EDVARD MUNCH / MOURLOT:1 EDVARD MUNCH beautiful color lithograph in red and blue ink; printed by Mourlot in Paris, France in 1969 and published by the Los Angeles County Museum of Art; printed single sided on heavy stock measuring approx 8 x 6 inches; The Atelier Mourlot was the leading lithographic printer of the 20th century, famous for printing the posters and lithographs of such artists as Picasso, Chagall, Miro, Braque, Leger, Matisse and othersCHAGALL:1 CHAGALL 35 year old double page color litho (with centerfold as issued) originally copyrighted by Verve; this edition printed in Germany in 1977 on nice, matte paper in vivid colors with blank back; measuring approx 19 x 11"
エドヴァルド・ムンク/MOURLOT:1 エドヴァルド・ムンク 赤やブルーのインクを使った美しい色リトグラフ;1969年 フランス、パリのMourlotによってプリント、ロサンゼルスの美術館(LACMA)によって発刊された。ヘビーストック紙片面プリント/サイズ 約8×6委インチ;アトリエMourlotは20世紀当時、最先端のリトグラフ印刷業者だった。ピカソ、シャガール、ミロ、ブラック、レジャ、マティスなどのポスターやリトグラフを印刷していたことで有名だ。シャガール:1 シャガール 35歳 中綴じ見開き 色リソグラフィ著作権は元来Verveに所属。1977年ドイツで印刷されたこの版は良質マット紙使用、白紙に鮮やかカラー使用;サイズ 約19×11インチ
CEZANNE 1 CEZANNE limited edition collotype printed on Brandywine Coverstock and published as part of a rare Triton Press portfolio c. 1974; Triton Press was responsible for publishing a number of high end collotypes most notably a series of Andrew Wyeth collotypes which sell for several thousand dollars a piece; **SIGNED IN THE PLATE & WITH THE IN-PLATE STAMP OF THE TRITON PRESS** this collotype is presented in a removable die cut paper mat with clamshell opening as issued and bears the in-plate stamp of the Triton Press; the collotype printing process was a very labor intensive and costly process typically reserved for high end, limited edition print runs; very scarce;
セザンヌ1セザンヌ 限定版 Brandywine表紙コロタイプ印刷 1974年珍しいTriton Press画集の一部として出版された。;Triton Pressは多くの高級コロタイプの出版を総括していた。とりわけ1作品につき、数千ドルで売買されるアンドリューワイエスのコロタイプを扱っていた。**TRITON PRESS証明スタンプとサインが入ったプレート付**このコロタイプは取り外し可能な折りたたみ式に開くダイカットの敷紙に入れられ、Triton Pressのスタンプの証明が一緒についてくる。コロタイプ印刷はかなり労働を要し費用がかさむ工程だったので特に高級志向用、限定版用に用いられた。大変貴重である。
Cezanne's painting The Card Players holds the record for the most expensive painting ever sold.MATISSE COLOR ENGRAVINGMATISSE color engraving published under the direction of George Besson and engraved and printed by the establishments Braun & Cie at Mulhouse-Dornach Haut-Rhin in Paris, France printed single sided on heavy cream colored stock SIGNED IN THE PLATE the appeal of these engravings is that they were included in a rare and sought after French Masters of Contemporary Art folio which lists for an average of $500; critics have suggested a hand coloring technique may have been used due to the vibrancy of the colors in these pieces however the publisher states nothing on the justification to support this
セザンヌの絵画『カード遊びをする男たち』は過去最高額で売買された絵画として記録を持つ。マティス 色版画マティス/色版画 フランス、パリのMulhouse-Dornach Haut-RhinでBraun & Cieにより版画、印刷され、ジョージベッソンの監修の元出版された。片面、クリーム色のヘビーストック紙使用サイン入りプレート コンテンポラリーアートフォリオのフレンチマスターとして珍重され騒がれる。平均して500ドルの値がついた。あまりにも色が鮮やかなので評論家たちの間では実際に画家の手によって色づけされた手法が使われたと騒がれたが、出版社側ではこのうわさに関しては一切裏づけしていない。
MATISSE1 MATISSE stunning color lithograph after the original 1947 Jazz "collage paper cut outs" which were printed in a scarce edition of 250 copies This edition printed 29 years ago in Munich, West Germany by permission of the "bibliothek, Munich"; "Great care was taken to come as close to the 1947 edition as possible. Twenty-one inks were specially manufactured to match the individual colors and a special paper was made from wood-free paperboardTOULOUSE-LAUTRECLAUTREC large color lithograph printed in brilliant, vivid colors by Mourlot for a folio of Lautrec's posters' on heavy stock, single sided with blank back;SIGNED IN THE PLATE The Atelier Mourlot was the leading lithographic printer of the 20th century
マティス1マティス すばらしい色リトグラフ 1947年250枚のみ出版の貴重なオリジナル版ジャズ(ペーパーカットアウトのコラージュ)の後、この版は29年前西ドイツのミュンヘンでbibliothekの許可を得て印刷された。1947年版とほぼ極めて同じようになるよう配慮されて出来たものだ。21のインクは特別にそれぞれの色に合うよう配合され、紙も特別に木片のない板紙から創られたものを用いた。トゥールーズ‐ロートレックロートレック 大判色リトグラフ Mourlotによりロートレックのポスター本は印刷。真っ白な背景にすばらしく鮮やかな色合い。ヘビーストック紙片面。サイン入りプレート付。アトリエMourlotは20世紀当時、リトグラフ印刷の先駆けだった。
