Problem is after the US exchange rate and adding on the import duty/tax I could get a similar guitar for cheaper in Australia. So if didn't like the guitar for what ever reason I wouldn't be able to sell it for what I paid for it.Are you prices negotiable at all?Maybe you could do me a good price on the two guitars together?please let me knowmany thanksDaz
Italian cuisine restaurant for adults.The term means "the Inland Sea" in Italian.We are the Italian restaurant which we started with the wish that we would like to create new "food culture" based on the understanding of the "food" in the Inland Sea.We overlap the Inland Sea on the Mediterranean Sea, and this island on Sicilia Island, and we offer health South Italian food with full of seasonal cooking ingredient grown in the Inland Sea and Shikoku district.Please enjoy Island style of Italian cuisine as much as possible.You need reservations in on day advance.Italian breakfastThe Inland Sea break fast We accept menu based on your request, starting 3,000 yen per a person, depending on your budget.
I already have one, but it would take a little while for me to get the additional pieces because I was told that it would take a little more from the supplier who had expected to keep the additional items. Originally it was expected for me to get the items in three days.As it seems that I may have you waiting so long, I am sending one piece at first, and I will send another one after I receive it with me.Thank you in advance.
We'll refund up to $15.00 in return shipping costs once we receive the item.Printer required – print the label at any time from Your Orders. We’ll also e-mail it to you. We'll refund up to $15.00 in return shipping costs once we receive the item.
Please send the copy of B/L to me immediately.Right after I check the B/L, I will send the rest of the money to you.But, the service of sending money overseas by Japanese bank is available till 2 0'clock, so the process will be completed next morning.I will calculate the amount of the rest of the money from now.
I appreciate you talked with my friend on the phone.I will send you the contact information and address of the warehouse agent (Japanese company) later.Currently I myself am investigating tax system in California State.I would like to make Mr.J rest assured as for the transaction.Not to mention, as I am non-resident person in US, so I would like Mr.J to confirm finally.Please wait till I send you an email next time by the end of this week.
(1) We accepted your booking at requested time. Please confirm following details. And how many members in your party?Also, you have not specified the plan yet, so please select either of below.In case it rains, we cancel the cruising. So, if the weather forecast tells that it would rain next day, then we will let you know about the cancel of the cruise.(2) The minimum order is for 4 members. so, even if your party is less than that, you will be charged the fee for 4 members.
振り替え公演 市原市市民会館キョードー東京0570-550-799
Alternative ShowIchihara City Citizen HallKyodo Tokyo0570-550-799
6/1(水)~ 「え~パンダ てるてるマスコット」新星堂にてクレーンゲーム展開決定!6/1(水)~ 「え~パンダ てるてるマスコット」新星堂にてクレーンゲーム展開決定! 6/8(水)リリースAAA「NEW」 を記念して、 全国の新星堂対象店舗にて「え~パンダ てるてるマスコット」限定カラーを景品としたクレーンゲームの設置が決定しました!
June 1st.(Wed) - "AAA Panda Teruteru Mascot" Crane game is launched in ShinSeido!June 1st.(Wed) - "AAA Panda Teruteru Mascot" Crane game is launched in ShinSeido!June 8th(Wed) Release In commemoration of AAA "NEW" decided to equip the crane game at designated shops of Shinseido all over Japan, whose give away is limited color of "AAA Panda Teruteru Mascot".
え~パンダが新星堂カラーに!新星堂対象店舗でしか手に入らないマスコットです♪ 設置日:6/1(水)~※諸事情により、設置日時が異なる場合がございます。予めご了承ください。 1play:¥1003play:¥200 さらに!クレーンゲーム設置店舗にて「NEW」をご予約いただいた方には無料で1play遊べます☆ 【注意事項】・予約時にCD代金を先払いいただく形となります。・既に予約済みのお客様に関しましては、商品お渡し時に1play無料でご利用いただけます。
AAA Panda colored with Shinseido color!You can only get the mascot at Shinseido exclusively.The date for equippement: June 1st.(Wed)※ Please note in advance that the date might be changed due to various circumstances.1play: 100 yen3play: 200 yenAlso!If you re-order "NEW" at the shop with the crane game, you can play one game for free ☆[Cautions]- You need to pay the amount of money for CD in advance when you make pre-order.- Regarding the customers who have made pre-order, they can play the crane game 1 play for free when they receive the CD.
