I apologise for the late reply.I was missing your email so that my reply has been late.I am so sorry.I am so glad that I could have a deal with you.I would like to have a deal along with the conditions you implied.I have two questions.1. Will the postage be for free? Are there any conditions like over certain € etc?2. So you will get 10% discount when purchase for over 500€, does it mean that you will get the 10% discount with one time order and shipping for over 500€? Also, does 500€ mean the price after deducted VAT towards Japan?
I would like you to make a mould from the pajamas I sent you.Please make the size 0 the same size as the pajamas I sent you.Please make the size 1 and 2 out of the size 0 and the size table.I would like the bust size to be well balanced with the shoulder. Also, I want the hip to be well balanced out of the size 0.
Congratulation for his razors My name is Luis Lamas Loped and I reside in Spain I am interested in buying a Kamisori Iwasaki Tamahamade of 58 mm new, I liked to know if you can obtain it ,and his price --I want to buy a NEW Kamisori or in condition NOS of the craftsman Iwasaki with steel Tamahagane the one that has you to the this secondhand sale seem to me, but correct me you and say to me exactly if it is used or NOS(new old stock) You can obtain a Kamisori Iwasaki Tamahagane with leaf of NEW court of 50-60 mm or in condition NOS?If it is that it has someone can it me send photos?I ask him excuse for my Englishman , I need translatorI wish to be able to understand with you am grateful for his answers To Him
彼の剃刀の件、おめでとうございます。私の名前はLuis Lamas Lopedといいます、スペインに住んでおります。私は岩崎玉鋼 剃刀の新品58ミリの購入を考えておりまして、購入可能かどうか、また値段を教えて頂けないでしょうか。--私は岩崎職人の玉鋼の新品もしくは新古品剃刀を購入したいのですが、あなたがお持ちのものは中古品のように思えるのですが、そちらは中古品でしょうか、それとも新古品でしょうか。こちらをはっきりさせて頂きけますでしょうか。 またリーフ仕様の岩崎剃刀玉鋼の50-60ミリの新品もしくは新古品を入手して頂くことはできますでしょうか。 もしどなたかお持ちでしたら写真を送って頂くことは可能でしょうか。私は翻訳者を介すことになると思いますがご了承願います。あなたと理解し合えることを願っております。質問にお答え頂けたら嬉しいです。
Sorry for the late reply.I was sick and bedridden all day long yesterday.My address etc are here:•••
I saw the item list and was a very attractive offer.I think I would be able to have a deal of several tens of thousands every month with your company. I would like to ask you some questions before the order in advance.・payment methods I would like to pay my first order on PayPal and is that fine?・the specification of the itemIs the shape of the electric socket of the item the same as it’s american version’s? ・the item packaging Is that a retail packaging?・the delivery methodsWhich delivery method could you ship the item to Japan on?If there is no specific way you suggest, I am supposed to use the FedEx account of my company.
連絡ありがとうございます。近隣に商品を受け取っていないか確認したが誰も受け取っていなかった。添付の画像を見て欲しい。Shipment ProgressではGardenaに配達されている。配達ミスだから至急UPSに確認して欲しい。
Thank you for your message.I checked out if there was anybody nearby that received the product but there wasn’t any.Please look at the attached image. According to Shipment Progress it has been delivered to Gardena.It is a delivery mistake so I would like you to ask UPS as soon as you can.
I am looking forward to MaiLien, Mary and Liling all of them. I will tell you the order details when its ready for the making so please let me know.Thank you for beautiful Ariella! I have never seen this pretty Ariella with her hair on before! Her dark colour hair looks so real just like a Japanese baby.Thank you.
私の大切な顧客が商品の到着を急いでいます。発送完了してますか?もう発送済みですよね?発送されてますよね?必ず今日中に発送して下さい。今日中に発送して下さい。Tracking No,をお知らせ下さい。すでに5月22日にこのパッケージは到着しています。私は今日中に発送依頼を行いたいです。このアイテムを今直ぐ発送依頼できる状態にして下さい。早急な対応をお願いします。
My precious customer wants his item to arrive immediately.Has the shipping already been done?You have already done the shipping right?That has already been shipped right?Please ship the item within today without a fail.Please ship it within today.Please get me the tracking number.This package already arrived on May 22nd.I would like to request for the shipping within today.Please manage for this item to be requested for the shipping immediately.Please take an immediate action.
