●セット内容:本体、専用ケース <br>●サイズ:本体=(約)5.7×3×1.2cm<br> 専用ケース=(約)7.5X5X2cm <br>●重量:本体=約2g <br>●材質:本体=Silicon、専用ケース=AS樹脂 <br><br>※使用部位に異常がある方はご使用をお控えください。<br>※異常を感じた場合はご使用をお止めください。<br>※体感には個人差があります。
●商品内容:商品實體、專用盒<br>●品寸:商品實體=(約)5.7×3×1.2cm<br> 專用盒=(約)7.5X5X2cm <br>●重量:商品實體=約2g <br>●材質:商品實體=Silicon、專用盒=AS樹脂 <br><br>※在使用產品的地方有異常的消費者,請斟酌是否使用。<br>※如果感覺異常的話,請停止使用。<br>※身體的感覺依個人而會有差異。
刺繍入りバッグ可憐な花柄の刺しゅうとフリンジがポイント。カントリー調の雰囲気をスタイリッシュに演出します。合皮素材でお手入れもラクチン。肩ひもは調節可能、使い勝手も◎です。材質=合成皮革 サイズ=たて約16×横24×まち幅約8.5cm 開閉=マグネット ポケット=中:2個 (ファスナー1) 携帯電話収納ポケット:1個 肩ひも調節可 重量=約300g
刺繡的包包重點是可愛花樣的刺繡和蓬邊。將鄉村的氣氛表現的非常流行。因為合皮材料,所以保養維護也簡單不麻煩。肩部的繩子也可以調整,依個人喜好來使用。材質=合成皮革 尺寸=縱約16×横24×幅約8.5cm 開閉=磁吸式口=中:2個 (拉鏈1) 手機收納袋:1個肩部的繩子可調整 重量=約300g
レトロモチーフネックレスあたたかみのあるポップなカラーで、着こなしに華やかさを添えます。レトロな雰囲気と存在感のある大きさがポイント。シンプルトップスと合わせて、センスアップしちゃいましょう。材質=スチール・エポキシ樹脂・真チュウ 全長:約72cm(アジャスター約5cm含む) 最大幅:約6cm
主題重新流行的項練擁有溫暖的顏色,除了好穿戴之外,更添加些許華麗。強調重新流行的氣氛與存在感的大小。與細緻毛絨上衣搭配,可以相當提升整體的感覺。材質=鋼・環氧樹脂・銅黃 全長:約72cm(含調節器約5cm) 最大幅:約6cm
裏キルトニットブルゾンざっくりとしたローゲージを、ラフに着くずして男らしさをアピール!ウール混のニット素材を使用、身ごろにはキルトの裏地が付いてよりあたたかです。編模様の縦ラインとハイネックがスッキリと見せます。品質=[表地]アクリル70%・毛30%(ニット 柄編 3ゲージ)[中わた]ポリエステル100% [裏地]有(総裏 身頃のみキルト使用) 内ポケット(無) 柄の出方が多少異なる場合があります。
裏面蘇格蘭男用短裙的編織襯衫編織密度較低,穿起來較鬆鬆大大的,推薦給想穿出男人隨興感覺的人。使用混羊毛的編織衣料,穿在身上有附蘇格蘭男用短裙,相當溫暖的感覺。可以看見編織模樣的縱線和高領。品質=[表面材質]壓克力70%・毛30%(編織衣料 柄編 3gauge)[裏面棉花]人造纖維100% [裏面材質]有(總裏 裏面蘇格蘭男用短裙) 裏面口袋(無) 花樣的表現方式多少會有不同。
I want to display in Japanese by CSM.The app I have can not match my requests. But you said that it had been possible.Please send me the app can display in Japanese by CSM.The app I got is not yet finished.
こんな感じで撮影をしていますよ。東京の美容トレンドをお伝えするTOKYO COSME TRENDのMCはモデルの沙良ちゃんです!プロのメイクアップアーティストによるメイクアドバイスも撮影しています!いつものメイクも、プロのアドバイスが加わるとすごく良くなりますよ!
