For the cancelled styles rate, I am terribly sorry. This is the nature ofdoing business together. It is not only about how the styles sell in Japan,but also in the USA. If customers do not like them and we don't take enoughorders, we cannot produce them.The only way, and really, I mean the ONLY way, to help ensure this rate drops for future seasons is to order more units. When the orders increase,we can produce more styles. Simple as that.
キャンセルされたスタイルの価格につきましては誠に申し訳なく思います。これは共同でビジネスを運営する際の特性なのです。 日本で販売するスタイルだけでなく、アメリカでも同じです。お客様に気に入られず、充分なオーダー数が得られない場合は、その製品を生産することができないのです。この先のシーズンにおける価格ダウンを保証するための唯一の方法は、本当にこれがたったひとつの方法なのですが、より多くの単位数をオーダーすることです。オーダーが増えればより多くのスタイルを生産できます。ごく単純なことです。
Just saw Toy Story 3 w/ the kids.My hand is cramped from holding the 3D glasses over my 3 yr olds face.
As requested we added a feature to mark friends at locations when they are with you. Also the pictures taken with the MiaLoca app are now stored on the device for later usage.Beside the new features, the application has been redesigned to work even more stable.
MiaLoca is an innovative application, developed to post your current location easily on facebook. After posting your current status a map will appear on your wall, including your added comment. In addition, a picture can be posted where friends are allowed to comment on. MiaLoca offers completely new perspectives: tell your friends where a party’s taking place, inform them about your current location to possibly meet them there and tag them in your pictures.
MiaLoca は、あなたの現在地を簡単にフェイスブックに投稿するために開発された画期的なアプリケーションです。「現在のステイタス(current status)」を投稿すると、コメントと一緒に地図があなたのウォール(wall)に表示されます。さらに写真を投稿することもでき、フレンド(friends)が自由にコメントをつけられます。MiaLoca はまったく新しい視点を提供します。パーティの場所がどこかをフレンドに教えたり、あなたの現在地を知らせて待ち合わせたり、あなたの写真に位置タグをつけたりできます。(Note: I'm not using Facebook so I'm not sure about Japanese translations for the terms "wall", "current status", and "friends".)
With MiaLoca it’s possible to keep your facebook community updated about spontaneous party invitations, meeting famous personalities, or simply your personal journal diary. MiaLoca is your personal companion and connects news, location and pictures easily with each other in a single application. So check it out!
MiaLoca を使うことで、フェイスブックのコミュニティを常に最新の状態に保てます。急なパーティのお誘いも、有名なタレントに会うことも、また、あなたの個人的な日記も。MiaLoca はあなたの相棒として、これひとつでニュースや場所や写真を簡単に結びつけてくれます。さあ、試してみましょう!
Christian - Coming to Japan the second time around, I feel like I actuallygot to see things clearly for what they were, rather than the first time weever came, my head was in the clouds the entire time. I love coming toJapan, there is honestly nothing like it. Yeah... the language barrier mightbe a little rough but when you are at shows it doesn't even matter cause ourfans are so passionate about what we do, it's an amazing thing.
Chris - What did I enjoy most about Beyond The Blue 2010? It's simple, thefans! TFT had inredible support from our Japanese fans & it made for amazingshows & even greater memories! I feel like there's a bright future for thisband in Japan! I love it there.
クリス:Beyond The Blue 2010 で何が一番楽しかったかって?答えは簡単、ファンだよ!TFT が日本のファンからもらった応援はすごいものだったし、おかげですばらしいライブができたし、その上最高の思い出も!日本ではこのバンドには明るい未来があるって思えるよ!素敵なことだね。(TFT はバンド名かと思いますが調べが追いつきませんでした)
Jay - What I enjoyed most about the B[t]B tour 2010 was getting to enjoyJapanese culture and Japanese music fans for the second time. They are boththings I look forward to most when going over there.
ジェイ: B[t]B tour 2010 で僕が一番楽しかったのは、日本の文化と日本の音楽ファンをもう一度楽しめたこと。この2つは日本にくるときに一番楽しみにしてることなんだ。
Do you want to add a photo?Yes, a new one!Yes, one from the album!No!Cancel!
新しく写真を追加しますか?はい、追加します。はい、アルバムから追加します。いいえキャンセル(Note: '!' is usually not used in such alert/message in Japanese , so I omitted them here.)
