Thank you for the specific explanation of the condition.The item will probably return back to Japan in 1-2 weeks..As soon as I received the item, I will resend it to Germany.I will cover the shipping of $17 for re-sending, so please don't worry about it.Also, the payment of paypal has been stopped, so please release it if you can.I am sorry that you can't get the item sooner enough, I would like to give you a big discount next time you order any items from us.
Soon afterwards the king died, and control of the nation was disputed between his sons and the Greeks, who numbered more than ten thousand. They met in battle, and the Greeks were victorious. Archelaus, the heir [of Herodes], sailed to Rome with his other brothers, to claim his whole kingdom, and he urged Nicolaus to sail with him. Nicolaus had already decided to retire to private life, because he was about 60 years old. Nevertheless, he joined in the voyage, but he found that everywhere was full of Archelaus' critics. On the one hand, his younger brother was making a rival bid for the throne, and on the other hand all his other relatives were critical of Archelaus, without supporting the younger brother.
その後すぐに王は亡くなった。そして国家は彼の息子と10,000以上のギリシャ人の間で論争が起きていた。彼らは、ギリシャ人たちが勝者となった戦争で出会った。(Herodesの)相続人、Archelausは彼の王国に対して申し立てをするために兄弟と一緒にローマまで航海した。その際、Nicolausも彼と一緒に航海するよう駆り立てた。 Nicolausは60才になり、自分の人生を歩むために定年を決意したところだった。それにもかかわらず彼はその航海に加わったが、全ての都市はArchelausのものだということを知ることになった。その一方で彼の弟は王位のために入札をした一方、彼の他の親戚はその弟をサポートせずにArchelausを批判した。
We are on the anvil of using your transfer service.How much is the commission if I transfer from USA to Japan? Also, please let me know if there are any goods that you can't accept.Thank you.
Thank you for contacting me.I would like to inform you about the shipped item.I have received an email from amazon.jp that there will be delay of arrival of steel book.The arrival of steel book will be around 20th Oct, so that you can't received the item by the time we informed you before. I am so sorry for the delay.We can send a DVD box anytime, so please let me know if you need it,Thank you.
Hello,My name is Katoh, I am staying your hotel from 26th to 29th October. I am planing to see the game of Barcelona VS Real Madrid, and am purchasing the ticket for the game from A. I would like to use your hotel address for receiving the ticket. Is it OK? and will you be able to receive the ticket for me? If you can, what should I send to A about the delivery address and name? I'm sorry to bother you when you are busy, and thank you for advance.
Dear Mr. Suzuki,Thank you for the kind reply and we understand your busyschedule.We are glad to learn that your selected bag items were receivedwell in Japan. We will be sending you photos our new bag collection forthis October soon as ready.Again our thanks and our good wishes.Best regards.
I would like you to research well selling items on amazon and register those items on ebay.Tool is saatscommers.I would like you to register 50 items on ebay, can you do this soon?If you are happy, we will pay you $10 for registering 50 items.If possible, could you give me the Due Date for the job please?
Everything we have for sale is listed in our eBay auctions and store listings. As we clearly state in all of our auctions, we do offer discounted shipping on orders that are on the same invoice and that are paid for at the same time. Check the Auction Description of each item for Rates for each item and additional Rates. From the time the first item on an invoice ends, you generally have 7 days to pay for the invoice. Please wait until all of your orders are on the invoice and you are ready to pay for them before you complete checkout. Once an order is marked paid, it is closed and we will not add any orders to it.
私どもが販売している全ての商品は、eBay オークションと、ストアリスティングにリストアップされています。私どもの全てのオークションに明確に記載していますが、同じインボイス(納品書兼請求書)に複数の注文を頂き、同時に支払いが済んだ分に関しましては、送料をディスカウントさせていただきます。各商品のレートと、追加のレートにつきましては、各商品の詳細をオークションのページにてご確認ください。インボイスの最初の商品が終了した時点から、通常は7日間のインボイスの支払期間があります。ご注文いただいた全ての商品がインボイスに表れるのをお待ちいただき、チェックアウトを終了する前に支払の準備をしてください。一旦ご注文の状況が支払済みとなりますと、その注文は終了したことになり、他の注文を加えることはありません。
Any items won after an invoice is paid for will be on a separate invoice because they will ship separately and the shipping calculations start over again.
Thank you for your reply, even though you are busy.I would like to let you know that we will organize the item to be arrived 7th October which is the fastest delivery date. Please make less than 100 letters of message for the message card.And please email the message you want to put on the card to us.*We will dispatch the item on 5th Oct, so please let me know before 13:00 on 5th Oct.
oh, sorry you mean pay the product?I'm so stupid i was thinking that you will send it for free because you didn't tell me the price.Well my dad died few month ago and i always been living alone with my mother. I'm very big fan of INFINITE! I mean they are my reasson to still alive and stay strong everyday, I've always been looking for second invasion japan but my mother doesn't have a lot of money so i always been wanted this so much ... today i was criyed because i was thinking that you will send and i was very very happy.I'm so sorry for my stupidity ...
商品の支払いということですね、すみません。私としては、値段を教えていただかなかったので無料で送ってもらえるものだと思っていました。バカですね。実は、私の父が数か月前に亡くなって、それ以来母と二人きりで暮らしています。私は INFINITEの熱狂的なファンなんです!彼らがいるからこそ私が生きる意味があり、毎日を力強く生きさせてくれるのです。いつも日本への次なる上陸を楽しみにしていたのですが、母は経済的に裕福ではありません。ですので、これをいつも欲しいと思っていました。・・・・・今日私はあなたが送ってくれることを思い、とても幸せな気持ちだったので、その知らせで泣いていました。私のバカさが申し訳ないです。
I know that it couldn't happen to me.I can't pay 91 euros for this DVD TT.TT.....Thank you for the picture and your kindless :) Hope one day i will be able to get it..... I WANT IT SO MUCH.
