Thank you for taking the time to contact us in regards to our Daniel Wellington collection.Before we approach the possibility of future business we do have the following questions we would kindly ask that you answer. 1 - Do you have a US Based address where these item can be delivered, such as a mail forwarder or a shipping broker.2 - Will your company be responsible for the shipping charges, including customs, import taxes, etc. 3 - Will you be able to pay for the transaction directly through PayPal, or via Bank Transfer?We look forward to speaking with you again soon.
ダニエルウェリントンのコレクションに関してご連絡いただき誠にありがとうございます。今後のお取引のことに先立って、以下のご質問に是非お答えいただけると大変助かります。1 アメリカのご住所はお持ちですか?例えば商品の転送できる方の住所や仲介が可能な方の住所です。2会社様が発送に関わる手数料(税関や輸入税を含みます)ことになりますか?3PayPalやBank transferを通じて直接お支払いをお願いすることは可能ですか。近いうちに再度お返事いただけることをお待ちしております。
こんにちは日本郵便からのメールが届いたでしょうアイテムがあなたの国に飛行機で向かってます乗継便もあるから1日で到着とは行かないけどあなたの近くの空港でアイテムがスムーズに郵便局に届けてくれたら1~2週間で到着すると思われます但しストライキや天気の都合等 延着のおそれがある時はまた連絡しますMoton
Hello. I am sure that you have received an e-mail from Japan Post Service. The item is now under delivery to your country by airplane. Some planes are connected flights, and so it would be less likely that you will get it in a day. Having said this, if the item is smoothly sent to a post office at the airport near your house, it will be delivered to your address within 1-2 weeks.Should the arrival be delayed because of strikes and bad weather, I will contact you again.Moron
1100ドルでしたら販売可能です。出品ページにBest Offerをつけましたので、1100でオファー頂けたらaccept致します。J00から始まるシリアルなのでSandimasの可能性が高いです。こちらのサイトを参照致しました。それでは引き続きご検討の程お願い致します。
If it is $1,100, I will sell it to you.I have attached the Best Offer tag. If you send an offer of purchase for $1,100, I will accept it.Since the serial number begins with J00, I think it will be Sandimas.I have seen this website too. I hope to hear from you soon about the purchase.
Since you will speak basically in English at home, you can learn English through your daily life. It will be the best place to improve your English.If you have any problems or concerns, don't hesitate to talk to your host mother. Carmy will always help.Carmy once stayed in Japan, and she understands Japanese culture too.If you are interested, please feel free to contact me.If you stay, you will share the space with Asian people, mostly from Japan or Korea.
☆ Staying at a house of an Italian Canadian mother ☆The host mother, Carmy, is very cheerful and kindly supports your life. So you can start a new life here in Toronto without worries even if this is your first time of studying abroad or a long stay overseas. The house, always kept tidy and free from dirt, is very clean.The food served is mainly Italian dishes, so it is very familiar to Japanese people.