・国分寺駅ビル店営業時間:10:00~22:00住所:東京都国分寺市南町3-20-3 セレオ国分寺8F ・昭島店営業時間:10:00~21:00住所:東京都昭島市田中町562-1 モリタウン2F ・赤羽ヨーカドー店営業時間:10:00~21:00住所:東京都北区赤羽西1-7-1 イトーヨーカドー赤羽店6F ・新越谷駅ビル店営業時間:10:00~21:00住所:埼玉県南越谷1-11-4 東武新越谷駅ビル ヴァリエ2F
- Kokubunji Station Building BranchBusiness hours: 10:00 - 21:00 Address: 3-20-3, Minami Cho, Kokubunji City, Tokyo. Seleo Kokubunji 8F- Akishima BranchBusiness hours: 10:00 - 21:00Address: 562-1, Tanaka Machi, Akishima City, Tokyo. Mori Town 2F- Akabane Yokado BranchBusiness hours: 10:00 - 21:00Address: 1-7-1, Akabane Nishi, Kita Ward, Tokyo. Ito Yokado AkabaneBranch 6F- Shin-Koshigata Building BranchBusiness hours:10:00 - 21:00Address: 1-11-4. Minami-Koshigaya, Saitama Prefecture. Tobu Line Koshigaya Building, Varie 2F
・草加駅ビル店営業時間:10:00~21:00住所:埼玉県草加市氷川町1970 草加ヴァリエ1F ・ショッパーズプラザ横須賀店営業時間:9:00~21:00住所:神奈川県横須賀市本町2-1-12 ショッパーズプラザ横須賀4F ・上大岡店営業時間:10:00~21:00住所:神奈川県横浜市港南区上大岡西1-6-1 京急百貨店6F ・海老名店営業時間:10:00~21:00住所:神奈川県海老名市中央1-1-1 ビナウォーク 1番館3F
- Soka Station Building BranchBusiness hours: 10:00 - 21:00Address: 1970, Hikawa-Cho, Soka City, Saitama Prefecture. Soka Varie 1F- Shoppers' Plaza Yokosuka BranchBusiness hours: 9:00 - 21:00Address: 2-1-12, Hon-Cho, Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture. Shoppers' Plaza Yokosuka 4F- Kami-Ooka BranchBusiness hours: 10:00 - 21:00Address: 1-6-1, Kami-Ooka Nishi, Konan Ward, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture. Keikyu Department Store 6F- Ebina BranchBusiness hours: 10:00 - 21:00Address: 1-1-1, Chuo, Ebina City, Kanagawa Prefecture. Vina Walk the 1st bldg. 3F
・セントラルパーク店営業時間:10:00~21:00住所:愛知県名古屋市中区錦3-15-13 セントラルパークB1F ・名古屋店営業時間:10:00~20:00住所:愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅1-1-4 JR名古屋高島屋11F ・アスナル金山店営業時間:10:00~21:30愛知県名古屋市中区金山1-17-1 アスナル金山3F ・京橋店営業時間:10:30~21:00住所:大阪府大阪市都島区東野田2-1-38 京阪モール1F
- Central Park BranchBusiness hours: 10:00-21:00Address: 3-15-13, Nishiki, Naka Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. Central Park B1F- Nagoya BranchBusiness hours: 10:00-20:00Address: 1-1-4, Mei-eki, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. JR Nagoya Takashimata 11F- Asunal Kanayama BranchBusiness hours:10:00 - 21:30Address: 1-17-1, Kanayama, Naka Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. Asunal Kanayama 3F- Kyobashi BranchBusiness hours: 10:30 - 21:00Address: 2-1-38, Higashi Noda, Miyakozima Ward, Osaka City, Osaka Fu. Keihan Mall 1F
・アピタ長久手店営業時間:10:00~21:30住所:愛知県長久手市戸田谷901-1 アピタ長久手2F ・難波店営業時間:10:00~21:00住所:大阪府大阪市中央区難波5-1-60 なんばシティ 本館地下2階 ・キャナルシティ博多店営業時間:10:00~21:00住所:福岡県福岡市博多区住吉1-2-25 ビジネスセンタービルB1F ・小倉駅アミュプラザ店営業時間:10:00~21:00住所:福岡県北九州市小倉北区浅野1-1-1 小倉駅ビルアミュプラザ 5F
- Apita Nagakute BranchBusiness hours: 10:-- - 21:30Address: 901-1, Todagai, Nagakute City, Aichi Prefecture. Apita Nagakute 2F- Namba BranchBusiness hours: 10:00-21:00Address: 5-1-60. Namba, Chuo Ward, Osaka City, Osaka Fu. Namba City Main Hall 2F- Canal City Hakata BranchBusiness hours : 10:00 - 21:00Address: 1-2-25 Sumiyoshi, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture. Business Center Building B1F- Kokura Amu-Plaza BranchBusiness hours: 10:00-21:00Address: 1-1-1, Asano, Kokura-Kita Ward, Kita-Kyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture. Amu-Plaza 5F
・イオンモール宮崎店営業時間:9:00~21:00住所:宮崎県宮崎市新別府町江口862-1 イオンモール宮崎 2F
- Ion Mall Miyazaki branchBusiness hours : 9:00 - 21:00Address: 862-1, Eguchi, Shin-Beppu Cho, Miyazaki City, Miyazaki Prefecture,Ion Mall Miyazaki, 2F.
Hello. Nice to meet you.Thank you for your interest in my room.You can use the room from for one night stay, up to one month stay.The lodging fee is $40 for two members, one stay. It equals to 4,326 yen.$20 is charged on one additional member. So the fee is $60 for one stay for three members.The fee varies daily, so we highly recommend to make booking as soon as possible.There is a shower equipped. You can use it.
The size of the bed is double bed.Other than that, there is a sofa bed and a pair of single futon.As for the shopping mall, if you go to Namba Station, which is one minute train ride to the next station from the nearest station, Sakuragawa Station of Subway, there are a lot of shopping malls around Namba.There is a supermarket within 5 minute walk, and there are total about four supermarkets within 10 minute walk.I appreciate if you could be the first guest to my room.If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me any time.I appreciate your inquiry.
Please send me item B as soon as possible. You cam send item A later, together with the shipment of my next order.When can you ship item B?As we have little time, I will pay for item B by way of PayPal.Would it be OK fro me to pay $100 via PayPal for the price of item B, including PayPal commission fee?As I will install the rear brake, can you please send only parts to me>What color if item C is most selling in every country?Please send black color of item D.Can you please send the following item together as well?What is the difference between item E and item F?Do you have regular red reflector without LED?
Some of my items delivered into Amazon Warehouse on June 1st. are not reflected on the inventry record.Apparently the number of the items of shipping FBA3MZNXB1 are missing. Please confirm.Thank you in advance.Regards.
I received the inquiry about the model number of the item below.xxxI think it has been out of order. Please tell me the following.1. Please make a quotation of the same model, or the successor of the model.And, we need the certificate about the traceability.2. When we read and edit the product again, what should we do? How much would it cost?3. When we repair the product, how much would it cost?