6. Social Media Security Threats Go MobileNew phishing and malware scams emerge on the web every day. With smartphone adoption continuing to rise and smartphone users continuing to adopt apps and social media on their devices, the same threats of the web are now arriving on mobile phones — and they may actually be amplified.For example, security firm Trusteer estimates that “mobile users accessing phishing websites are three times more likely to submit their login info than desktop users,” as a result of scams being harder to spot. The rise of mobile ad networks and third-party app stores also represent new risks.
6. ソーシャルメディアの恐怖はモバイルへと移行新しいフィッシングやマルウエア詐欺は、日々ウエブに現れている。スマートフォンの使用は継続的に上昇しており、スマートフォンユーザーはアプリやソーシャルメディアをダウンロードし続けている。ウエブをPCで閲覧するのと同じ恐怖がモバイルフォンにも起こりつつある。そして実際その恐れは増大しそうだ。たとえば、セキュリティー会社のTrusteer社は「フィッシングサイトにアクセスするモバイルユーザーはデスクトップのユーザーに比べて3倍ログイン情報を入力してしまいやすい」と推定している。その結果、詐欺を食い止めるのがむずかしくなる。モバイル広告ネットワークやサードパーティのアプリストアもまた新しいリスクである。
7. Social Fuels Ecommerce RenaissanceWhile social media has emerged as a viable way for retailers to gain followers and broadcast deals, making social central to the shopping experience is still a largely untapped way to drive sales and increase margins. In 2012, look for more businesses to setup shop within the walls of Facebook, personalize their ecommerce sites based on your “taste graph” from Facebook and Twitter, and increase participation in communities like Tumblr and Pinterest where users organically share their purchases and wish lists. It’s also an area that’s starting to see big investment dollars flow in from the likes of Marc Andreessen.
7. ソーシャルメディアが電子商取引の復興を刺激するソーシャルメディアはフォロワーを増やしたり商売を宣伝して小売業が生き延びる方法として現れたのだが、ソーシャルメディアが買い物手段の中心となるために、売り上げを伸ばしマージンを増やす未開拓の方法がまだまだ大きく存在する。2012年には、ビジネスはもっと店舗をフェイスブックの掲示板であるwallで準備するようになり、イーコマースサイトをフェースブックやツイッターの「taste graph」によって個別化し、もともとユーザーが買い物や欲しいものリストを共有するためにつくられているTumblrやPinterestのようなメディアでのコミュニケーションに参入するようになるだろう。マーク・アンドリーセンのような人々から大きな投資マネーが注ぎ込むのをみることになる領域なのだ。
A complete set of 6 'Generals' spoons by 1881 Rogers in presumed original card presentation box with lined interior. We have many more souvenir spoons on ebay this week. We combine shipping.Condition: All gleaming silver with some tiny wear spots to a few bowls. No dents. Box has some splits and scuffs.Size: 15cm (6 inches) Length Identifying Marks: Unpacked Weight: 236g/8.3 metric ozShipping Notes: We combine shipping for multiple purchases, please wait for an invoice if buying more than one item.
ロジャーズ社製1881 Rogers と刻印のある「将軍」スプーンの6本そろったセットです。中にしきりのあるオリジナルのボール紙製と思われる箱に入っています。今週はたくさんのおみやげ用スプーンがいろいろ入荷しております。発送も承ります。状態:光沢のある銀製で丸くなった部分に小さなこすり傷がいくつかあります。へこみはありません。箱にはいくつか亀裂と傷があります。サイズ:ながさ15cm (6 インチ) 識別マーク:梱包なしの重量:236g/8.3 metric oz発送に関する注意点:複数ご購入の場合発送をおまとめいたします。一商品以上お求めの方は送り状をおまちください。
Ebay took the other listings down because they apparently are not allowed to be sold on the site. If you wish to have the others, we would need to do a paypal transaction, because they will not allow them to be listed again. If this interests you let me know as soon as possible.
Ebayは他のリストを取り下げました。明らかにウエブでの販売が許可されていないからです。他のものをお望みであれば、paypal でのお支払いをお願いします。eBayが販売リストに載せることを許可しないだろうからです。もしご興味があるのであれば、すぐご連絡をお願いします。
5. They’ve Changed the Channel.An incredible 98% of 18- to 24-year-olds use social media. While debates continue to rage around ROI and how to quantify Likes, we’ve seen brands develop new ways to make their social media assets deliver, specifically, by bringing social content to new ad formats that push Facebook pages and Twitter feeds to the consumer in a relevant context. We can all learn from Best Buy, which connected consumers with its “Twelpforce,” Twitter-based help desk. And Axe is using an innovative social toolbar to push its clever content to consumers around the web.Happy New Year! I hope that in 2012 you resolve to take your marketing to the next level of success.
