Dropmyemail Set to Pursue Opportunities in Japan, Brings on New Country ManagerReaders may remember earlier in the year when we featured Singapore-based DropMySite, a startup that aims to back up various aspects of your digital life and work, including email, chat, and calendars. Dropmyemail was subsequently launched in March at DEMO Asia, and in April announced that it had passed half a million users. I’m told that the service currently has 690,000 users in total.
Today the startup is announcing that Dropmyemail is making a push for the Japanese market, enlisting the help of Yutaka Shinohara, who will take on the role of country manager in Tokyo. In its announcement, the company notes that its partnership discussions in Japan have “come to a critical point” which requires someone on the ground in Tokyo. I’m told that Shinohara will eventually develop a team to work with partners and customers in Japan.
Overall Dropmyemail now has a five locations globally from which to push its services, including Singapore, Buenos Aires, Mumbai, and Dallas. There are 14 total staff, and the company is in the process of hiring more.Back in June Dropmysite acquired US-based cloud backup and sharing solution OrbitFiles, further adding to the company’s overall user base of about 911,000 users (in addition to its Dropmyemail users).
You Can Now Purchase Train Tickets Through TiketFollowing the launch of online ticket booking by Indonesia Train Company (PT. KAI), train commuters can now purchase tickets on Tiket.comThe new service adds to the existing offers from Tiket. other than trains you can purchase tickets for airlines, movies, and events such as concerts.Compared to the same system on KAI’s official site, Tiket’s offering has a feature to list trains based on departure times and ticket prices. Tiket also allows customers to select trains based on class, departure time as well as the name of the line.
Tiketで列車の乗車券を購入可能インドネシア電鉄 (PT. KAI) のオンライン旅券予約販売システムを使うと、乗客はTiket.comのウェブサイトで乗車券を購入できます。従来の販売に加えて、Tiketでは新しいサービスもあります。電車以外では航空券を販売し、映画やコンサートなどのチケットがあります。同様なシステムとしてKAIの公式サイトと較べると、Tiketには発車時刻表や乗車券の価格表があるのが特徴です。Tiketではまた乗客は路線名ごとの発車時刻やクラスに応じた列車を選ぶこともできます。
China’s Joome is a “Social Router” That Wants To Spread Free Wifi LoveIn this digital era, it’s all too easy to be selfish in public, staring down at smartphone screens, hooked up intravenously to the internet. And so the Chinese startup Joome is as much a movement as a service, aiming to create a platform for people to open up their wifi hotspots to users, for free, and for no financial return.
中国製のJoomeは「ソーシャルルーター」 - 無料Wifiの普及に熱狂の予感 -このデジタル時代に、人前で身勝手になるのは、まったく簡単なこと。スマートフォンの画面をにらみ、おもむろにインターネットへ接続する。そういう訳で、中国人はJoomeを製造し、サービスとして普及を始めた。Wifiのホットスポットをユーザーに開放し、料金のかからない無料のプラットフォームを、人々に提供するために。
Due to their anti-introspective nature,authoritarians probably do not think a lot about this topic; thus, some authoritarians will rate themselves as high on life satisfaction, whereas others will rate themselves low. According to Erikson, individuals must successfully negotiate the stage of intimacy versus isolation before experiencing true generativity.Marriage is one way that many people satisfy needs for intimacy.Indeed,in the current sample, 96% of the women had been married at some point in their lives.In the ideal Eriksonian scenario,women who have successfully negotiated the Eriksonian crisis of intimacy versus isolation should be able to develop into fully generative beings.