MATISSE1 MATISSE lithograph in stunning colors from the scarce and valuable Mourlot's Original Posters folio; *SIGNED IN THE PLATE* printed by Mourlot single sided on heavy stock for the front panel of the dust jacket and published by Andre Seurat in Monte Carlo in 1959, compare to other examples listed for between $150 and $250! The Atelier Mourlot was the leading lithographic printer of the 20th century, famous for printing the posters and lithographs of such artists as Picasso, Chagall, Miro, Braque, Leger, Matisse and others; CONDITION: overall this piece is in good condition however there are some closed tears at both the top and bottom of the sheet along with some edge and corner wear
マティス1マティス 貴重で価値のあるMourlotのオリジナルポスター本よりすばらしい色合いのリトグラフ;サイン入りプレート付。Mourlot印刷、片面ヘビーストック紙(1959年モンテカルロのAndre Seuratにて出版されたdust jacketのフロントパネルに使用)他のものと比べ、150~250ドルの間で販売された。アトリエMourlotは20世紀当時、リトグラフ印刷の先駆けだった。ピカソ、シャガール、ミロ、ブラック、レジャー、マティス、などのポスターやリトグラフを印刷したことで有名だった。状態:全般的にはこの作品はよい状態ではありますが、シートの上と下に若干の破れがあることと角が少しすれております。
The detail of the modification is writen on xxx.txt. Please confirm it. Is it difficult to install the function below that I asked bfore? I'm disappointed because I was looking forward to.
日本郵便に確認を取りました所、お客様の荷物は x/x に日本を出発し、現在イギリス税関にて検査中との事でした。
As I checked with Japanese Post office, your package left Japan on xx and is currently going through the UK custom.
Step 1: Determine why your selling privileges were removedRead the notice you received from B to determine whether your selling privileges were removed for poor performance, or for one or more violations of our selling Policies & Agreements.Step 2: Evaluate your selling practicesReview your customer metrics and identify those that do not meet our performance targets. Evaluate your selling practices for those that may result in buyer dissatisfaction. Review your inventory for items that are in violation of our Policies & Agreements.Step 3: Create a Plan of ActionCreate a Plan of Action outlining the steps you will take to correct the problems you identified in Step 2.
Short-term lived in Hong Kong...…2014:Short-term lived in Chiangmai and Bangkok, Thailand.Currently living in Colombo, Sri Lanka. I guess more or less that's where I came from.......and people must be curious how I became artist. To be frank I've never studied art before. Naturally I was born this way, I see I learn, I walk I learn, I fall I learn. As an artist I didn't participate any gallery and my artworks has never been exposed in any exhibition. I believe it's good to stay like this way - " Just be myself". Also I wanna thank you my friends in ETSY and also the buyer who gave so much patience and encouragement. I'm thankful.
・Mobile games tied to WeChat and QQ brought in RMB 1.8 billion (US$289 million) in revenue in Q1, which tripled from Q4 last year.Here are the social media highlights: ・396 million monthly active users on WeChat. ・848 million monthly active users on QQ. ・644 million monthly active users on QZone, a Facebook style social network built around QQ. More details can be found in Tencent’s Q1 document (PDF).
WeChatやQQ関係のモバイルゲームは第1半期の総収入1.8億元(289米ドル)に達し去年の第4半期の3倍に達した。これが、ソーシャルメディアのハイライトです。:・WeChatで使用中のユーザー月間396万人。・QQで使用中のユーザー月間848万人。・QQで出来たFacebookスタイルソーシャルネットワークQZoneでの使用中ユーザー月間644万人。さらに詳しい内容はTencent’s Q1資料に書いてあります。(PDF)
CEO Taku Harada doesn’t consider Peatix a ‘Japanese company’Japanese roots, check. But Taku Harada, CEO and Co-Founder, Peatix, an event management platform, doesn’t think of the company as JapaneseHere’s a popular belief: Japan is a big market, and startups from the Northeast Asian country do not need to consider going overseas.“I think this perception is wrong, and can be potentially costly,” said Taku Harada, CEO and Co-Founder, Japan-based Peatix, an event management platform.
