I mail to ask a question. I purchased the script below.I am making a Japanese site. The script works fine in English characters,however in the case of Japanese characters, it does not.I think it might be solved by changing the type of the specified character. Could you give me some advice?It is OK if you do not know any solution, either.Thank you in advance.
Hello.The item have been sent to your address on April 27, 2013is sent back because it was said that there was no request from the recipient and the keeping period was over.What would you like to do with this item?I could do shipping again, but please pay the cost of $ 38 again in that case.I am looking forward to your reply.
Mr. TorstenHere is the materials you asked several days about about our services (carnol)Please confirm it, thank you.Sorry to trouble you, but please check the materialsand give us feedback to improve our service.In addition, we are increasing the merchants by contacting the manufacturer or car dealer in Japan.If you think our service is recommendable,would you like to introduce us to the marketing department of BMW JAPAN?
ボーカロイド『猫村いろは』をメインボーカルで使用した楽曲テーマは、『夏』『かわいろは』です。猫ロリアイドルいろはさんにぴったりな可愛いキュートな楽曲を募集しています♪また、ブックレットに掲載する「猫村いろは」イラストも募集中です!同じくテーマは『夏』『かわいろは』です。サイズの指定は特にありませんが、ブックレットのサイズに合わせてこちらでリサイズさせていただきます。その条件でOKな方からのご応募お待ちいたしております。応募は メールアドレス まで!
使用VOCALOID“NEKOMURA IROHA”作为主音的乐曲主题是“夏”和“KAWAIROHA”。为CUTE LOLITA CAT IDOL IROHA寻找最合适的俏皮可爱的音乐♪此外,将在歌词册子中使用的“NEKOMURA IROHA”插图也在征集中!主题同样是“夏”和“KAWAIROHA”。尺寸不限,但因为需要与册子的大小相匹配,所以会有后期调整。如果同意我们进行这样的调整的话,请赶快来投稿吧。投稿地址:e-mail!
Can you sell me 5 deck's i want the dragon deck, bat deck, black dragon deck, tiger deck, bull deck, with the cards that go's to it- dannyabrantes-2012Dear yamahaya88102012,Oh one more thing no body is going to buy it for that much it is used lower it to like $88 because it's a deck- dannyabrantes-2012Click "respond" to reply through Messages, or go to your email to reply
デッキ5つほしいです。ドラゴンデッキ、バットデッキ、黒龍デッキ、虎デッキ、牛デッキ、それぞれの付属カードと一緒に- dannyabrantes-2012yamahaya88102012さん、それはただ一つのデッキですし、かつ中古品ですので、そんなに高い金額で買う人はいませんでしょうか。88ドルぐらいまで低く設定してください。- dannyabrantes-2012"応答する(respond)"をクリックすれば返信できます。メールにても返信できます。
Thank you for placing your order with NothingButSoftware.com! We have been contacted by our carrier to request a company name listed for the above address. Please reply back at your earliest convenience with any company information attached to this order so that we may proceed with your order. Feel free to contact us with any further questions you may have. Have a Great Day!
Since about three years ago, I have been selling products ○ ○ bought fromsent once net shops in the US. Products are sent to the transfer company MYUS in America and then transferred to Japan from there.I purchased about several dozens.○ ○ are great products without receiving any claims.I have bought items ○ ○ in several net shops in the US, however all of them have been sent from the same place.So I think that is drop shipping sale, I would like to buy directly from you without going through the net shops. Is it possible?
100%品質保証商品は全て直営店より購入した正規品です。万が一 偽者の場合は、全額返金します新品・未使用品商品は全て新品・未使用品です。買付け時・配送時の2度検品しています安心の日本国内発送商品は全て日本国内より送料無料にて発送します商品に関するお問い合わせ未掲載商品のリクエストなどこちらから問い合わせる当店スタッフが丁寧に対応させていただきます。商品に関する事や、当店に対するご意見ご感想、お問い合わせなど、こちらのフォームよりお気軽にお尋ねください
100% quality assurance.All the Products are regular ones purchased from retail stores. Pay a full refund for fake or counterfeit goods. Brand-new; UnusedAll the products are brand new and unused. Inspect twice during the purchase and delivery timeDeliver from Japan, which reduces the risk.Free shipping for all products to anywhere in JapanInquiry about the productInquiry such as request of unlisted productsPlease inquire hereOur store staff will respond patiently.And anything about the product, your feedback, anything regarding our store, please feel free to leave the message in the form here.
