・テストデバイスのUUID ※ テスト用デバイスとして登録できるiPhone・iPad・iPod touchは、合計で5台までとなります。
- UUID of the test deviceNote: Up to five iphone, ipad or iPod touch can be connected as test device.
(「・」のついている行はタイトル的に簡潔にお願いします 後半もお願いします)・素材をご用意くださいご用意頂くものはこちらをご覧ください。サイズなどの詳細はオーダー受注後に弊社よりお送りいたします・素材データの入稿ボタンのレイアウトなどに関して詳細なご指示がある場合は、指示書をご用意ください・ご入金確認後、制作開始・最初のβ版を納品・修正箇所の指示・新しいβ版を納品修正・変更は3回まで無料となります。それ以上の修正・変更は別途料金が発生します
- Prepare materilal for yourself.Refer to this and prepare what you need. Details of size and others will be sent to you from us after placement of order.- Submition of material dataSubmit instructions, if any, for button layout.- Work will start after payment confirmation.- The first β version will be delivered.- Instructions for correction.- New β version will be delivered.Request of correction or change is free of charge up to three times but you will be charged for more.for yourself.
(「・」のついている行はタイトル的に簡潔にお願いします 前半もお願いします)・仕様確定仕様確定後の変更・修正は別途料金が発生しますので、ご注意ください・AppStoreへサブミット・AppStoreにて流通開始Apple社での審査を経て流通開始となります。審査に関する注意点はこちらをご覧ください
- Fixing specificationsPlease be reminded that you will be charged for correction and change once specifications have been fixed.- Submission to App Store- App Store starts the sale.Apple company examines the app first and will start the sale later. Please read this for precaution for the examination.
こんにちは、私はあなたの商品の購入リピーターになるかも知れない海外輸入業者です。最近、ebay掲載の写真と実物商品が違うトラブルが時々発生しています。予めトラブル回避の為に、事実を簡潔にお答え下さい。①商品の実物は 本当に金色をしていますか?:(はい・いいえ)②商品の材質とメッキを簡潔にお答えください。( )
Hello, I am an importer who is willing to purchase your goods from you continuously. However I have sometimes experienced trouble with purchasing from you recently because the actual merchandise was different from the one in a picture posted at ebay. To avoid occurrence of such problem, will you let me know the following matters.1. Is the real product in golden color? (YES/ NO)2. Please give me brief information on material and plating of the goods.
③商品の実物は 写真と全く同じ商品ですか?:(はい・いいえ)④商品の実物は 傷や壊れた部分が有りますか?:( )⑤あなたは この商品を偽物の可能性が高いと考えますか?:(はい・いいえ) ギャラリー ジャックダニエル 代表 マチダ ゲンリュウ
3. Are actual goods as the ones in a picture? : (YES/NO)4. Is there any scratch or broken part with it?: ( )5. Do you think that these goods are possibly fake reproduction products? : (YES/NO)Representative of Gallery Jack Daniel Genryu Machida
Does a rubber string to wrap around waist come with it?
Shipping fee is the same for your other item?
まず あなたの住所を私に知らせるべきです。貴方への商品返送の指示は私が指示します。尚、私はあなたの住所を連絡してくれる様にいってありますがもし日本時間の1月4日までに連絡がなく、引き延ばすようであれば私は別の対応を即実施します。それは、あなたの名誉を傷つけることになるでしょう。至急、私の注文した商品をカリフォルニアへ送るべきです。
Firstly, you must let me know your address.I am the one who give you instructions for returning the item.I am asking for you to give me your address, however if the item will not reach me by January 4 (JST) and if you try to postpone further, I must take further action immediately. It may end up ruining your reputation.You must deliver the item which I ordered immediately to California.
カリフォルニアの業者は”Spear net”と言います。馬?のブロンズ像の誤配送の件は、フジモト様でも上原様でも承知されています。電話で確認されても良いです。電話;510 562 9000 Spear-Net, Inc.(アメリカからの輸入代行・代行発送・海外進出コンサルタント)住所:Spear-Net, Inc. 448 Hester St. San Leandro, California, 94577
This is Spear net in California.Both Mr. Fujimoto and Mr. Uehara have been aware of this wrong delivery of a bronze horse.Will you call Spear-Net, Inc. at 510 562 9000 if you need to contact us. (We are an agency for import, delivery and starting up business abroad.)Address:Spear-Net, Inc.448 Hester St.San Leandro, California, 94577
A happy new year!Thank you for your providing us with great goods every time.I wish you a happy year to all of us.
This year is ending in a few days. We are thankful for that more than 2000 people has visited my facebook since I started in December. I hope I can share heartwarming time with all of you in the world through hand treatment.I wish all of you a promising year in 2012.
The item was already returned to you on December 12. When can I get a refund?
How's your teeth?Thank you for kindly shipping out the item while you are in such a condition.I am looking forward to receiving the item.Thank you again.
Our goal is to provide customers with great satisfaction through our comprehensive real estate service.Real estate is irreplaceable asset to all of us. Our community-based service will give you great satisfaction.
Thanks, I will buy it at the current price right away.Thank you.
I am the person who purchased x from you before . That was a nice shopping, thank you.Now I want to purchase some xs again.Will you give me a wholesale discount if I buy 10 pieces?What is the price of each if you ship them to Japan?
I have received my order from you but I have problem. The watch becomes running slow because the minute hand stops after moving for a while. The two D901 I bought showed the same malfunction.They must be broken because the D901 I had bought before did not have such problem. I will return them to you. Will you please check them?Let me know your shipping address.Thank you.
Ok on that. No need to return the item to me. Will you please keep your item with you. I am sorry for my poor understanding of the current situation.
Temp ServiceTemp staff meets your demands for work-ready staff, staff for a new project, urgent need of staff or staff with special skill.We have many experienced staff members who can fill your all kinds of needs. Temp serviceWe manage stores, help events partially or manage entirely. And We do store planning, marketing, hiring staff, employee education, advertisement, scheduling of shift workers. We provide you with comprehensive support.
Can I pay by paypal if I add handling charge to the price?