Hootsuite unveils Facebook ad tool ‘for human beings’Social media platform Hootsuite, which has offered a Twitter ad tool only for its enterprise users, is today announcing a Facebook ad tool for its entire userbase of more than eleven million.The new Hootsuite Ads tool is streamlined for adoption by almost anyone across an organization who wants to quickly run a Promoted Post.To do so, a user simply selects an objective: reach more people, get more followers, drive engagement, or increase website traffic. The platform automatically recommends recent posts that have performed well for that metric and suggests parameters for such choices as budget, reach, and duration.
HootsuiteがFacebookの広告ツール「for human beings」を公開ソーシャルメディアプラットフォームのHootsuiteは、これまでTwitterの広告ツールをエンタプライズユーザーのみに提供してきたが、本日、自身の全ユーザー1100万人超を対象とするFacebookの広告ツールを発表した。Hootsuiteの新しい広告ツールは、手っ取り早くプロモーテッドポストを使いたいニーズがある組織のほぼ誰にでも使えるうように作られている。ユーザーは単に目的を選べば良い。もっとたくさんの人にリーチする、フォロワーを増やす、エンゲージメントを高める、もしくはウェブサイトのトラフィックを増やす。プラットフォームは選択された目的で効果的だった最近のポストを自動的に勧め、予算・リーチ・期間などの設定パラメタを提案してくれる。
The user then accepts or modifies the suggestions and clicks to promote, which amplifies the reach of that post to more users.VP of new product development Greg Gunn told me that his company’s existing Twitter tool for enterprise users has more choices, options, and control, and requires a more sophisticated user. But this stripped-down approach will be the model moving forward, he said, as Hootsuite eventually supports ads on other social networks.
ユーザーは設定の提案を取り入れるか変更し、プロモートをクリックすれば、ポストがより多くのユーザーからリーチされるよう機能する。新製品開発担当VPのGreg Gunn氏いわく、Hootsuiteの既存Twitterツールはより多くの選択肢やオプションやコントロールをエンタープライズユーザーに提供しているが、ユーザーも詳しくなければいけなかった。しかし、「for human beings」の機能を絞るアプローチが今後のモデルであり、Hootsuiteは他のソーシャルネットワークの広告も先々サポートすると彼は述べた。
Promoted Posts have become an essential way of reaching large numbers of followers and others through Facebook’s News Feed. The social network’s highly opinionated algorithm has increasingly restricted the reach of free organic posts, purportedly to avoid bombarding users with brand messages and irrelevant news.In researching its own user base, Hootsuite found that about 75 percent “had never promoted before on Facebook,” Gunn said. The biggest reason: There are so many choices. In all, the company found the regular process required 13 separate steps.
Because of its simplification, the company is describing its Facebook tool as “the first ad solution for human beings.”Human beings, of course, are a fairly large market segment, which is why Gunn describes this social ad tool for users who aren’t ad specialists as “a huge opportunity.”It’s also potentially huge because of the platform’s popularity. According to VB Insight’s recent report on social media management tools, Hootsuite “is used by more than twice as many of our respondents as any other solution.”Competitor platforms like Sprinklr, Gunn said, do not offer such a simple set of options, while point solutions like AdStage, Kuhcoon, and Qwaya are “really great solutions for full-time ad marketers.”
この単純化を以て、HootsuiteはFacebookツールを「初めての人間用広告ソリューション」と表現している。人間は、当たり前だが、かなり大きな市場セグメントであり、だからこそGunn氏はこの広告の専門家ではない人向けのソーシャル広告ツールには「巨大な市場機会がある」と説明する。また、プラットフォームに人気があることも潜在機会が大きい理由だ。VB Insightのソーシャルメディア管理ツールに関する最近のレポートによれば、「Hootsuiteが「その他」との回答の2倍以上利用されていることがわかった」Sprinklrのような競合プラットフォームはこれほどに簡単なオプションの組み合わせは提供していない一方で、AdStage、Kuhcoon、Qwayaといった専門特化型ソリューションは「フルタイムの広告マーケッター担当者には非常に素晴らしいソリューションでしょう」とGunn氏は言う。
Personal screens, which include smart phones and watches, will grow, reaching 27 percent market share in 2018, or about $30.2 billion. The final category, floating screens, includes tablets and handhelds such as the Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita.In that category, handheld-related sales are expected to drop by more than 22 percent by 2018, but tablet-related sales will rise by 17 percent, so the overall trend is flat.