Taku Harada氏はPeatixを日本企業でとどまらせない。日本が根源、であることは確かだ。だが、イベント管理Peatixの共同創設者ならびに総責任者であるTaku Harada氏はPeatixを日本式に考えていない。よく言われている理念がこれだ。‐日本は大きなマーケットなので、アジアの東北の国すなわち日本から起業すれば海外進出は考えなくてもそれでいい。『私はこの見解は間違っていると思います。また、場合によっては金のかかる考え方だと思います。』と日本に拠点を置くイベント管理Peatixの共同創設者ならびに総責任者であるであるTaku Harada氏は語る。
I'll order Ruka in the picture I attached. Please make the hairstyle, hair-color and the paint of skin same as the doll in this picture. I want you to use dark brown high-quality glass-eyes for her eyes. Please don't paint pink or red on the tip of bridge of nose. Is it possible? Please send me the invoices separated as below. Would you please send me some pictures when you finish making the doll? I'm so sorry to bother you with so many requests. I'd like to keep ordering from you in the future. Best Regards, Thank you.
We'll meet you at our office at 2:30pm on 5/10th.Our adjustable dates would be below.5/19th(Thur) 4-6pm5/20th(Fri) 3-6pmPlease let us know which date would be convenient for you.That would be great if you could notify us till tomorrow since we have to move around the other schedules.
Hi, The delivery date of this order will be on July 22th. According to this order, pls advise us some information as below: 1) Shipping mark2) do you need Barcode label or not ? If yes, pls inform us your barcode number and the artwork of barcode label with AI format3) Shipping document4) Shipping destination5) Forwarder
Hi, Thank you for your reply. I do not understand by what you mean submit a damage report. How do I do that, please explain. Don't you need me to ship it back? In case you need me to ship it back please advise the address also. Best regards,
I have a baby doll that I want you to make. I'm Japanese. I'm not good at speaking English at all. I want to make an order by using pictures as much as possible. The pictures I attached are my favorite babies. Can you send me more pictures about those babies? Can you make the baby doll without the red dot on their cheeks. I'm talking about the red dots same as you put on their hands and toes. Please look at my good reviews so that you'll see you can trust me to do business with me!
スマホをセットするだけで、プロジェクションマッピングが楽しめるグリーティングカード 一方、昨年末に発表され話題になったバンダイの「ハコビジョン」ですが、いよいよ来週1/27(月)に発売が開始されます。また第2弾としてガンダム・ザクver.も発表されました。こちらは4月発売予定とのことです。見える......見えるよララァ:バンダイ「ハコビジョン」、第2弾はガンダムとシャア専用ザク -最後にスマートフォン利用の事例ではありませんが、思わず見入ってしまう凄すぎる映像作品を。
Greeting card that you can enjoy a Projection Mapping by setting up a smart phone.On the other hand, the Hako vision by BANDAI which was released the end of last year and became the center of talk will be on sale on 1/27th (Mon) next week.The Gundam Zaku ver. was released as part 2 as well. It will be on the market on Apr.I can see...I can see Lala: The Hako vision by BANDAI part 2 contains Gundam and Zaku only for Char-At last, it's not the case for smart-phone use but I want to show you a marverous motion picture which you can't take your eyes off.
(i) that the evidence you submit to Amazon belongs to the business you operate, and that business is established in one of the European Union countries; (ii) that all transactions regarding the services will be business-related transactions made by the business associated with the evidence you submit to Amazon; and (iii) that the evidence and all other information provided by you is true, accurate and current and you will immediately update any such information held by Amazon in case of any changes.(c) Amazon reserves the right to request additional information and to confirm the validity of any seller account information (including without limitation your VAT registration number)
from you or government authorities and agencies as permitted by law and you hereby irrevocably authorise us to request and obtain such information from such government authorities and agencies. Further, you agree to provide any such information to us upon request.(d) We reserve the right to charge you any applicable unbilled VAT if you provide a VAT registration number or evidence of being in business that is determined to be invalid.
今更だけど謎が多いわ...何者なのかしら...-母:めんどくさい。子供:出勤?母:そう、出勤。お前に男あしらいが出来ればなぁ アタシの代わりに働かすんだけど...子供:がんばる。母:頑張れ。とりあえずは隣で荒稼ぎでもしてくれ。...お前ならわけないでしょお。子供:さいきん 皆 入れてくれない。母:こぉの嫌われ者ぉ。-悪いたの箱。小ちくなって 再降臨!
There are too much mystery,saying this after such a long time, though...I wonder who is it?Mother: I don't want to go.Child: Going to work?Mother: Yes, going to work. I wish you know how to treat men, I'll make you work for me.Child: I'll try!Mother: You can do it. Meanwhile, go to neighbor to make quick money....that's a peice of cake for you.Child: They don't let me in these days.Mother: You, unpopular kid!A box of mischievous.Become small and second Advent!