Felicity Jiang (felicityjiang) 翻訳実績

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felicityjiang 英語 → 中国語(簡体字)

Our company was selected as one of the 9 startups to pitch directly to a panel of judges at the Echelon Japan Satellite. Conyac for Business was the 3rd participant to pitch at the event, and even though we didn't win, we enjoyed watching other startup's presentations. They inspired us and gave us a better idea of what we should focus on in the future in order to continue the rapid growth in Asia.

The winner was TopAdmit, a Taiwan-based educational startup that provides a professional essay editing services for students. Congratulations to them and we hope to see them win the final Echelon competition!

If you missed the Satellites, you can still meet Conyac Team at the Echelon Startup Marketplace in Singapore.


作为入选的9个新创团队之一,我们直接在Echelon创业竞赛Satellite热身赛日本站的评委们面前介绍公司。康雅克商务翻译(Conyac for Business) 在此次竞赛中是第三个登场的。即使没有获胜,观看其他新创团队的展示对我们来说也是一种享受。受到他们的启发,我们有了更好的想法,即为了在亚洲继续快速发展,我们在未来应关注于什么。


如果你错过了Satellites热身赛,你仍然可以在新加坡举行的Echelon Startup Marketplace竞赛中见到康雅克(Conyac)团队。