I have contacted the courier company regarding to your item.The item is still in custom because of the name (company name ) of receiver was blank.We didn't know it because we didn't receive a contact from courier company about the situation.We have explained your company name and address, contents of the parcel, to customs service again and asked them to screen out the item just before.I heard as soon as the item is pass through, it will be delivered to us.I guess it will take 2 to 3 days.Thank you
Many Japanese sellers, including my friends, they tell they are Japanese, and order to send items to forwarding company in US.Most of those people uses following forwarding company in Florida.They export goods using DHL etc to Japan.As there are many ebay sellers wouldn't sent the goods to Japan directly,almost all Japanese sellers are using this way.If a distributor of a manufacture send items to Japan direct, it will lose its balanceof supplied amount. If it happens, you won't get a wholesale offer.of course to○○ either...
Could you wait for dispatching latest order?Because a customer who ordered WF01 last week, he wants 4 batteries which are 2 more additional batteries than originally come with WF01. Is it possible to purchase 4 batteries themselves? If so, please advise me how much do you sell them each for wholesale price?Also, How many hours the battery last long with fully changed?Could you please tell me the operating time of each controller and main body ?The CPT I ordered this time is for exchanging the one with our customer.It seems there is a problem with a part of tilt move, other than that is all good.
希少 世界30カ国の紙幣 現在は国名が変わってしまった国や、有名ではない国の紙幣も含まれており希少な紙幣セットです。収録紙幣ニカラグア、クロアチア、ラオス、ギニアビサウ、モンゴルイラン、ネパール、カンボジア、ベトナム、ウズベキスタンキルギス、ザンビア、タジキスタン、スリナメ、エジプトスロベニア、ポーランド、ソビエト連邦、ミヤンマー、ホンジュラス、ブルネイ、ボスニアヘルツェコビナ、北朝鮮、インドネシア、バングラデッシュモザンビーク、パキスタン、ロシア、インド、アフガニスタン
Scarcity; Notes from 30 different countries.It contains notes of countries which's name has already been changed, and also of non famous countries.It is a set of rare and scarcity notes.Containing notes are from;Nicaragua, Croatia, Laos, Guinea-Bissau, Mongolia,Iran, Nepal, Cambodia, Vietnam, Uzbekistan,Kirghiz, Zambia, Tajikistan, Suriname, Egypt,Slovenia, Poland, the Soviet Union, Myanmar, Honduras,Brunei, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Korea, Indonesia, Bangladesh,Mozambique, Pakistan, Russia, India, Afghanistan.
Dear ACI am Suzuki, from Taro-shop.Thank you very much for purchasing our products the other day.Unfortunately, the product had been kept in your country for over 10 days as there was nobody at the delivery address.And we received the item back today.We are not able to resend the item as the parcel is damaged and it cost a lot of money to resend it.Therefor, I would like to process refund to you around 25th July, when we receive your payment. I am sorry for the inconvenience, but I hope you understand all this situation.Kind regards,SuzukiCase manager
Hello.I have sent you an email on June 22nd, regarding to the sample order .Hope you received it ok. and I have been waiting for your reply.Also, when do you think I will receive a contract document?We would like to introduce this product to Japan market very soon.I am looking forward to hearing from you.Kind regards,
New customer and first order. Susan, can you see with Joy or Charmaine what was shipped and what is left to ship? ThanksCan you check with ana patino or look at your forcasting sheet to see when the other 2 skus are coming in? On Jun 26, 2013, at 6:48 PM, "Susan J Creed" <SCreed@Travelpro.com> wrote:Omar, below highlighted in yellow is what was shipped … I have showed the inventory for the balance.Out of the 7 SKUs left to ship, we only have inventory for 5, and that is split between Boca and LA.