Thank you for your reply. It really spoke to my heart and truly told how much you cared and prayed for our family and worried about us.Your kindness made me cry.Lisa, you also gave your empathy imagining how things would be for you without your mother.I just totally got devastated facing this reality where I would loose my mother all of a sudden and I kept calling my unconscious mum crying my eyes out.That was the most shocking and saddest thing that ever happened to me.But she had a faith and this miracle,I am touched by the power of my mum to live.And Lisa, I was glad that I could let you know that I am working so hard to sort out things rather than just how hurt I was.
Don't worry i will send all this details questions to the logistic manager so they are aware of all the details. But please if you find something that doesn't works right let me know in the same moment!The midnight grey is still out of stock, we are in production. The manufacturing department is still closing the dates and in the moment i have the schedule i will let you know so you can place de order. I won't forget about it, i have here everything annotted! In the moment i receive the information of Paypal we will give the shipment order and i will send you the TN number. Don't hesitate to contact me every time you need!
ご心配なく、全ての詳細と質問は物流マネジャーへお送りしておきますので、彼らもこの件について気がつくでしょう。しかし、もし何か不備があれば同時に私にも教えて下さいね!ミッドナイトグレーはまだ品切れで、生産途中です。 製造については今締日に近づいていっています。今現在スケジュールを把握していますからご注文して頂けるようになったらお伝えしますね。 私も忘れない様にします、全てを注意深くみていますから! 現段階でペイパルの情報を受け取ったので、出荷の手配をします。あなたに追跡番号をお伝えしますね。必要な時はいつでも遠慮なくご連絡下さいね!
Actually I have something to tell you.It has officially decided this month that my daughter would move to the school her older sister goes to from next year. She will go to her current school till the end of this semester. She met your daughter at her current school and made friends with her so that it will make my daughter feel really sad for her to leave the school for sure. It was great that your daughter became her best friend.The teacher contacted me today and told me that they had time where kids told each other who they wanted to be in the same class next year as well.
My daughter understood that she had to leave to another school but she finally realised that it was actually going to happen soon when she talked to your daughter so I was told that my daughter was a bit confused and anxious. Your daughter might tell you about it too. I messaged you because just wanted to let you know about whole this.
I would like to ask you a question but is there a change etc of the specification?Could you please give me the latest specification just to be safe?I am not able to confirm on my responsibilities since my boss will be overseas for work till 24th.I am terribly sorry but please give me some more time.To be honest I didn’t really figure out the details so that I would like to have a meetup in person for a meeting.Could we make an appointment in the week of June 4th?I would like to visit the following user to confirm the progress of the project with company 〇〇 as well.So, have you sent the estimate to Mr.(Ms.) 〇〇 about this yet?
Hi Kelly, what have you been up to?It’s really nice to hear from you.Sara is currently at school so I will let her email you from her mobile when she is back.We will also be a host family on the home stay program this coming June. It would be great if you could come but even if we can’t meet up then I will let you know how the event was.I hope we can see each other again in February next year!
All your pictures are great as well as your descriptions. You pointed out holes in the one. Is if safe to assume the other is without holes or imperfections?
Sorry for this late reply.Regarding the samples, as to the backrest, please make it with 35 cm width and 15cm length. As for the connection part of the backrest, it will be fine as the picture you sent me if there is no such thing as a strength issue or a shaky part.Please get this product done as soon as you could as the sample making has tremendously been delayed as well.Thank you so much in advance.
It will also be ok if you send me the pictures that show names of the items and the numbers of the items you need.It would be nice if there could be an url so that I can jump into the page and can check them out.Thank you in advance.
1つお願いがあります。今回注文したThe Platinum Tiny CH Cross w/ Pave Diamondsについてです。このメールに添付している写真のペンダントの刻印部分についてですが今回注文したペンダントの刻印(CH PLAT 2000の部分)が薄かったり消えかかったりしていると悲しいのでファクトリーにお伝えしてほしいのが刻印が薄くならないようにしっかりとした刻印がついたものを作ってもらえると嬉しいです。
Could you please do me a favour?That’s regarding The Platinum Tiny CH Cross w/ Pave Diamonds which I ordered this time.As for the engraved part of the pendant attached in this email, I would be thankful if you could tell the factory to make one with the carved seal that is not too light and is clear to be seen as I would be sad if this part of the pendant I ordered this time is too light or fading away (the part for CH PLAT 2000).
Aim: get the children to learn about A by having fun.I would like to continue this activity in the future as improving it as wellCity B was also a beautiful city which was attractive in a different way from city C.
1. I will charge you half of the price as a deposit. Also, for the rest, I will charge you when the item is completed and the shipping is ready.2. These are the shoes that are made for Japanese people so when they are compared to shoes in Western countries they are basically small. Especially the heel parts are.3. If you could tell me the sizes and the brands of the shoes you are wearing usually then I would give you advice about the size.