Thank you for waiting.I would like to update you with progress.I am currently gathering information for you to sell cars in your country and estimates of the cars that you wished.Today and tomorrow is non working day in Japan therefore the supplier is also closed.Thus, would you be so kind to give me few more days?I really appreciate your patience.
etailed descriptionVinyl: The vinyl looks superb and has retained its original high sheen. It has clearly been very well cared for. Under bright light just fine hairlines and sleeve removal-type marks were visible on either side. I have played the entire LP and it sounds brilliant. There is some background noise and crackle audible in the quiet passages and the run-ins/outs, fades, silent grooves and intros, and the occasional random click or pop but there is absolutely nothing loud or intrusive.
詳細ビニール: ビニール部は無傷でオリジナルの光沢をそのまま備えています。以前の所有者が大切に扱っていたことがわかります。明るい照明が当たると、極細の線とカバーの袖をはずした際のマークが両側にあります。LPを試聴しましたが、サウンドは非常に良好です。バックグランドにかすかなノイズ、また音の始まりと、フェードイン/アウト、また曲の演奏間の音のない部分、イントロ部などにランダムにパチパチという雑音が聞こえますが、微細なため、音質には影響しません。
Other than this, I noticed ten barely-audible soft clicks in the long fade to 'On the Run', a single-groove skip at the very beginning of 'Money' during the cash-till noise, just before the music starts, two very soft clicks in the left channel in 'Us and Them', six soft clicks in the right channel and, at the very end of the LP,eighteen clicks in the heartbeat fade-out. However, these points are mentioned purely for the sake of accuracy and completeness as there is nothing loud or intrusive. This was a real pleasure to listen to. Labels: Both labels look great with absolutely no signs of damage, writing, stickers etc and just typical light spindle marking.
これら以外には、On the Runのフェードに非常にかすかなカチカチというノイズが10回ほど聴こえました。Moneyの音楽が始まる前の一番始めの部分で、針が1溝スキップしました。Us and Themの左チャンネルでやわらかいカチッというノイズが2回、同様に右チャンネルでは6回、またLPの一番最後でハートビートがフェードアウトする際に18回聴こえました。ここに記載した詳細は、コンディションを正確に記載するためのものであって、実際のノイズは非常に微音で音質には問題がなく、楽しんで試聴ができたことを明記します。ラベル: どちらのラベルも無傷で、汚れなどはありませんが、スピンドルによる擦れのあとかわずかにあります。
I am glad to receive your answer. Take your time. If you need a lot of time, I would like to receive a note every now and then, which confirms, that we have connection.If it is more convenient to you to write about most important matters in Japanese, I believe, that it may be possible to organize. My sister speaks your language.Looking forward to get problems solved and mutually beneficial business relationship started
New other (see details): A new, unused item with absolutely no signs of wear. The item may be missing the original packaging, or in the original packaging but not sealed. The item may be a factory second or a new, unused item with defects. See the seller’s listing for full details and description of any imperfections.
新品(他)(詳細をご覧ください): 未使用の新品(使用による傷なし)。オリジナルの外装がなかったり、外装はあっても、封がされていない場合があります。製品は、工場で不完全品とされたか、欠陥のある未使用の新品の可能性があります。販売者のリストにある、欠陥に関する留意事項を参照してください
Our company is currently discussing a possibility of setting up our Singapore office as a part of our business expansion strategy. We would appreciate your advice and suggestions in this regard. Would it be possible for us to ask you for a conference call or meeting with us?
Hi, The tracking number is EE23097523AR. The information is not showing up on the USPS site , I assume the helmet was stolen in the mail. I will have no other choice other than to resend you a new helmet at our own expenses. I will send it next week Regards, Bet,
こんにちはトラッキングナンバーはEE23097523ARです。 USPSのサイトには、情報が記載されていません。ヘルメットは郵送中に盗まれたのだと思います。そちらで送料を負担していただく形で、新しいヘルメットを再発送するしかありません。来週、再発送します。お手数をかけました。 Bet(ベット)
We have received confirmation of your payment.
A manual but systemic process exists to allow expediting product through the factoryPEOPLEPersonnel in assigned manufacturing support positions satisfy the minimum job requirements which are more heavily weighted toward degreed professionalsTOOLSIndustry standards are trained to and availableEvidence exists that the standards are reviewed on a regular basis for updates and/or improvements
Supplier can demonstrate that process is followed on a regular basisAll parts in MRB dispositioned and removed from cage within 30 days; RCCA closed within 60 daysPEOPLEUp-to-date list of who has access to the cageEvidence of management attention to MRB metricsA clear, objective process exists for determining the level of indirect support initially requiredEvidence exists that the level of support is continuously reviewed and, if necessary, adjusted
It is not yet clear what impact Solvency II will have on E.U. insurers’ U.S. operations since their capital requirements are currently determined by U.S. regulators and are more restrictive than those of Solvency I. It is possible, however, that Solvency II may create higher capital requirements for these U.S. businesses. The uncertainty is forcing European insurers to reevaluate their capital commitments to their operations in the U.S.We may see the odd, one-off large U.S. deal in 2011, but bankers are more likely to see a continuation of the trend established at the end of last year, with smaller, divestiture transactions dominating the landscape.
