jackie3838 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
jackie3838 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 105-2
'Effective leaders recognize that the ultimate test of leadership is sustained success, which demands the constant cultivation of future leaders', says Noel Tichy of the University of Michigan. Leaders must, therefore, invest in developing the leaders of tomorrow and they must communicate directly to those who will follow in their footsteps.

PAGE 107-1
The more established you are, therefore, the more vulnerable your position. The problem for the market leader in an industry that is in a constant state of revolution is that you can be top dog one day and find yourself completely stranded the next because you didn't take heed of some change in direction.


「有能なリーダーは、リーダーシップを測る究極の試験とは成功を持続させることであり、それは将来のリーダーを継続的に育てていくことも求められているということを理解している」とミシガン大学のNoel Tichyは言う。したがって、リーダーは明日の日のリーダーを育てるために投資をし、そして自分の後を継ぐであろう人と直接意思疎通を図っておかなければならないのである。


jackie3838 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 103-1
Findings from the study suggest that effective leaders of creative groups do five critical things:

1 they give members of the team a great deal of freedom;

2 they encourage them to approach issues as a team to maximize the creative energy focused on any given problem;

3 they give support to individual members, particularly in the period after a failure;

4 they give extensive responsibility to individuals, allowing them to decide not just how they will do a task but the tasks they choose to do; and

5 they shield the team from external pressures from other departments.

But these elements are important to different people in different ways.



1 メンバーに対して大きな自由を与えること
2 与えられた問題に対しての創造性を最大限発揮するためにメンバーをひとつのチームとして問題に取り組ませるよ  うしむけること
3 個々のメンバーに対して個人的にサポートすること。特に失敗を犯した後に
4 個々のメンバーに対してより大きな権限を与えること。それは単にどのように業務を行うかを決めるだけでなくど  の業務を行うかを決めることのできるものである
5 他の部門からの外的な圧力に対してチームを守ること


jackie3838 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 34-1
Bill Gates has enjoyed a lifelong love affair with the personal computer. From the very beginning, Gates and his partner Paul Allen could see that the PC would change everything. The two would talk late into the night about what the post-PC world would be like. They never truly doubted that the revolution would come. 'It's going to happen' was an article of faith for the fledgling Microsoft, and they were going to write software for it when it did. What neither could have imagined then was the part they would play or the extraordinary turn of events that catapulted their company onto the world stage.



jackie3838 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 25-2
Apple, on the other hand, took the view that the only way to ensure the quality of its products was to try to retain control of everything. Later this included its proprietary Macintosh operating system.

Apple didn't want anyone else to 'clone' its computer. For years, the company resolutely refused to license its Apple Mac operating system to other manufacturers. This meant that anyone who wanted the user-friendly Apple operating system had to buy an Apple computer. It was a strategy that seemed to make sense - but only by the old rules of the game. The problem for Apple was that in terms of business model and strategic vision, it was only one generation on from the hardware dinosaur IBM.



Appleは自社のコンピュータを他社に真似られたくなかった。長年にわたってAppleは頑なに他のコンピュータ製造業社によるMac OSのライセンス契約を拒んでいた。これは利用者にとって使いやすいAppleのOSを求めるのであればそれはAppleを買収しなければならないということを意味していた。これは賢明な戦略に思えたが、しかしこれは旧来の商取引の範囲でしか成り立つものではなかった。Appleにとっての問題は、ビジネスモデルと経営戦略という観点から言うとハードウェア業界はIBM社の一時代であったということであった。