It was apparent to Bob that however gratifying it might be to imagine such a verbal assault, there would be a downside in terms of the effect on life in the department and how it would play out with other colleagues. It was equally clear that Bob's struggle to feel good marked a conflict in his life that we were only in an early stage of starting to address.
One might understand therapy as experimenting with the inward expression of affects in expressing them within an atmosphere that is contained and safe as compared with the real world.
He does so by coming to terms with how his sense of being a victim in what transpired was influenced by his experience of his parents' conflicted relationship and ultimately their divorce.
This might be illustrated with a case in which one comes to understand how one's predisposition to experience an affect, let's say joy, as ephemeral and as untrustworthy extends from one's representational world in which this affect was discouraged.
Shane-I say it every time we come back to Japan, because it is true everytime: I love Japan and this was the best tour ever. The fans keep toppingthemselves and growing and it just feels amazing to be part of this KickRock family. It's impossible to say it exactly in words but the feeling thatI get when I'm singing words that I feel so strongly about and playing music that moves me so much to people who respect it and appreciate it just as much as we do is the greatest feeling in the world.
シェーン:日本に来るたびに言うんだけど、毎回本当のことだからなんだけど、日本が大好きだし今回が過去最高のツアー。ファンの水準は毎回上がってるし、KickRock ファミリーの一員になるのはとにかくすばらしいんだ。言葉でうまく言い表すなんてできないけど、感情が入ってしまう言葉を歌って、心の底から揺さぶられる音楽を、僕らと同じくらいそれをリスペクトして喜んでくれる人の前で演奏しているときに僕が感じる気持ちは世界最高だよ。
The fans are respectful and excited and not jaded and it's the best place to play a show. We played a few different new songs every night and the kids responded so well and were so excited to hear them and it was such an awesome feeling to know that our hard work really means something! Thank you so much to everyone who came and we'll be back soon with a new record!! We love you all!
JD - The Beyond [The] Blue Tour was really some of the best times in mylife. Everyday was something new and exciting and topped the day before.Finally at the last two Tokyo shows it just reached such an awesome pinnaclewhere everything and everyone came together for some of the best shows wehave ever played. E
JD:The Beyond [The] Blue Tour は僕の人生でも最高の時間だったといえるよ。毎日何か新しいことがあってエキサイティングで、一日ごとに良くなっていった。東京でのラスト二回のライブでついにそれが頂点に達した。すべてのこと、すべての人がひとつになって、僕がこれまでプレイした中でも最高のライブになったんだ。
veryone was singing, everyone was on point and it reallyjust felt like a big family singing and having a good time together. Thankyou so much for everyone who came out and supported and we can't wait tocome back and do it all over again!
Dan - The first show in Osaka was my first show in the band. I had justjoined in December and we dove right into working on a new record andneglected to play any shows, saving up for that first Beyond The Blue showin Osaka. There is no way I could have expected how incredible that feelingwould be. Playing in front of people across the globe who looked like theywere having the time of their lives right along with us.
ダン:大阪での最初のライブが僕のバンドでの初ライブだったんだ。僕は12月に入ったばかりで、すぐに新曲制作に突入したからライブはぜんぜんやっていなかった。大阪での Beyond The Blue のファーストライブにとっておいたんだよ。どんなすごいい気分になるかなんて想像もつかなかった。地球の反対側の、僕らとずっと人生をともにしてきたように思える人たちを前にプレイするんだから。
It was my first tour and it was unbelievable and went off better than I could have ever asked or imagined. After that first note hit, all those nervous feelings just flew away and it might as well have been our 1000th show together, we felt so comfortable and so alive. It's hard to even explain into words how great it felt, so I'll just say "domo arigatou" we love you and the B[T]B Tour was heaven sent!
今回は僕の初めてのツアーだったんだけど、信じられないくらいだったし、これ以上ないってくらい、想像もできないくらいうまくいった。最初の音を出したあとはそれまでのナーバスな気分はすっかり飛んでいって、千回も一緒にやってるような感じだった。とてもリラックスできたしライブ感があった。どんなにすごい気分だったか言葉で言うのが難しいくらい。だから「ドーモアリガトウ」とだけ言うことにするよ。みんな最高、B[T]B Tour は天からの贈りものだったよ!
George - Everything about the tour this year was perfect. The shows, the DJevents, the Acoustic sideshows, the in-store shows, bowling with fans, thesightseeing at Nara, all of it was awesome! We tried to make the most ofevery day and we definitely achieved that. We're so glad for all the fanswho came and supported and made this whole thing possible!