スマートフォンと時計を含む個人向けスクリーンは伸びており、2018年には市場シェアで27%、金額ベースで$30.2Bに到達する見込みである。最後のカテゴリ、フローティングスクリーンは、タブレットやNintendo 3DSとPlayStation Vitaなどのハンドヘルドデバイスが含まれる。そのカテゴリでは、2018年までにハンドヘルド関連の販売は22%以上減少、タブレット関連の販売は17%伸びることが見込まれており、全体のトレンドとしては横ばいの見通しである。
“It is very easy to overestimate the short-term revenue potential of VR products,” he said. “Facebook and other giants have invested in this for the very long-term. They cannot afford to miss the shift away from physical interaction with screens to augmented reality, which could take a generation to be adapted by a mass audience.”The short term potential is limited, and even when it happens, it’s likely to cannibalize PC and console revenues, Warman said. Newzoo predicts VR could take 10 percent — about $3 billion — of the entertainment screen revenues by 2018, a figure that agrees with estimates by U.K. analyst KZero.
Neither VR nor smart gadgets like the Apple Watch (which Newzoo lumps into the “personal screen” segment with phones) will create new markets, Warman said.“Both will largely tap into the budget game enthusiasts already spend on their favorite pastime,” he said. “Smart phones and tablets created new places and timeslots for people to play games. Smart watches and VR do not. Both will be successful [and] add significant hardware revenues, but let’s be realistic about how much new game revenues will be generated.”
バーチャルリアリティやApple Watchなどのスマートガジェットは、どちらも新しい市場を創るわけではありませんとWarman氏は言う。(Newzooは、両者を「パーソナルスクリーン」市場セグメント(電話も含まれる)で一纏めにしている)「両者とも主に、ゲームを趣味としている普及価格帯のゲームマニアに浸透すると思います」と彼は言う。「スマートフォンやタブレットは新たにゲームをする時間と場所を創りましたが、スマートウォッチとバーチャルリアリティは違います。両者とも成功するでしょうし、ハードウェアの売上げはかなり増えることになるでしょう。しかし実際のところ、新たなゲームの売上げはどれだけ創られるのでしょう?」
Computers still rake in the revenuesWhat won’t change is how much PC gaming revenues affect the overall market, the Newzoo report said. The “computer screen” segment will account for 36 percent of the market by 2018, or about $41.2 billion, with a healthy compound annual growth rate of about 7 percent — roughly the same as the games industry as a whole.That market will be mostly driven by PC and massively multiplayer games (multiplayer online battle arenas, or MOBAs, like League of Legends and MMO role-playing games like World of Warcraft), the report said.
コンピュータはいまだに荒稼ぎ今後も変わらないのはPCゲームの売上げが市場全体に与える影響度です、とNewzooレポートは報告する。「コンピュータスクリーン」セグメントは2018年までに市場の36%(412億米ドル)を占める見通しである。この間の年成長率は約7%と健全な数値であり、これはゲーム産業全体の成長率とほぼ同じである。あの市場は主にPCが牽引しており、特にPC上のマルチプレーヤーゲームが圧倒的な牽引車である、とレポートは報告する。(マルチプレーヤーゲームには、League of LegendsなどのMOBA(Multiplayer Online Battle Arena)とWorld of WarcraftなどのMMOロールプレイングゲームなどがある)
The post office have confirmed our earlier comments, that until we have received their notification, we are unable to make payment. We are currently still waiting for their confirmation in order to pay for the postage costs. As soon as we receive this, we will make payment and they will release your watch.
Since they are holding up their activities, there is no new videos and photos... Though, I keep uploading movies and photos from the past, everyday, but I am sometime feeling a kind of empty...Some accounts I liked also got suspended or turned into other artist account... Everyone should be feeling the same. So, I didn't mean to say empty but I just became feeling like so today. I guess it's maybe because it's already midnight. I guess I better go to bed. It's 6AM in the morning in Japan.
Indeed, just last week we reported on a London-based startup called Chirp which enables file transfers between users using simple audio. The transfer seems instant, works with images and videos, and the service has its own native apps on iOS and Android. Coincidentally, Chirp has just launched a Chrome extension too.
Chirp’s underlying technology is all a bit of a smokescreen to what is going on behind the scenes. No file is actually sent peer-to-peer, and no data travels via sound clips. Chirp merely encodes the file, with the associated sound serving as the delivery mechanism. The file is actually uploaded to Chirp’s servers and a URL generated in real time that is shared with the recipient device and decoded by Chirp. The process from sending to receiving is seamless and near-instant.
Google Tone uses a similar technology to transfer data between machines, so it could in theory expand the technology over time and make it more of a cloud-based file-transfer service. It’s well suited for certain situations and bypasses the need to “pair” devices or enter email addresses. It’s not only an effective means of sharing data with multiple machines in the same room, but also over broadcast networks such as radio — Google confirms it works over Hangouts too.
