⇒ 2016年8月30日(火)市原市市民会館 開場18:00 開演19:00・2016年3月31日(木) ⇒ 2016年8月31日(水)市原市市民会館 開場17:30 開演18:30 ※振替日が決定した公演につきまして、日程は変更となりましたが、会場に変更はございません。
[Replacement Show Date]- March 30th(Thu), 2016 => August 30th(Tue), 2016, Ichihara City Citizen Hall, Hall open at 18:00, show begins at 19:00- March 31st(Fri), 2016 => August 31st(Wed), 2016, Ichihara City Citizen Hall, Hall open at 17:30, show begins at 18:30※ Regarding the shows whose date has been fixed, the date was changed, but the place remains the same.
延期された公演のチケットをお手元にお持ちのお客様で、振り替え公演の来場をご希望の方は、お持ちのチケットにてそのままの座席番号で振り替え公演にご入場いただけます。ファンクラブ、各お問い合わせ窓口への事前連絡の必要はございませんので、振り替え公演まで、大切に保管して下さい。 また、振り替え公演に来場いただけず、払い戻しをご希望されるお客様につきましては下記をご確認下さい。 チケットの払い戻しは、購入されたプレイガイドの手順に従って手続きを行なってください。
The customer who have the ticket of postponed show and would like to come to the alternative show, can come to the alternative show with the same ticket and the same your seat number is available. You do not need to contact the fan club or contact support center in advance. Just to keep your ticket securely till the alternative show date.And, if you cannot come to alternative show and want us to make a refund, please check below.Regarding the refund for the ticket, please make your procedure following the instruction of the play guide where you purchased the ticket.
Can you please advise if you will arrange your shipping account again for this order?
アイフルホーム新CM「高性能篇」に倖田來未の楽曲を起用!アイフルホーム新CM「高性能篇」に倖田來未の新曲「Promise you」が起用されることとなりました。4月21日(木)より放映開始、先行して本日より「アイフルホーム」公式サイトにおいてTVCMが公開となります!CMの世界観を基に書き下ろした新曲「Promise you」、是非チェックしてみてくださいね! ■「アイフルホーム」公式サイトhttp://www.eyefulhome.jp/event/tvcm/
KUMI KODA's song has been picked up for a new CM of Eyeful Home, "High performance" edition!It has been decided that KUMI KODA's song is used for a new CM of Eyeful Home, "High performance" edition.From April 21st, the CM starts to be broadcasted. Before that, TVCM is launched today on Eyeful Home official site in advance.The song is KUMI KODA's new song, "Promise you", which she wrote based on the vision of the world of the CM. Please check it!■ Eyeful Home official sitehttp://www.eyefulhome.jp/event/tvcm/
We understood. We will pay 1,500 dollars at first.We have completed wire transfer to the bank today. Please refer to the certificate of money transfer attached.We have one question. Would it be possible for you to put PSE mark only on the items for Japan?
Hi, I will be in Tokyo in a few days, could I buy it in person and then you wouldn't have to pay the eBay fee?Hi there! Have you got any news about the focusing rail? In case you cannot find the rail, would you prefer to just have the bag shipped back and refund the money? As you wish. Just let me know. Best regards. Please make sure the serial number matches the one in the picture this time.
こんにちは。私は数日間東京に滞在する予定です。そのとき私が個人的にあなたから商品を購入すれば、あなたはeBayの手数料を払わなくて済みますか?こんにちは! なにかレールに関する新しい知らせをお持ちですか? もしレールが見つからない場合、発送したバッグについては返品して、私からの返金を希望なさいますか?あなたのご希望どおりにいたします。ご希望をお知らせください。よろしくお願いいたします。今回は、製造番号が写真に示されているものと合致することをきちんと確認してください。
When the staff member is not present at the reception, please return the bicycle key into this box.The bicycle for you is in just the side of this lodge.The bicycle is placed in a little far place, so the staff in the outside will explain about the place to you.Please go through along the path between the small shrine and barber in front of us.You can see the power pole and the parasol ahead of them.As the picture shows, there is a warehouse storing bicycles further ahead.The keys are attached with the bicycles, so please use your favorite one among them.
The hair wax is getting popular in Japan. There are various kind of wax, so I am sorry if the wax does not work for your hair.In this instruction document, the hair wax does not firm up, does not become clammy, but it set up the hair style. The capability to set up hair is 80%, and the gloss is the rest 20%. How to use the wax is the same as how you use it now, I think.Please put your important shirt into the net and wash it by a washer. I believe you can see how to use it because you saw I was using. Please do not use the dryer. Dry the clothes by hanging it by a hanger.I hope you like it.