流れは変わったのだ。18−24歳の実に98%の若者がソーシャルメディアを使っているという。投資回収率や「いいね!」をどのように評価するか議論は続いているが、我々はブランドがソーシャルメディアを資産の実現にどのように活用するか見守ってきた。ソーシャルメディアを新しい広告媒体に仕立て、似たような状況でフェースブックやツイッターでのつぶやきを消費者に押し付けている。こうしたことは『ベスト・バイ』からすべてを学ぶことができるだろう。ツイッターベースの『ツエルプフォース』というヘルプデスクで消費者をつなぎ止めているのだ。『アックス』は画期的なソーシャル・ツールバーを使って、気の利いたコンテンツをウエブのあちこちで消費者に勧めている。ハッピー・ニューイヤー! 2012年が成功の次なるステップのために、新しい市場獲得を決断する年となることを祈る。
PAGE 9-2He also read business books, science books and novels. One of his favorites was Catcher in the Rye, and he would later recite long extracts of the book to his girlfriends. Holden Caulfield, the main character, became one of his heroes.For the time being, however, any plans young Bill might have for forming a software company with his high school friend and fellow hacker were put on hold. His parents insisted that he should go to college; they felt it would be good for him to mix with other students.
PAGE 9-1So consumed was the young Gates that his parents became worried about their son's new hobby. For a time, they put a stop to his activities, fearing that it was affecting his studies. Gates abstained from computers for almost a whole year. Typical of his insatiable hunger for knowledge, he turned his attention to other subjects. In this period, he read a number of biographies - including those of Napoleon and Franklin Roosevelt. He wanted, he said, to understand how the great figures of history thought.
PAGE 8-3The remarkable technical rapport with Allen, two years his senior, seems to have developed at this time. Allen's role in the Microsoft story, and that of a small coterie of Lakesiders recruited by the company, is often understated. Gates, Allen, Kent Evans and Richard Weiland - two other members of the Lakeside Programmers Group - would often spend hours hooked up, first to a minicomputer owned by General Electric, and later to one at the Computer Centre Corporation, sometimes not getting home until the early hours.
PAGE 8-2Sour grapes, perhaps? But clearly, Gates and his cronies were exceptional even by lakeside standards. By his junior year, Gates was something of a computer guru to the younger lakeside hackers. He would often hold court in the computer room for hours, telling stories about infamous computer hackers.Gates and some of his computer friends formed the lakeside Programmers Group, which was dedicated to finding money-making opportunities to use their new-found computer programming skills. But already, a pattern was emerging. As Gates observed later: 'I was the mover. I was the guy who said "let's call the real world and try to sell something to it.''' He was 13 years old at the time.
PAGE 8-1According to one classmate: 'Gates most associated with the kids in the computer room. He was socially inept and uncomfortable around others. The guy was totally obsessed with his interest in computers ... You would see him playing tennis occasionally, but not much else. Initially, I was in awe of Gates and the others in the computer room. I even idolized them to some extent. But I found that they were such turkeys that I didn't want to be around them. They were part of the reason I got out of computer work ... They had developed very narrowly socially and they were arrogant, and I just didn't want to be like that.’
PAGE 7-2Young Bill was already fascinated with computers by the age of 12 and, with his long-time business partner and friend Paul Allen, was involved with various programming projects throughout high school. With Allen he would later set up Microsoft.A brilliant student, unlike most gifted children Gates seems to have excelled at everything he did. His passion for winning was also apparent from an early age. At Lakeside, the elitist Seattle private school that attracts some of the brightest students on America's West Coast, his love of mathematics became an obsession with computers. Even at Lakeside, Bill Gates stood out.
Hi I have posted your speedometer today <friday>. I hope you are pleased with it. If not let me know. Best Wishes Mick
1.I purchased the set from a reputable eBay seller who advertised the tour issue heads have no serial numbers. I also confirmed this with a pro shop manager who said he knew Titliest will not have serial numbers on some of their tour issue irons. 2.Hi it's just way the stamp was done. I can assure you it is as describedYou can bring it to Taylormade in Japan and they will confirm this.I have NEVER had such a complaint before and I sell a lot of tour issue items.Thanks
Current Rosetta Stone products have been engineered to install and run on the Windows Vista operating system. Some 3rd party components used in Rosetta Stone Language has not been certified by Microsoft as "Vista Compliant". Accordingly, you may encounter some Vista-related operating issues. Rosetta Stone technical support may or may not be able to resolve these Vista-related issues. Rosetta Stone hereby disclaims any representations, warranties, guaranties and conditions with respect to the compatibility of the Rosetta Stone products with the Windows Vista operating systems.
現行のロゼッタ・ストーン社の製品はマイクロソフト社のOSであるWindows Vista上にインストールされ起動されるようになっています。ロゼッタ・ストーンで使われている、あるサード・パーティの会社は、マイクロソフト社から「Vistaに準拠している」ものとして認証さていません。すなわち、「Vista」がらみのOSの問題に遭遇する可能性があるということです。ロゼッタ・ストーンのテクニカルサポートはこうした「Vista」がらみの問題を解決できるかもしれないし、できないかもしれません。ロゼッタ・ストーン社はここで、いかなるものも代表しておらず、責任や保証も否認しており、ロゼッタ・ストーン製品の「Windows Vista 」での互換性に関連する条件を認めていません。