MPI Japanが虎ノ門ヒルズで総会を開催MPIジャパンチャプターは7月14日、虎ノ門ヒルズフォーラムでAnnual Meeting(通常総会)、懇親会および虎の門ヒルズ内覧会を開催した。通常総会では、前年度の事業活動の報告と決算報告のほか、2014/15年度の事業活動と予算について議論され、承認された。今年度の主要活動計画としては次の5項目が承認された1.グローバルネットワーク構築の強化2.チャプター強化3.Education4.Networking5.20周年行事事業
MPI Japan held the general meeting at Toranomon HillsMPI Japan Chaper held the Anual Meeting, a social gathering, and the exhibition of Toranomon Hills at Toranomon Hills Forum July 14.In the Annual Meeting, MPI reported the business operations and settlement of accounting, and these in the 2014/2015 fiscal year had been approved through argumentation.These 5 items had been approved as the business activities in this fiscal year.1. Strengthening of constructing the global network.2. Reinforcement of Chapter3. Education 4. Networking5. Operating the 20th anniversary events
(一社)日本コンベンション事業協会 女性部会、 (一社)日本展示会協会 女性の活躍推進委員会、日本PCO協会JAPCOなでしこプロジェクトのMICE関連4団体の女性委員会が8月7日、グランドプリンスホテル新高輪で、「第2回MICE女性ネットワーキングイベント~MICE業界躍動の原動力、女性たちと共に~」を開催する。同イベントはMICE業界を動かす原動力となる女性の活躍について、MICE業界4団体の女性委員会が合同で企画し、業界で活躍する女性たちに学びと交流の場を提供するもの。
The 4 associations related to MICE such as the female department ofJapan convention association, the department of promoting social female flourishing in Japan exhibition association, and the project of JAPCO Nadeshiko of Japan PCO association, will held the the event named, "The second MICE Female Networking Event(Getting together with women, the motive power of activating the MICE industry."This event was about activities of women as the motive power in MICE industry and also planned by 4 female committees in the MICE industry , and will provide the opportunity for females who work actively in the industry in order to learn and strengthen cultural exchanges.
The figures in fairy tales are not ambivalent ― not good and bad at the same time, as we all are in reality. But since opposites dominate the child's mind, they also dominate fairy tales. A person is either good or bad, nothing in between. One brother is stupid, the other is clever. One sister is virtuous and industrious, the others are vile and lazy. One is beautiful, the others are ugly. One parent is all good, the other evil. Opposite characters are not placed next to each other for the purpose of stressing right behavior, as would be true for cautionary tales.
I will re-announce what I have constantly want to do. It is that you pay back to me all the money including shipping fee. However, I will pay the shipping fee if you want.All items I received are junk and if you are kind to your customers, my request is justified.
By the way, I have five businesses of ● with you.I want to buy again ● which I bought from you Apr. 17.It is not ● of A, but I guess it is ● of B.Will you please check out the images that I will send you?And will you please let me know if you have the stocks of the products.I will take it again.Please keep in touch.Unfortunately, the shipping fee will be higher because I'm in Japan now.However, I was satisfied your dealing.Do you have ● of B, not ● of A?I'm pleased if you sell it to me by discount price next time.
Thank you for your message.I'm afraid that your package is lost or still in customs.I will try to find out it.I will pay back you unless you couldn't receive it within 10 days.
I understood your request.Then, may I take responsibility to export the products of JA by myself and sell them in Japan?Many of Japanese masters don't know about JA.Moreover, there are few masters who make contact with JA and export them from Germany.I'm sure that I can increase the number of customers by my advertisement in Japan.And I guess the market of Japan is as large as that of Germany.I take all responsibility. Why don't you taking this offer?Will you supply me it and discount it by 30%?
Thank you for your email. I apologize that you have not received your order. I have initiated an internal investigation on your package and we are contacting UPS to resolve this issue. Please be advised that it may take 7-10 business days for UPS to contact us with a resolution. You will be contacted directly when we locate your package, or in the event your package cannot be found, we will notify you as to when your replacement order will arrive.
ご連絡ありがとうございます。注文をお受け取りになれないこと申し訳なく思います。まずあなたの荷物の内部調査に取り掛かっており、 私たちは現在この問題を解決するためにUSPに連絡をとっております。USPが解決策について我々に連絡するまで7-10日間かかることをご報告いたします。我々が荷物の位置を特定致しましたら、直接ご連絡いたします。見つからなかった場合には、いつ代品が到着するかお知らせいたします。