もし、一緒に仕事が出来るならば、私にとって素晴らしい経験と学びがあるだろうと思います。私にチャンスがあるのでしたら1ヶ月ほどインターンシップをさせていただけないでしょうか?そして、私の鍼の技術がNorthlands Medical Sports Careにとって有益であれば、その時にワークビザのサポートをお願い出来れば幸いです。私は日本で開発した鍼の技術で、クライストチャーチの復興を支援をしたいと願っております。ご返事をお待ちしております。
Working at your place will give me a good experience and it will help me to improve my skills in Oriental medicine through this experience.I hope to work with you as a internship about one month.After checking my oriental medicine skills, please decided to hire me or not as a member of Northlands Medical Sports Care staff.And please help me to get a working visas for your country.I hope to support reconstruction activity through my Oriental medicine skills at Christchurch in earnest.I am looking forward to your reply. Best wishes,Hidetoshi Nasu
海外への移住というのは容易ではありませんが、NZという美しい国に惹かれ又若い頃はラクビーをしておりオールブラックスが憧れだったこともあり、そういう国で子育てと仕事が出来たらどんなに幸せな人生だろうと思い移住を決意しました。今はラグビーから離れていますが、チャレンジ精神は健在です。そんな中、貴店のHPを拝見し、Northlands Medical Sports Careのドクター達は素晴らしい専門的な診療技術と治療技術をもって日常の診察を行っているように思いました。
When I found your HP at web site, I was very interested in the medical care styles in Northlands Medical Sports, where the doctor looks after a patient with a special Medical technology and Therapeutic technique respectively.So I thought I wanted to try to join your team member.There is another two motivative reasons for my plan to emigrant to New Zealand.One reason is that I have been attracted by the idea of life in the beautiful picturesque landscape and I hope to raise my children in that good environment.Another reason is that I was big fan of the All Blacks and I had begun to played rugby in my school days.Some people say that living abroad is not easy than you might imagine but I will enjoy the life with a go-getter attitude.
Acupuncture treatments can help the body's internal organs of muscles with a small needle.So my acupuncture treatments are very effective against lumbago, a hernia, a sciatic, moderate Spinal stenosis, arthritis of the shoulders and knees with a great trust in patients. I read that Japan Football Association has recently been beginning to adopt this treatment way for the player during World Cup series and Olympics gam.I convince that our treatments are very effective for sport player's wound and body maintenance.Now I am arranging to move to New Zealand with my family and searching for a job at Christchurch.