Google Toneはマシン間のデータ転送に類似技術を使用している。従って、理論上は、将来的にこの技術をクラウドベースのファイル転送サービスに拡張できると考えられる。このサービスは特定の状況で特に有用であり、デバイスを「ペア」にする必要も、メールアドレスを入力する必要もなくなる。同じ部屋にある複数のマシン間でのデータ共有の効率的な手段というだけに留まらず、ラジオなどブロードキャストネットワークでも有用である。GoogleはHangoutsでも機能すると認めた。
It’s still an early-stage prototype, though, and isn’t without its flaws — background noise can interfere with it, and machines located too far away may not pick up the beeps. But Google says that “small teams, students in classrooms, and families with multiple computers” may find a use for it.
しかしながら、Google Toneはまだ初期段階のプロトタイプであり、欠陥がないわけではない。バックグラウンド・ノイズの干渉の問題や、マシン同士の距離が遠くになるとビープ音を拾わなかったりすることもある。だが、Googleは「少人数のチームや、教室の学生たち、複数台のコンピュータがある家庭」には、Google Toneは便利なのではと言う。
“Part of what helps is just spending six months there and really getting to know your partners, ensuring that you both want success. This is the most important thing and it was something we were able to do just by being there.”Challenges of ShenzhenThings were not as smooth-sailing for Jalgha and Slaibi. The duo had also headed to Shenzhen to manufacture Roadie Tuner, but ran into several frustrating issues.
「役に立ったことの一部には深センで6ヶ月を過ごし、パートナーについて理解を深め、お互いに成功を望んでいると確認できたことです。これこそが最も重要なことであり、そこにいたからこそできたことだと思います。」深センの課題:Jalgha氏とSlaibi氏にとって物事はあまり順調に進まなかった。この二人組もRoadie Tunerの製造のために深センに向かったが、幾つか大きな問題でてきてしまった。
“Finding the right factory is really challenging. We’re a start-up and that’s the reality of things. Our orders were not in the scale of 50,000 units. To the well-known factories, they won’t give us much attention because we’re just a start-up in their eyes. But if you go to a small factory, they might not have enough resources,” said Jalgha.The factory they had initially chosen to work with had taken on a large project concurrent to the manufacturing of Roadie Tuner, and eventually things came to a halt.
「適切な工場を見つけるのは非常に難しい課題です。我々はスタートアップでしかないという現実があります。我々の発注単位は5万個などといった大規模ではないのです。有名な工場は我々のようなスタートアップに注意を払ったりはしません。しかし小さな工場ではリソースが十分でなかったりするのです。」とJalgha氏は言う。彼等が最初に選んだ工場はRoadie Tunerの製造と同時並行で大きなプロジェクトを請け負っており、結局は進まなくなってしまった。
“We were really impressed with their facilities at first and they were dedicated to our project, but they stopped giving us any attention once they took on the bigger project,” said Jalgha. “Luckily, we were able to change factories in the middle of the production run within a couple of days.”The language barrier also presented problems of its own for the Lebanese duo.“Most of the Chinese suppliers don’t speak a word of English, and this was very tricky,” said Jalgha. “We could not communicate directly with the factories and there was a lot of room for misunderstanding and miscommunication, which caused some problems in manufacturing in China.”
“Fortunately, we were able to find a solution for everything and get our product to the market almost on time.”Despite the problems that they ran into, Jalgha and Slaibi shared that they would continue manufacturing in Shenzhen for future iterations of Roadie Tuner, thanks to the Chinese city’s advanced infrastructure and quick turnaround time. Currently, Roadie Tuner is already in its third production round in Shenzhen.
「幸いなことに、全ての問題の解決策を見つけることができ、ほぼ予定通りに製品を市場投入できました。」いろいろな問題があったにも関わらず、Jalgha氏とSlaibi氏は今後もRoadie Tunerの生産を深センで続けるとの考えだそうだ。これは中国都市の発展したインフラが利用可能なことと、何事にもターンアラウンドが速いためだ。現在、Roadie Tunerは深センで3度目の生産中ということである。
“In Shenzhen, people understand that time is gold, so anything can be done really fast and efficiently,” added Jalgha. “The Chinese understand manufacturing – they have a lot of experience and do it really well. We could come up with a new design and have the prototype built and delivered two days later.”Rising costs in the heart of the manufacturing industryHowever, contrary to popular belief, Shenzhen is no longer the cheapest place to manufacture hardware with China’s rapid economic progress.
“There is a rapid increase in labor cost. Costs are rising for manufacturers significantly, about ten or twenty percent per year in terms of the work force. Shenzhen is definitely becoming less compelling for price reasons,” said Kell, who revealed that assembling future products in Ethiopia instead of Shenzhen was a possibility for Flamestower.Jalgha agrees with Kell. “(Manufacturing in Shenzhen) is not really cost-effective in many places,” he stated. “Living expenses in Shenzhen are also getting higher and it’s not cheap to live there either. We could get the components from China and assemble them here (in Lebanon) and it would be almost the same cost.”