要像這樣來拍攝。傳達東京美髮潮流的TOKYO COSME TREND其MC是模特兒的沙良小姐。也正在拍攝專業美粧師給的美粧建議! 不論何時要美粧的時候,都能有來自專業美粧師的建議,這真是太好了。
I sincerely apologize for the delay in responding to your email as well as your having a problem with one of the items.A return of the item is absolutely no problem, us incurring to cost of returning it from Japan when we shipped it to a US address is. As I am sure you are aware the cost of shipping overseas is absolutely crazy, hence you made other ways to get it overseas.
At the same time we do believe in trying to make and keep our customers happy. When I first saw you email, I said absolutely not. Upon closer examination you paid $18.00 for the item, We have delayed in responding to your email, (poor customer service) and we would still reimburse or bare the cost of the return shipping from a USA address in a situation like this. Therefore, we are simply going to issue you a refund for the defective item with no need to return it.
Good afternoonI saw your profile and seem you had a lot of experiences to translate, so would you please do a job for me?The job is very simple.I would give you 20-30 links. And the links are to show the results of each one translator's translations between English-Russian language. Please see the translation results and evaluate those with 1-6 stages. You do not have to adjust those.Due to the translators, there are many translations, therefore it would be OK to just confirm the translations of 2,3.if you would like to take this job, please contact me.
By the button in left top, you can set up the tempo of metronome when you are recording.By the button in left below, you can set up the voice on-off of metronome.By the button in right top, you can choose the guide of songs you want to record.By the button in right below, you can set up guide on-off. If you turn on, you can record when you are listening .By the bar below, you can understand the volume of recording.please adjust the color of lamps as the standard.Suggesting to use earphone to record.You can listen to the voice of guide carefully, and do not mix to the voice recording, either.Also you can check the effect of echo.
電波時計は、日本標準時を受信して時刻を合わせる時計ですので、海外でご使用の場合でも日本の標準電波を受信し、現地の正しい時刻を表示しない可能性があります。海外でご使用の場合は電波の自動受信を止める「受信off機能」で電波の自動受信を停止した上でご使用ください。その際はクオーツの精度で作動します。(アナログタイプ:平均月差±20秒 デジタルタイプ:平均月差±30秒)
RADIO CLOCK can receive the time of Japan and match it, so that RADIO CLOCK can be used even overseas, but it is possible not to display the local time precislly.To use RADIO CLOCK overseas, please turn off automatically receiving radio wave by[receiving off function]which stops automatically receiving radio wave. And then, radio clock would start to work by the precision of quartz.(analog type:1 month ave.±20 secs digital type:1 month ave.±30 secs)
Thanking you very much.About our account, it is becoming the situation that we can't sell any goods.Is it with any problem? How would be possible to sell again?Please contact me how to deal with this problem.Thanking you very much.We sold this good, but the good is still not returned yet.Because the good is still not returned, all the payment for the good is already refunding , therefore our loss will be double.As to this problem, do you have any solution for us to deal with it?Please contact me by your suggestion.
私達がFLとCAに倉庫を契約しているのは日本への発送をする為です少量の購入や、サンプルとしての購入では、日本への発送をしてくれないお店も多くありますそのためにアメリカ国内で日本へ発送をしてくれる倉庫が必要でしたFLとCAに契約倉庫があるのは、現在 契約倉庫の変更を検討していたために2箇所の契約倉庫を持っていましたどちらの倉庫も日本への発送業務のみの依頼です商品を多くまとめて日本へ送れば送料が安くなることも多いです私達は日本でのみ販売をしていますアメリカでは販売はしていません
We are having a storehouse with contracting in FL and CA in order to deliver to Japan.If it is a few amount of purchasing and purchasing for simple, there would be many stores can not deliver to Japan.Therefore, it is necessary to have a storehouse for delivering to Japan from domestic of US.To have a storehouse with contracting in FL and CA is being discussed the changing of storehouse with contracting now. Therefore, we had 2 storehouse with contracting.A requirement is only to deliver to Japan by which one storehouse.To deliver to Japan after collecting a lot amount of goods, the freight fee would be very cheap.We are selling only in Japan.We are not selling in USA.