新規のお客様の、最初の注文です。Susan、Joy かCharmaineと会って、何が発送済みで、何が発送されなかったのかを確認してください。よろしくお願いします。ana patino をチェックするか、forcasting sheetを見て、残りの skus 2個がいつ入荷するのか調べてください。6月26日 6:48 PM "Susan J Creed" <SCreed@Travelpro.com>が書きました。Omarさん、黄色でハイライトしてある物を発送しました・・・・・残りの商品バランスについては、全商品リストを見せています。7 SKUs以外での、発送予定では、5つしかない在庫を、Boca と LA.に分けることになります。
If no, what method do you plan to use?We'll also need a little bit more information that we need to receive by fax only and has to be sent in before you answer the questions above. We will not review your account until the information below has been submitted. Some of them may have to do with the items being listed or the information provided when registering the account. The contact information on the documents you send us needs to match the information on your eBay account. If
もし駄目なら、どのような方法を使用する予定ですか?こちらとしては、上記の質問にお答えいただく前に、もう少し詳しい情報をFAXで教えていただきたいと思います。以下の情報を確定するまでは、こちらとしては、あなたのアカウントにレビューをするつもりはありません。いくつかの商品に対しては、商品をリストアップする時点で、またはアカウントに登録する時点で、情報を明らかにする必要があるのかもしれません。お送りいただいた書類に記載されていた連絡先は、そちら側の eBayアカウントのものと同一の物である必要があります。
top grade product
この度は商品をご購入いただき、誠にありがとうございます。この品物を、あなたが気に入っていただければ、私たちは嬉しいです。もしあなたがこのほかにも、クールで高品質な日本製のフィギュアをお探しなら、私たちにご連絡ください。私たちは日本に複数の仕入先をもっています。きっとあなたのご要望に応え、あなたを満足させることができるでしょう。もしよかったら、また次回もABCD SHOPから、買ってください。
Thank you for purchasing our product.I hope you liked the item.If you still looking for another cool and high-quality Japan made dolls, please let me know.We have a several manufactures dealing with.It would be able to response to your needs and satisfy you.If you like, please purchase a product from ABCD SHOP.
I am so relieved that you have received the item safely. I am sorry.I couldn't recognized the failure.As you wish, I will refund 50 euros.I am so sorry for what happened.
Thank you for your question!I can send the item to the address that you prefer.I am looking forward you to purchasing the item.Thank you again.
Dear yamahaya88102012,Hi,today i got the item i bought from you.But the item is partially damaged. The a button works perfectly also the sound and light works that is connected to this button. But the b button got a loose connection and the lights in the upper part of the wand that should light up when i press it does not work. There was nothing written about it in the description of the item. I want some of my money back, i would say 50 €.
yamahaya88102012さんへこんにちは。今日、購入した商品が届きました。残念な事に、商品の一部が傷付いていました。ボタンは正確に動いていますし、ボタンに接続されている音やライトもちゃんと作動します。ただ、Bボタンの接続があまくなっており、ステッキの上部ライトが、ボタンを押すと光るはずなのですが、光りません。説明書にも、その事については何も記載されていません。ですので、いくらか返金をお願いしたいと思います。50 €ほどの返金額を考えています。
You mean that if I want the item to be sent to Florida next time, it cost similar shipping?So I want to confirm that the postage of last order was correct.
I am sorry,I forgot to set the price including shipping. If you haven't purchase the item,can you to buy the item from another seller?I am so sorry for all the hassle.
Thank you for making time for me yesterday.It was really fun talking with you.Anyway, can you send me a sample of the product before you ship 20 of them that I asked yesterday? I would like the one with 27.2mm width. I'd like to check the quality of the item first.You can ship my order of 20 of those items, in the end of July.If possible, please send 1 sample as soon as possible. I don't mind if I have to pay extra. Also please contact me with payment method. It would be great if I can pay by credit card or PayPal. Thank you. Hoping for the great trade with you in a future.
I would like to know how much (%) discount I get.Could you please advise me the price of the product after the discount?I will let you know the products I would like to buy later.
Thank you for your email and photos.Sorry it took for a while to reply to you too.We were very glad to see aunty Kazuko and little Machiko, and had really good time.Aunty looks healthy and well, and Machiko is so young as I herd , and I was so surprised by that.Also, thank you for all the souvenirs.I still remember when my mother saw you at our place, her face lighten up and looked so fine for that moment. She still have high motivation and walking by herself.
Is aunty Kazuko healing from tiredness of all the travel? I assume that Machiko will be busy for a while as Robert family's moving to Boston.We are looking forward seeing everyone by visiting Boston or Hawaii one day.Anyway, I am happy that I can keep in touch with Machiko by email and so on.Sorry for being late, but I send you some photos.
I guess that all of you have already know about Mac. It seems many people using Mac for its outrageous design to play with it. some collage images are made with too much effort, and its interesting. I think I can cook rice perfect. New Mac cooks 3 cups of rice with high-power . It is forging pressure rice cooker. Deep-fried pork on rice, BBQ, some says it is similar to trash box/ Mount Fuji is finally listed as a world heritage site! Its 17th in Japan, I think it should be done long time ago, but I want to purely be happy with it.Countless number of people has been attracted by this mountain, from ancient age, it has been a image for religious acts and arts.