Deal activity in the coming year is therefore likely to be driven by companies divesting business lines that generate sub-optimal returns while building scale in core operations.Meanwhile, E.U. regulators are in the process of implementing Solvency II, an updated set of capital requirements and risk-management standards intended to reduce the risks of carriers, which are scheduled to become effective at the start of 2013.
今後数年の金融取引市場は、中核事業の規模を確立しつつも、準最適リターンを生成する事業ラインへの投資を引揚げる企業によって牽引される可能性がある。一方で、EU 規制当局はソルベンシーIIを導入しつつある。これは、一連の資本要件とリスク管理の標準を取り決める新しいソルベンシー規制であり、リスク保有者の負担の軽減を目的としている。この規制は2013年の初めに施行される予定である。
I had just dispatched the product for you. Unfurtunately, I realised that, after I dispatched the product, I did not include the supplemental catalogue into the percel. I searched web and found a site that might be in your interest. The site is in Japanese but I hope that it might help you to get the feel of the product from the site.
I confirm that you made your payment via Paypal. However, I was informed that Paypal (eCheck) can only confirm receipt of the payment end of this week. I would prefer sending it to you once I receive the confirmation from Paypal. However, if you must receive the number now, I could send it to you on trust. Would you like me to arrange it for you?
We are very interested in your service because we also use PAYBYPAY service often.We have a business proposal that we would like to discuss with you.In Japan, it will not be long before that we can use a virtual terminal in PAYBYPAY. Therefore card reader and administration software product will be in high demand. However, there is not yet a company in Japan that specialized in providing those products, We feel that, providing that you agree to introduce your products and service to Japanese market, there would be a a great opportunity for business success.
Condition: Used: An item that has been used previously. The item may have some signs of cosmetic wear, but is fully operational and functions as intended. This item may be a floor model or store return that has been used. See the seller’s listing for full details and description of any imperfections. See all condition definitions- opens in a new window or tab... Read moreabout the condition Brand: Leica Focus Type: Manual
コンディション: 中古品: この商品はi以前に使用された品です。商品は、表面に多少の磨耗が見られますが、機能には問題はありません。この商品は、展示商品、または使用後に返品された品の可能性があります。これらの詳細と、留意事項に関しては、販売者のリストを参照してください。各コンディションの定義は、新しいウィンドウ、またはタブでご覧いただけます。コンディションの定義をお読みください。ブランド: Leica(レイカ)フォーカスのタイプ:マニュアル
"I am very happy!" I received joyful feeling. I felt that there are many dogs together in a place with full of light. I received a vision that she is happily playing and running around, laying on her back on green grass, wiggling her body in joy, her little body fully enjoys the pleasant atmosphere. I saw J is vibrantly running and felt joy and divine happiness that she felt. I felt her joy - that her body is light and she is in full control of her own body.There are many dogs, there are also cats, but not as many as dogs.
人間はいますか?動物のいる所より少し静かで光が少ない感じになり、痩せ型中背、白髪交じりの初老の男性が一人椅子に座っていて、そのひざにピョンとJが乗りました。(左胸の辺りに痛みを感じたので、その男性は亡くなる前に胸を痛めたように感じました。)E の親族で、どちらかというとそう昔ではなく最近亡くなった方のような印象を受け取りました。「気にしてないわ。どこでも同じよ。私はそこにはいないの。とても、とても幸せな場所にいるから、心配しないで。」
Are there human too?There was an elderly gentleman with dark hair with a little grey, sitting on a chair. The place was calm and not as bright as where animals resided. J jumped onto his knee. (I felt a pain in my left chest. I had impression that the gentleman had some pain in his chest before he died.) I felt that he was one of close relatives of E, who had passed away not long ago. “No, I do not mind. It is same wherever that is. I am not there. I am in very happy place, so please do not worry.”
「もちろんよ。E のそばにもいるし、ここ(至福の状態でいられる場所)にもいるの。とっても軽くてどこにでもいられるわ。E の所にいるから行くべきところに行っていないというわけじゃないの。ちゃんと幸せにしているから、大丈夫よ。心配しないで。」(すでに成仏しているので尋ねませんでした。)
“Of course. I am always beside E as well as here (where I feel the divine happiness. )I feel so light and can go wherever I wish. It is not the case that I have not moved on to where I am supposed to, although I am in side of E too. I am happy, I am all right. Do not worry. ”(I did not ask because I knew that she had already crossed to the “other side”.)
E、私はもうちゃんと成仏しているわ。私の体も心も、とっても軽くて、本当に幸せなの。E にも感じてもらいたいくらい。だから私のことはもう心配いらないわ。もちろん、時々恋しくてあなたの所にも行くけれど、私がこんなに楽しくしているのにあなたたちが悲しそうにしているの、なんだか見ていられないわ。だから、もう乗り越えてちょうだい、そして元気になって!
E, I had moved onto the “other side”. My body and heart are light and I am in full of joy. I wish you could feel how I feel too. You should not worry about me. Surely I miss you time to time therefore I visit you to see you. But it is hard to see that you are in sorrow; as opposed to I am enjoying my “life” so much. Please do not feel sad anymore, and become happy too!