유난히 춥던 1월 13일 웃음 많던 그녈 처음 만났죠.한번도 생일을 남자친구와 보낸 적 없다는 그녀를.신발과 가방을 좋아했지만 그 모습이 귀엽게만 보였고,내 뒷모습이 슬퍼보인다며 사진을 찍다가 그녀가 웃었죠.햇살 따스한 4월의 첫날 그녀를 처음 울리고 말았죠.퉁퉁 부어버린 그녀 고운 두 눈 나도 그만 울어버렸죠.
I first met her on exceptionally cold day of January 13.She said that she had never been with a boyfriend at birthday.She liked the shoes and the bag and it was so cute to me,She took pictures saying my behind looked sad and laughed.On the first day of warm sunny April, I made her cry.Her eyes became swollen so bad, and I also cried.
1.신종플루,에이즈,간염및슈퍼박테리아등142개균주를멸균하는증명을 미국 EPA로부터인정받은세계1위의소독약을제조하는 Microgen Inc(USA)의 아시아지역 공급업체인 Magnex Inc.(갑)는 중국지역 판매,마케팅 및 홍보에 관련하여 Beijing Shihan (을)와업무제휴함에 갑을 쌍방은 약정을 한다. 2.제휴 약정에 관한 구체적인사항은별도협의한다.3쌍방은 약정서 2부를 작성하여 각각1부씩 보관한다.
1. Magnex inc. (A), the supplier of the Asian region of Microgen inc(USA), the manufacturer of the world's first sanitizer which got the sterilization proof recognized by the U.S. EPA that kills swine flu, AIDS, hepatitis, and 142 strains of super bacteria, is making the business partnership agreement with Beijing Shihan (B) in relation to the selling, marketing and advertisement in China religion; A and B both make the agreement.2. Specifics about the partnership agreement should be negotiated separately.3. Both sides makes two Agreement documents, and each copy should be kept by each.
1.신종플루,에이즈,간염 및 슈퍼박테리아등 142개균주를멸균하는증명을 미국 EPA로부터인정받은 세계1위의소독약을 제조하는 Microgen Inc(USA)의 아시아지역공급업체인Magnex Inc.는 중국지역 판매,마케팅 및 홍보에 관련하여 Beijing Shihan 와 업무제휴함에 갑을 쌍방은 약정을 한다. 2.제휴 약정에 관한 구체적인 사항은 별도 협의한다. 3.쌍방은 약정서 2부를 작성하여 각각1부씩 보관한다.
1. Magnex inc., the supplier of the Asian region of Microgen inc(USA), the manufacturer of the world's first sanitizer which got the sterilization proof recognized by the U.S. EPA that kills swine flu, AIDS, hepatitis, and 142 strains of super bacteria, is making the business partnership agreement with Beijing Shihan in relation to the selling, marketing and advertisement in China religion; A and B both make the agreement.2. Specifics about the partnership agreement should be negotiated separately.3. Two Agreement documents should be made by both sides and each copy should be kept by each.
보내주신 사업계획서를 바탕으로 내부적인 검토과정을 거쳤으나, 아쉽게도 본 투자 건에 대한 추가 검토 진행은 힘들다고 결론이 나게 되었습니다. 저희가 투자를 진행하지 못하는 이유는 다양하고, 저희도 고객 중의 하나에 불과하기 때문에 판단이 틀릴 때가 있음을 고려하셔서 처음 가지셨던 믿음과 의지로 사업을 해 나가시길 바랍니다. 멀리서나마 사업 번창하시고, 건승 하시기를 응원하겠습니다.
We finished our internal review according to your business plan. However, unfortunately we concluded that we process further investment.The reasons are vary that we cannot process the investment and please consider that we make wrong decisions sometimes since we are also one of the customers. Please continue your business with your first faith and will of your business. We wish your healthful success in a distance.