build an online bulletin board specialized for quiz
If you appoint us as your exclusive distributor, we will be able to take other approaches such as wholesaling and strategic advertising utilizing press releases. First, we would like to do business with you as your authorized dealer.Please let us know if you need more information.Looking forward to hearing good news from you.
このゲームの最大の魅力は、100人以上のアイドル候補生達が登場することです!彼女たちは、最初の段階ではアイドルとしての自信や努力が足りず、魅力的ではない事が多いです。しかし、プレイヤーはプロデューサーとなり、レベルを上げ、仲良くなって「特訓」することで、彼女たちはアイドルの名に恥じない素敵な女性に成長します!!私もプレイしているのですが、彼女たちが変わっていく様子はとてもかわいいです!私はパッション属性のプロデューサーなのですが、Nina Ichiharaが一番好きです!
The biggest attraction about the game is that more than 100 idol candidates are taking part in the game.Initially, the girls lack self confidence as idol and are not working hard, so in most cases they are not attractive.But, as the player becomes their producer, increase the level, becomes good friends with them and give them “special training”, they will grow to become gorgeous ladies, who are worthy of idols.I am playing the game myself, and find the ways they are changing charming.I, a producer with passion attribute, like Nina Ichihara the best.
iQONとMONOCOについてはこのような考察もしている。ラウンド3/クラウドソーシング:CrowdWorks vs Lancersプラットフォームのコンセプトが微妙に違う両者だが、共に幅広い仕事を取り扱うことで日本という国の「働き方」のあり方を変えられる可能性を持っている点が、他の単カテゴリ・マッチングサービスやコピーキャットとの違いだと感じている。
iQON and MONOCO are also considered that way.Round 3 / Crowdsourcing: CrowdWorks vs LancersTheir concepts of the platforms are slightly different. But I feel that both have a potential to change the concept of “the way people work” in Japan, which differentiates them from other category matching services and copycats.
ラウンド4/ペイメント:Coiney vs 楽天スマートペイやPaypal hereここは相手がスタートアップではない、という点で他のカテゴリよりも熾烈だ。ただ、Coineyの取材時に感じたのは、巨大資本と真っ正面から勝負をするような戦略は取っていない、ということだった。詳しくはインタビュー記事をご一読頂きたい。[他にも盛り上がりを見せているカテゴリやライバル関係があればぜひコメントなどで教えて欲しい。]
Round 4 / Coiney vs Rakuten Smartpay and Paypal hereIn this category competition is more fierce as players are no startups. But, what I felt when I covered Coiney is that it’s strategy is not to compete head on with the giants. Read the interview article for details.[If if you know other categories or rivalries that are hot, please let me know by leaving comments or by some other ways.]
ラウンド5/クラウドファンディング:CAMPFIRE vs READYFOR? vs COUNTDOWN何かと話題の多いCAMPFIREは先日最高額となる600万円以上を集めることに成功したが、海外サービスと比較するとまだまだパンチが足りない。スタートが一番早いREADYFOR?は他のプラットフォームに比較して寄付やNPOといった社会活動に寄ったテイストが差別化に繋がっている。話題づくりやマスへの拡大がキーか。
Round 5 / Crowdfunding: CAMPFIRE vs READYFOR? vs COUNTDOWNMuch talked about CAMPFIRE successfully raised a record Yen 6 million recently. But compared with foreign counterparts it lacks the punch. Compared with other platforms READYFOR?, which was launched earlier than others, has a taste for social activities such as donation and NPO, resulted in enabling it to differentiate itself from others. What it needs might be to create buzz and gain mass traction.
ラウンド6/ニューステクノロジー:SmartNews vs Gunosy vs Vingowここは相当面白い。なぜなら他のカテゴリに比較して圧倒的なテクノロジー勝負だからだ。SmartNewsは全員がほぼ同じ情報を見ている点で他の二つと違い、パーソナライズドのコンセプトは似ているGunosyとVingowだが、Vingowはリアルタイムに情報が更新される点でまとめ配信のGunosyとやはり違いがある。それぞれ組み合わせて使う人も多いだろう。
Round 6 / News Tehcnnology: SmartNews vs Gunosy vs VingowThis is an extremely interesting category. Because, unlike other categories, technologies play an overwhelmingly important role in the competition. SmartNews differs from the others in that all of its users see almost the same information. Gunosy and Vingow are similar in their concept of personalization, but Vingow differs from Gunosy, which aggregates information, in that Vingow updates information real time. Probably many people use them by combing them differently.
I was referred to you by Amazon Japan, and I am wondering what kind of games you deals in.I would appreciate if if would let me know the name of tiles and prices.As to the terms of payment, is PayPal the only way. Or do you accept other payments? Looking forward to receiving your reply.
An unusually cool summer in 1993 resulted in a poor rice harvest for the first time in 10 years.
As much as 63 percent of the people who were asked “Hove you ever felt that seeing is believing?” answered “Yes.”
That equipment is available in the Euro area at one third the price in Japan, and it works as good as the one being sold in Japan.
I will never complain to you whatever condition the item may be in.
I wonder if you have received the goods I returned. It 's been more than ten days since I sent.Please send the replacement to the following address: I will pay by Pepal.
Noted. Please ask them to design in detail and estimate man-hours required for development (iOS and Android respectively) base on the plan she made.Please also secure the necessary resources.I would like them to assign the director if possible. I think it will be difficult for me to give detailed directions in terms of time and efficiency.Thank you.
Thank you for creating the formats and other stuff. I confirmed them.I think they are probably all right as they are. At any rate, once they are put in use, we can improve them whenever necessary.I would also appreciate it if you would do some shipping on the site and use the management tools to check. I would like you to understand how you can manage the inventory and delivery statuses.Please make sure that the email that is designed to be sent to help@ is also sent to the Chinese staff members.