Wenn ich sende dann kommen noch kosten für die Sendung oben drauf?Paypal habe ich nicht.Überweisung wäre möglich?
I am terribly sorry for bothering you.I mistook the price of the products.I am truly sorry, but please cancel the order, because I cannot sell them for this price.You can cancel it in the following link. https://www.amazon.com/gp/css/homepage.html/ref=nav_youraccount_btnI am very sorry for causing you trouble on this time.
I'd like to return a watch which digital display is broken.
A. Description of the issues that caused the complaints. Please provide a detailed explanation of what this violation is based on, and why this caused you to receive a notice from the rights owner. We would like to see you demonstrate your understanding of this issue.B. Explanation of the steps you have taken to resolve the issues and ensure that similar complaints won’t happen again.C. Any additional details you would like us to know.To find more information on how to submit your plan of action, search “Appeal the Removal of Selling Privileges” in Seller Central Help.What happens nextWe’ll review the information you send and get back to you as soon as possible.
A. クレームが起こった問題に関する説明。どの違反が元となっているのかと、なぜこのようなことが起こり正しいオーナーから通知を受けたかの詳細を説明してください。この件に関するあなたなりの解釈を知りたいです。B. この件を解決するための手段と今後このようなことが起こらないようにするための対策の説明。C. 知っておいてもらいたい追加事項。行動計画を提出する方法に関する情報をさらに集め、中央販売促進部で「特権販売の撤去の魅力」を追求します。次に起こる事あなたから頂いた情報をもとに見直し、早期対応を心がけます。
I have meeting yesterday with the owner and president of the company and they have a track record of moredan 30,000 units from JapanBut he said you can start to 50 to 100 units and we can do auctions sale in 60 days after the shipment arrives so that you can recover your investment fast and roll it over.They can do auctions sale for you.And you can berify this person in Japan to TOKO LINE,MR. HAMAOKAregarding the issue about my sister and the boyfriend about the business I can't join them because I don't want my name to be destroyed later on.If you want I can just help you about the importation or if you want also you can do business with my sister separately and you can do business also together with my group,
昨日、オーナーと社長とミーテングがありました。彼らは30,000ユニット以上の実績があります。しかし、あなたは50から100ユニットで始めらると彼は言いました。私たちは発送後、60日間オークションで販売し、投資を早く回収することができます。彼らはあなたのためにオークションでの販売ができます。さらにあなたはTOKO LINEのハマオカ様に正しいかどうか確かめられます。私の姉妹と彼氏の問題から、私は彼らのビジネスに加われません。私は自分の名前を後々台無しにしたくないからです。もし輸入に関して手伝って欲しかったら、または、もし私の姉妹と別にあなたが仕事をしたいなら、あなたは私のグループで一緒に仕事ができます。
ミュージック・ジャパンTV 「倖田來未~ミュージック・ジャパンTVプレミアム」初回放送:2月1日(月)22:00~22:30倖田來未が彩る冬のバラードコレクションアルバム「WINTER of LOVE」のリリースを記念して、名曲の数々をたっぷりとお届けします。※リピート放送あり、詳しくは番組HPをご覧ください。http://www.mjtv.jp/lineup/premium/index_kodakumi.html
Music Japan TV "KUMI KODA~Music Japan TV premium"First broadcast: Monday, February 2, 22:00~22:30 in commemoration of released an album "WINTER of LOVE" which contains KUMI KODA's winter ballades, many masterpieces are broadcasted.※Check detail on website about a rebroadcast.http://www.mjtv.jp/lineup/premium/index_kodakumi.html
Your item will be sent on 25th December from Saitama, Japan by Yamato Transport.The delivery date of the item is specified as 26th December. So you can receive it on 26th December.After the item is dispatched, the track number will be announced by email.Thank you.
I understood that there are no stock due to systematic error.I also agreed about refund.Yet please tell me the detail: Which items you have and which one you do not have?These orders includes for friends and birthday presents whose birthday is 15th.Please send it the birthday.If you do not have the stocks, I need to buy other items or wait for the stocks.Please let me know all plan and the date of restocking. Did you check the items to order?
We are oo who bought from you by ebay. We sell posters and daily goods in Japan.It seems that shipping takes a long time.Could you send the products in a short time?To tell the truth, We want to sell posters from abroad, and now we are looking for the company which we buy for it.Are you a company which produces posters?Or do you have a connection for these companies?If you can ship quickly, I would like to build a good relationship of business.
I understand that social incidences such as homeless and divorce trigger diseases. I feel that patients need nurses and medical care nurses. I am a Christian, so I hope that what God hope becomes true, and I want people around me to be happy to sympathise with, allow, and take care with mercy. The idea to want helping others, being pleasant helps medical care nursing. Working as a medical care nurse is not enough to be interested in Biology and Medicine. It requires patience. You cannot do it just want to earn money and like science.