Taking Social Translation to Europe: Conyac at ICT Spring in LuxembourgConyac team has just returned from Luxembourg, where we attended the ICT Spring Conference. At the 2-day event we learned about the latest ICT technologies and solutions, listened to inspiring keynotes, met many potential partners and introduced Conyac to the European market.Luxembourg Trade and Investment Office in Tokyo invited us to attend the conference along with 9 other Japanese startups. Our Japanese group was warmly welcomed by members of the Luxembourg Consulate in Tokyo, Japanese Embassy in Luxembourg, government officials, financial experts and local business leaders.
In the recent years, Luxembourg is driving extensive programs promoting their country to the foreign businesses and organization, encouraging international collaboration and supporting innovative projects. Successful steel, finance and high technology industry, strategic position in the heart of Europe, low tax rates and high quality of life make the tiny country one of the greatest places to work. It also boasts an ultra-modern data center park with low latency connections to major European Internet hubs. Luxembourg has a lot to offer to any organization that is ready to expand their business in Europe. And we witnessed their enthusiasm at ICT Spring.
In addition to having our booth at the venue we also took an opportunity to present our product during the startup pitching session. We were also very grateful for an invitation to a networking breakfast with our peers and ICT experts from KPMG and other companies.We were flattered by the positive feedback that Conyac got from the attendees and we also identified some product features we could adjust for European business needs. We will continue delivering best possible translation experience for our users > worldwide!
除了在会场中搭建我们的展台,我们还有幸在开场会议环节介绍了我们的产品。我们也非常感谢收到了邀请,与我们的同行和毕马威会计师事务所及其他公司的信息和通信技术专家进行了网络早餐会。我们非常荣幸能够从与会者得到各种肯定的意见和建议,我们还确定了一些产品功能的调整,以适应欧洲业务需求。我们将继续为我们的用户提供尽可能最好的翻译经验 > 面向全球!
He always seems to have worked for a long time. It might be a good idea to turn the system into one in which others can support him well so that he could no longer work for so long. For example, work of the deployment, and management of the quality of the code.
If you send back, I think it takes about $ 20. So there is no need for you to send it back. To be honest I should say I would rather you pay that $20 to me (it is the market average in Japan roughly). However, I am very uncomfortable that you would lost the opportunity of business and precious time of our customers. Therefore, I think we should give the goods to our customers.If the customer ask Amazon to modify the product information, it is really thankful. in the management screen of us, there seems to be no way to fix.
Dear AWK, thank you for reply.This is Cosmo.I does not speak English.So I would send you messages by using the translation service.This time,I saw your work ^ ^I felt that your work has a very delicate view of the world and it is really nice .In fact this timeI am thinking about opening a blog,so that I am looking for a person who could make the avatar.Although I saw a lot of work,It was the work of AWk's that makes me feel sympathy and I believe we could understand each other.Could you make avatar for me?I will pay you.I'm sorry to mail so surprisely,And I would be very happy if you could take a consideration.Thank you in advance.
Dear MarcHow is my order now?I would like to know the total amount of money because I really want to buy them.Best regards.MasaakiDear DavidI have a new order.Is the rubber packing ordered last time shipped?I would like to ship them together.Best regards.Masaaki
もし彼が M の他に情熱を傾けられるプロジェクトを見つけられたら、今よりももっと価値のある仕事ができるだろう
When he finds a project that he could be passionate about other than M, he might be able to do something worth more than his job now"
I am not used to import procedures yet.Can I pick up cargo at the Port of Tokyo without the original BL?
I have a question so I send the mail.Thanks in advance.---------------------------------------------------------------------I purchased the following Script.Administrator and example.php worked fine.I want to apply Script to Login form of PHP of myself, what should I do specifically?Code is as follows.Because I am not familiar with PHP, sorry if I asked a question irrelevant.