The item consists of the lens body, front and rear cap, with a hood.There are no other accessories with it.The appearance of the body is cosmetically fine. No outstanding worn part or scratches.There is a little scratch which was made during its use, but it is not outstanding.Regarding the dust inside of the lens, yes, there is some.The inside of the lens is clean, but there is some edge peeling off inside wall of the lens.AF function is perfectly works.Helicoid and Aperture diaphragm are also fine,The appearance is totally very beautiful.The hood has some worn part.
Thank you for your inquiry.I am sorry that my explanation was hard to understand.Regarding this item. three buttons out of four in the stem of the strap are lost or broken.There is a small bite in the handle, but no major breakage.Also, I have updated the picture of the serial, so please refer to it.I attached the picture.Please confirm it.
Every year before Christmas open a Christmaspost office with stamps and cancellations. What is important and interesting by these covers is theaddress of destination. They are currently addresses but also destinations who are very rare suchis Japan.So My question is : Will it be possible I send you in december 3-4 covers from this post office.When you receive the covers you have nothing to do. Just make them in an enveloppe and return to me.You can not imagine how rare will be these covers for my collection. They will be the first cover I can send to Japan.I know Christmas is still far away, but time passes quickly and I would begin to prepar the coversearly enough.
毎年、クリスマスの前に、クリスマス用の切手と消印を扱うクリスマス限定郵便局が設置されます。ここで取り扱われた使用済み封筒のうち、重要で、かつ、興味深いのは、宛先の住所です。現在、実際に使用されている住所なのですが日本では大変珍しい宛先でもあります。そこで私は質問があります。: 私は12月にそれらの郵便局から3~4通の封書をあなたに送ることができますか?ただ単にその封書を受け取って頂くだけでいいんです。その消印のある封筒だけを私に送り返していただけますでしょうか?それらの消印のある封筒がどんなに珍しく、私が収集したいと思っているものであるか、あなたにはご想像がつかないかもしれません。それらは私が初めて日本に送付する消印のある封筒となります。クリスマスはまだまだ先のことと承知しておりますが、光陰矢の如し、時はあっという間に過ぎていきます。そこで私は十分に早い時期から用意を進めたいのです。
I could enjoy very happy time and felt enriched by excellent musicians' stay. You are the person that I would like to highly recommend to everybody because you are polite and you used the room very clean and smartly.He is a great host. The room is wide and clean, and everything you need is equipped in the room. He immediately provided support whenever we needed help. One thing I regret is that we could not visit the ice cream shop which he operates because we could not have enough time. I really highly recommend him to everybody.
WINGERのレブ・ビーチがファーストアルバム後に使用したオリジナルモデルで日本のみ100本限定で発売。26年経過しているとは思えないコンディションです。WRB-3全てに見られることですが、トップクリアコートが黄色くなっており、ボディが少し黄色く見えます。 スタッドはより精度の高いFloyd Roseのものに変えられています。PUセレクターのパーツも新しいものに変えられています。状態の良いWRB-3はなかなか市場に出てきません。この機会にいかがでしょうか?
This is the original model which Reb Beach of WINGER used after their first album. 100 pieces were only sold in Japan.It is very good condition that you cannot believe 26 years have passed since it is produced.The top clear coat turned yellow, so that the body looks a little yellowish, which is often seen in WRB-3 in general.The stud is replaced with the one of Floyd Rose which is more accurate.The parts of PU selector has been replaced with new ones.We seldom see WRB-3 in good condition in the market.Why don't you grab this WRB-3 in this opportunity?
1We considered the release of Z, but we concluded that it is difficult for us to press CD because my label has released albums of pretty pop bands, and the genre which Z belongs to is different.So, we would like to focus on releasing X and promoting X for now.I am sorry for not providing good answer, but we appreciate your understanding.But, in case Z has CD to sell, we can sell the CD in the shops of my label, Please let me know if you want us to do so.2As A is now traveling on tour with the band, please wait a little more.
エントランスウォールのサインにあるA happy as Larryには、別々だった人々が集って幸福になるという意味があります。更に最高にハッピーな様子を表わす言葉でもあります。どうか、皆さんのお力で、ラリーズハウスを幸福な家にして下さい。A happy as Larry LLCのCEOの太田祐規子です。女子専用アパートメント プロムナードヒルのオーナーでもあります。高台にある可愛いアパートと幸せな暮らしが出来るシェアハウスを目指しています。
The words "A happy as Larry" in the signboard at the entrance wall mean that the people from different places come together and become happy. And, the words represent that they are happier than ever. So, please make Larry's House a happy share house by all of your contribution.I am Yukiko Ota, who is the CEO of A happy as Larry LLC.I am also the owner of exclusive ladies apartment, Promenade Hill. We wish to make the share house that you can live happily in the cute apartment house located on a hill.