hiro_hiro 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 中国語(繁体字)
hiro_hiro 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

How can I pay to one of your merchants?
In order to make payments with EcoCard to our merchants you should
Be registered with both ? EcoCard and merchant
Your EcoCard account should be properly funded. If not, check Step-by-Step instructions on Depositing
Go to the "MyEco" Section on www.ecocard.com and sign into EcoCard account using your username and password
Choose "Transfer To Merchant" section from the left-hand menu
To make a payment to merchant you need to fill in the form
Choose account number from drop-down list Note: You will see the available transfer amount right below. If you choose another account with different currency, the amount will be automatically converted into the chosen account currency



EcoCard と売り手のサイト両方に登録している。
EcoCard アカウントに適切に入金がなされている。そうでない場合、入金の手順をご参照ください。
www.ecocard.comの"MyEco"セクションで、ユーザー名とパスワードを入力してEcoCard アカウントにサインインする。
ページ左側の"Transfer To Merchant"(売り手に送金)セクションを選択する。

hiro_hiro 英語 → 日本語

Go to the “Deposit” section (the name of this section may vary with different merchants), choose EcoCard as a payment method;

Insert the amount you wish to deposit from your EcoCard (it should be equal or less your EcoCard balance);

Then insert your username and password and press “Next” or “Submit” button;
Funds are transferred (you may check it by logging into your EcoCard).

My EcoCard is in one currency, but my account with one of your merchants is in another currency. How should I act if I want to pay with EcoCard?

There is absolutely no problem ? the amount you wish to pay from EcoCard will be automatically converted to the currency of the merchant according to the present day currency exchange rate.


“Deposit” (入金)セクションで(このセクションの名前は、売り手のサイトによって異なる場合があります。)支払い方法としてEcoCardを選択してください。


ユーザー名とパスワードを入力し、“Next” (次へ)あるいは、 “Submit”(送信)をクリックします。


問題ありません。EcoCard から支払いたい金額は為替相場に従い、自動的に売り手の扱う通貨に変換されます。

hiro_hiro 英語 → 日本語

Title:LivingSocial Catches Groupon: Has Groupon Peaked?
You’ve got to wonder how things would be looking if Groupon had agreed to be acquired by Google when it had the chance. Groupon has been taking the world by storm, and has been considered one of the hottest startups of the past year or so. Lots of other companies are catching on to Groupon’s game, however, and it’s looking less likely than any one company – Groupon included – will be able to “own” the deals space.

In a recent article, we looked at how new deals sites are popping up in all kinds of markets and verticals, and businesses are more than happy to spread their advertising dollars around among different ones.




hiro_hiro 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

This will be the main currency of your account — you can add accounts for other currencies after registration.
Create a Security Question and answer
Please select a question from the drop-down menu and insert the answer in the entry field below. Please ensure the Security Question you chose has only one definitive answer known by you and no-one else. We will use your Security Question and answer to recover your password should you forget it.
Enter the validation code
Please insert the characters displayed in the box, into the entry field below. If you are having trouble reading the letters/numbers in the validation code, please click the ‘Characters not clear?’ link to display a different set of characters.


Security Question and answer(セキュリティーのための質問と答え)を作成します。ドロップダウンメニューから質問を選択し、以下の入力欄に答えを記入します。セキュリティーのための質問は、あなた以外にはわからない明確なひとつの答えがあるものを選択してください。セキュリティーのための質問と答えは、万が一
以下の入力欄にボックスに表示されている文字を入力してください。認証コードの文字や数字がわかりにくい場合は、‘Characters not clear?’(文字がわかりにくいですか?)と書かれたリンクをクリックし、別の文字列を表示させてください。

hiro_hiro 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Step-by-Step instructions on Registration / activation
Click apply
Go to www.ecocard.com and press the ‘Register FREE’ button.
Create your account details
All fields marked with * are mandatory.
Enter your email address and type it again to re-confirm
Please ensure you input a valid email address; we will use it to send you an account activation link.
Choose a username and password
These will be used to log in to your account. Both your username and password should be at least 6 characters long, easy to remember but hard to guess. For practical help and advice on choosing a suitable and secure password, please refer to our guidance for choosing a secure password help section. Re-enter your password to confirm.


www.ecocard.comで‘Register FREE’をクリックします。

hiro_hiro 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

saw you recent email with the light scratch on the underside of the base where the wave markings are(these alone are 1/4" or less), so what you are pointing out is just so miniscule, I would not have picked it up. My thought is that this could have been during production, but not damage. You had to zoom in quite a bit just to see the mark. This is not second quality, is 60 years old, and I am sure they did not make seconds back then. There are no damaging marks anywhere along the inside, feet, edges or the top of this. I am not an antique collector, which apparently you are and described this to the best of my ability.If you are unhappy with its condition,send it back.



hiro_hiro 英語 → 日本語

I am so sorry you had a problem with this item. I am positive all was intact when it was sent. I had purchased this for my granddaughter's wedding and the wedding never took place so I have hung on to it for some time.
This package was insured, at my expense so you can get reimbursement from the post office. Please contact them and if, for some reason, they will not reimburse you for the 'damage' you can contact me again. I put a lot of extra tissue paper around the figurine to protect it in the box. Are you certain it was not in the tissue?
I offer a full refund for items returned within 7 days of purchase. It has been close to 1 month and my pictures are deleted after 14 days.
Please let me hear from you.

