eggplant (eggplant) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
eggplant 英語 → 日本語

If you specialize in a certain field, make sure you don’t only learn about language, but also follow the industry news.

If you work as a freelancer, you are your own boss. And even though this sounds like an advantage, know that managing yourself requires much more discipline than managing others. Organizing yourself and planning the time you will allocate to specific tasks is a virtue. You need to follow a clear schedule and always add some extra time to the planning, just in case you get distracted or you need to take care of another thing at the same time. As a freelancer, you can’t afford to miss any deadlines!




eggplant 英語 → 日本語

Once we check the equipment is the quality inferior, we also agree, in your next order, to deduct the freight from the customer’s office to Hongkong if you fax or email us relevant shipping reciept and invoice.
6.Please make sure, if you send the inferior one to us by air etc. without any advanced notice, Jimy will not pay relevant air freight and custom fee.

All in one, we will try our best to serve you and also need your fully cooperation. Thanks.

1.The term of maintaining guarantee is a year from the date of purchasing according to the receipt. (Expendable is not included in it.) Others not included in maintaining guarantee or over the time, we also supply to maintain and renew but need charges.


6. もし前もったご連絡もなく、航空便などで不良品を返送した場合、JIMYは該当する運送料や通関手数料は負担致しかねますので、ご了承下さい。


1. 保証期間は領収書に記載された購入日より1年です。(消耗品に関しては、適用されません。)保証が適用されないものや、期限を過ぎたものに関しては、修理や取り換えは致しますが、料金が発生致します。

eggplant 英語 → 日本語

There were to be no more proscriptions, no more expulsions of Italian gentry and farmers. Many of the exiles had returned, and some through influence or protection got restitution of property.But the government had many enemies, the victims of confiscation, rancorous and impotent at the moment, but a danger for the near future, should the Republicans come back from the East, should Antonius demand lands for the veterans of his legions, should the dynasts,fulfilling a solemn pledge, restore the Republic after the end of all the wars.Though a formidable body of interests was massed in defence of the new order, it lacked inner cohesion and community of sentiment. The Senate presented a strange and alarming aspect.

