greene 翻訳実績

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greene 英語 → 日本語

Really simple things like getting all the boxes out – can you picture me and my mum at the post office with 72 boxes which all needed to be individually weighed and posted? Big businesses forget about that sort of challenge for SMEs.
I'm a trained chartered accountant so I knew that cashflow is what businesses live or die by. We never keep our people waiting for their money; we use six manufacturers, plus our own factory, I always want to be the one they want to make bags for, and one way to guarantee that is to keep them happy.

The biggest shock I had though was with one of our manufacturers;


箱を全部発送するといった本当に簡単なこと - 私と母が郵便局に72個の箱を持ってきていて、その1個1個それぞれ重さを量って発送している様子を思い浮かべられますか?大企業であれば全く問題にならないようなことが中小企業では大きな課題なのです。


greene 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Soon after, it got to the point where my husband said 'look, I think we need more space', but I was really cautious about expanding – what if this was just a Christmas fad? So I told him, I'll wait and see what the sales are like in February. But he kept on until we went to go and look at storage sheds for the garden.
And we were in the garden centre when my phone started pinging – it pings every time I get an email, but there were a lot of pings. 'Don't worry', I said to my husband 'it was only a cheap website so it's probably only a few emails really'. But it wasn’t. We got back and there were more than 70, all with different email addresses. 'Alright,' I said to my husband, 'we'll need more than one shed'.



greene 英語 → 日本語

5-STEP OFFLINE CLIENT-GETTING REFERENCE GUIDE: What to do once you've Identified a Lead from Facebook or G+? The best way to approach and CLOSE a potential lead is to...
 FIRST... Send a direct 'message' to potential client either via Facebook or G+... As Social Lead Freak presents both options for you. Present the following... Greeting... Followed by who you are and what you do and WHAT brought you to them... Don't be shy in saying you have special software that lets you do this. =) Then go into presenting your product or service & how it can benefit them. (show examples of $$/TIME either saved/earned WHILE giving them options)


オフラインで顧客を獲得する5つのステップについてのリファレンスガイド:FacebookやG+で潜在顧客を見つけたら何をしますか?最も良いアプローチと結果に結びつける方法は、、、まず、、、FacebookやG+で直接メッセージを送ります、、、どちらも良くある方法です。メッセージは次のようにします、、、挨拶文、、、そしてあなたが誰で何をしていて、相手に何を持たらすか、、、あなたが特別なソフトウェアを使っていて相手にコンタクトしていることはちゃんと言った方が良いでしょう。=) 次にあなたの製品やサービスについて、それが相手にとってどう役立つかを説明します。(オプションを示しながら、時間あたりどれだけの金額が節約できるか稼げるかなどの例を示します)

greene 英語 → 日本語

He said that D-Wave is complementary to digital computers; a special-purpose computing resource designed for certain classes of problems.

The D-Wave Two computer has 512 qubits and can, in theory, perform 2^512 operations simultaneously. That’s more calculations than there are atoms in the universe — by many orders of magnitude. Brownell said the company will soon be releasing a quantum processor with more than 1,000 qubits. He said that his computer won’t run Shor’s algorithm, an algorithm necessary for cryptography, but it has potential uses in image detection, logistics, protein mapping and folding, Monte Carlo simulations and financial modeling, oil exploration, and finding exoplanets.




greene 英語 → 日本語

Without a particular sense of urgency or shortcuts, Merkle says, it could easily be 20 years before we’ve replaced all of the Internet’s present security-critical infrastructure.

It is past time we began preparing for the spooky technology future we are rapidly heading into.

Vivek Wadhwa is a fellow at Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford University, director of research at Center for Entrepreneurship and Research Commercialization at Duke, and distinguished fellow at Singularity University. His past appointments include Harvard Law School, University of California Berkeley, and Emory University.




Vivek Wadhwa氏はStanford大学Rock Center for Corporate Governanceのフェロー兼Duke大学Center for Entrepreneurship and Research Commercializationのリサーチ・ディレクター兼Sigularity大学のディスティングイッシュトフェローである。前職では、Wadhwa氏はHarvard Law School、University of California Berkeley、そしてEmory Universityの教授職を歴任している。

greene 英語 → 日本語

Quantum computing is about to make big trouble for cybersecurity

“Spooky action at a distance” is how Albert Einstein described one of the key principles of quantum mechanics: entanglement.

Entanglement occurs when two particles become related such that they can coordinate their properties instantly even across a galaxy. Think of wormholes in space or Star Trek transporters that beam atoms to distant locations. Quantum mechanics posits other spooky things too: particles with a mysterious property called superposition, which allows them to have a value of one and zero at the same time; and particles’ ability to tunnel through barriers as if they were walking through a wall.



「遠隔怪作用」とは量子力学の一基本原理である「量子エンタングルメント(もつれ)」に対するAlbert Einstein博士の表現である。


greene 英語 → 日本語

Quantum mechanics is now being used to construct a new generation of computers that can solve the most complex scientific problems — and unlock every digital vault in the world. These will perform in seconds computations that would have taken conventional computers millions of years. They will enable better weather forecasting, financial analysis, logistical planning, search for Earth-like planets, and drug discovery. And they will compromise every bank record, private communication, and password on every computer in the world — because modern cryptography is based on encoding data in large combinations of numbers, and quantum computers can guess these numbers almost instantaneously.