Good afternoon.I thank your answering.You had contacted me by mail when the goods are shortage.You are really honest to deal with me.But, I had forgotten your mail's contents.It is my fault not to check enough.I apologize this for you.
パーツ取り用 大量 SEIKO 時計メンズ、レディースの両方が混在 汚れ、傷、破損、電池切れ、ベルト切れ、ベルト無し、部品の紛失などある 現在動作している時計もあるが、全て修理や調整が必要とお考え下さい 時計内部は全て未確認。動作保証なしという事を御理解頂き、入札をお願いする自動設定でebayのunpaiditemcaseがオープンされているが、私がオープンしたのではないので気にしないで支払いが確認できればケースを閉じられるそれか形だけ落札をキャンセルすればケースは閉じられる
It is for parts and a lot of amount of SEIKO watch.It is mixed both with man and woman.There are dirty, scar, damaged, running out of battery and belt, no belt, losing the parts and so on.We have the watches which are still working, please consider about the necessary for all to repair or adjust.The inner part of the watch is still unconfirmed.Please enter a bid after understanding that there is no guarantee of watch working.Unpaiditemcase of ebay is on open situation by automatically setting. And please do not care about the thing that I did not open it.If after confirming the payment, the case will be closed.It is just a formality. After canceling the bid, the case will be closed.
友達に紹介設定中…WiFi自動切替位置情報取得時にWiFiをONにして精度を高める位置情報取得時にWiFiの状態を自動変更しません写真をダウンロードできませんでした。通信環境の良いところで再度お試しください。下の各ボタンで、友達に「Kiss」アプリのダウンロードURLを送信できます。LINE で伝えるショートメール で伝えるEメール で伝える他のメッセージアプリで伝える送信アプリを選択KissアプリのダウンロードURL
an introduction to friends.It is setting... Automatically change to WiFiwhen getting the information of position, it would raise the accuracy by turning on the WiFi.when getting the information of position, the situation of the WiFi can not change automatically.It could not download the photos.Please try it again in the environment of good reception.By the each button below, you can send your friends the download URL of 「Kiss」app.To send by LINETo send by short-mailTo send by other message appsTo select the sending-mail appthe download URL of 「Kiss」app
I thank you very much.I am sorry about late to pay. I paid that just a while ago, please confirm that.Besides, would you please tell me about the tracking number of the product I had paid in 11/5.The number of payment request:In addition, please send the goods ordered today by GLS.If our company want to use DHL, we will inform you in other way, therefore, all of delivery use GLS please.sincerely
I appreciate you very much. I am Daro Yamada in Japan.Order DateReference NumberAbout the order above-mentioned, would you please tell me the situation now?When do you plan to deliver?The settlement of credit card is finishing.Order DateReference NumberThe later order above-mentioned had already arrived, therefore I am a little worried.Besides, it is not so rush to deliver, but just a need to confirm.I am sorry for your inconvenient. I am waiting for your confirm and reply.I thank you very much. I am Yamada in Japan.This is the information about the address of delivery.From now on, I hope that we can get well with each other.
日本でのfloor care商品の代表的な海外ブランドになることa)Stick cordless cleaners・スティックコードレス部門のカテゴリーの成長を図ること(まだ72%が未保有)b)Canister cleaner・製品認知拡大とユニークな利点を実証することC)Cordless handheldリーダーシップを維持すること
To be the representative brand overseas of floor care product in Japan.a)to attempt for growth of category in Stick cordless cleaners・Sticking cordless apartment(it still not have 72% ).b)to expand of knowing Canister cleaner・products and to proof unique benefit.C)Cordless handheld to keep the leadership.