こんな事だと思ってました。このDVDのために91ユーロは支払えません。TT.TT・・・・・写真を送っていただき、そしてあなたの優しさに感謝します。ありがとうございました。:) いつかそれを手に入れることができる事を願っています。・・・・・・その商品が本当にほしいです。
Hello,Have you read my email yet? As soon as you contact me, we will organize the shipping.Once we dispatch the item, I will inform you the tracking number.Hoping to hear from you soon.■It has been few days since you won my auction, but I can't confirm your payment yet.I am waiting for your payment.If you would like to cancel the item, please let me know. We will take cancelling procedures.■I am sorry for the delay of the item's arrival.I would like to send you a famous Japanese sweets for my apology. Hope you like it.
So Nicolaus spoke in prosecution, Antipater spoke in his own defence, and the case was judged by Varus and his colleagues. Antipater was found guilty and was condemned to death. Even then, Nicolaus advised the king to send Antipater to Caesar, because he also had been wronged, and then to act in accordance with Caesar's decision. But before this could be done, a letter arrived from Caesar, permitting Herodes to punish his son. Then Antipater was executed, and Caesar put to death the freedwoman who had conspired with him. Everyone {praised} Nicolaus for the excellent way in which he had prosecuted a man who was both a parricide and the murderer of his own brothers.
それで Nicolausは起訴で話し、Antipaterは彼自身を弁護するために話した。その事例はVarus と彼の同胞たちによって裁かれた。 Antipaterは有罪となり、死刑の宣告を受けた。その時でさえNicolaus は王に対して AntipaterをCaesarの元へ送るよう助言した。しかし、これが終わる前にCaesarからの、Herodesが彼の息子に罰を受けさせることを許可した手紙が届いた。そしてAntipaterは死刑に処せられ、彼に協力した自由民の女性を Caesar は死刑にした。誰もが自分自身の親を殺しを殺し、兄弟の殺人者でもあった男を死刑としたニコラウスを賞賛した。
FUHi,And can you take a picture of the product on his packaging? Also if you know the time that it's gonna takes to arrive at France^^ Thanks for all :DIt's ok ^^ tell me when you send it and also the tracking code!Thanks.
FUこんにちは。パッケージの商品の写真を撮っていただけませんか?また、そのパッケージがフランスに到着するまでの期間が分れば教えてください。^^ みなさん、ありがとうございます。 :D大丈夫です ^^ 、荷物を送るときには、荷物追跡番号(トラッキングナンバー)も教えてください。よろしくお願いします。
For ordering the shoes, I separated the order sheets for campus and leather materials. It is because customs will check the leather items. They are in a different order sheets, but please dispatch them at the same time. This seller below is selling sandals with cheap price. Please tell the seller to raise the price of the products up.
His servants were interrogated under torture by his father, and they revealed the whole plot, how he also intended to kill his step-mother and his other brothers and the children of the dead youths, so that no other heir to the throne would be left. He had even set in motion some crimes against the household of Caesar, far greater than his offences against his own family.After Varus, the governor of Syria, and the other Roman officials had arrived, Herodes summoned the sanhedrin to judge his son. As evidence, he provided the poison and the confession of the tortured servants and some letters from Rome. The king appointed Nicolaus to manage the trial.
彼の使用人たちは、彼の父によって拷問の中、尋問を受けた。そして彼らは陰謀の全てを明らかにした。彼の継母と兄弟たち、殺された若い子供たちををどのように殺そうとしているかである。そうすることで、他に王位への継承人が残らないようにしようとしていたのだ。彼は、彼自身の家族に対する彼の罪よりもはるかに大きいCaesar家に対する、反対運動の犯罪をも設定していた。 Varusの後、Syria政府とほかのローマ当局が到着した。 Herodesは彼の息子の裁判にサンヘドリン(ユダヤ教の最高法院)を召集した。証拠として牢獄受け渡し、使用人たちへの拷問の告白をし、ローマからのいくつかの手紙を提供した。王は裁判の管理に Nicolausを任命した。
Hello again,I said this in my previous email to you but I'll repeat it here as well: I can have your package in Tuesday’s mail, however if your could reply by email with name and shipping address to me that would be appreciated. Your information was scrambled in the Paypal Payment. Also I need your telephone number for the Customs form. (Do you want your name and address in Japanese as well? I can add that to your package if you email that to me as well.) Thank you so much!Carlos VaraStumptownUSA
いつもお世話になっています。これは以前もお送りしたEメールと同様のものをお送りしています;火曜日の郵便であなたの荷物をお送りすることができますが、送り先の住所とお名前を返信していただければ大変ありがたいです。あなたの情報は、 Paypalの支払時に文字化けしていました。また、税関書類のために、あなたの電話番号が必要です。(ご住所とお名前の記載も日本語がよろしいでしょうか?お荷物にそのように記載することも可能です。その事につきましてもEメールにてご連絡ください)ありがとうございます!カルロス・バラスタンプタウン、アメリカ
Hello.My name is ○○.I would like to ask you about the product you are selling.I am very interested in this item.Unfortunately, it says they are sold out.Don't you get new stock?If you are, how long it takes to get the new stock?(If you are, how many are you getting in?)Hoping to hear from you soon.
Thank you for being understanding.It would be great if you can refund it as soon as possible to avoid any complication.Thank you.Is TourIssueS100 the right thing isn't it?I just want to check just in case, as we don't hear many people using S100s.