三千院もみじ祭【広報担当のあれこれ日記】京都を代表する紅葉の名所の一つ、大原の三千院。今年も紅葉の見頃に合わせて、 10月28日~11月28日まで、三千院もみじ祭が開催されます。紅葉の見頃は、例年11月中旬から。広いお庭一帯が鮮やかな秋色に染まり、青い苔の上に赤い葉が降り積もる光景は、絵に描いたような美しさです。三千院もみじ祭の期間中も、お茶席が設けられています。お抹茶をいただきながら京都の秋を楽しめます。▼三千院への交通アクセス・詳細については、公式サイトをご確認ください。
※先着順ではございません。受付期間中にお申し込み下さい。※注意事項等詳細は、受付サイトにてご確認下さい。 【チケット料金】指定席 7,560円(税込)【注意事項】※3歳以上有料。※開場・開演時間は、変更になる場合がございます。
※非先到先得。請在 預約的期間內申請。 ※請在預約網站上確認詳細的注意是項。 【票價】 對號座 7560日幣(含稅) 【注意事項】 ※3歲以上收費。※進場.開演時間可能會因情況而變動。
追記Lucky Bag内のスペシャルアイテム(4種類)はスナップコンテストのトレンド値&ほかくイベントのみりょく値がつきます。「トレンドアイテム一覧」、「みりょくアイテム一覧」からご確認ください。
附註幸運袋裡面的特別物品(4種類)是附加的自拍大會的潮流值和捕獲活動的魅力值。請確認 「潮流值衣裝一覽 」、 「魅力值衣裝一覽」。
I understood that the adapter of PSE was out of stock. Could you please decline the price of this order? Please consider my offer. Thank you very much.
First, I sincerely apologized for the late delivery and contact. However, as I promised, I provided the new tracking number, and you also can confirm A's tracking information . The present goods is remained by the US custom right now. It usually takes 5 days in the remaining time. We are now investigating if the shipping company should take this responsibility. From the past experiences, if you know where is the package at, the delivery will take around 3 days to get the destination. If there are any problems, like damage, it will take more time. So there is no objection of case B. Please confirm the tracking as best as you can.
The duvet cover that it was sent the other day The item's texture has the color staining from the color of the button on its outside package. Furthermore, there are 2 places have brown color staining. As I talked to the staff in the department store, this is considered a defective product that we are not able to sell it. We are asking for one more same product which we added to the order sheet that we sent to you this time. Please send us a perfect product without any button color staining, other stains, sewing defects etc. problems. Also, about the total price of this order, could you remove the price of the defective product?
It is such a wonderful day for you to receive the package suddenly. I feel such a relief that the package is finally arrived safely. I am so happy and no words can describe my happiness. Please wear ◯◯'s T-shirt in the concert. Wish you will have a wonderful trip. I am also excited that one day I can visit your county. Thank you so much!
お気遣いありがとうございます。過去に割れたレコードが到着したこともありましたが、やはり輸送費が安いのは魅力です。よほど高価なレコード以外は通常の輸送でお願いするようにしています。今回も Media ($5).でお願いします。この便でも追跡ナンバーが着くようならば教えてください。よろしくお願い申し上げます。
Thank you for your concern. It happened before when the record was broken after arrived, however, it Is very attractive with free shipping. Please use the regular delivery this time except for the high value records. This time please also use Media ($5). If it also has tracking number, please let me know. Looking forward to hearing from you.
2016年9月より、オークションを新たに開催いたします。ブランド市場を取り巻く環境や求められるニーズは目まぐるしく移り変わり、我々もその変化に対する対応が求められます。これまで培ったオークション運営でのノウハウを最大限に活かし、参加会員様にご支持頂けるオークションの創造を最大のミッションとし、スタッフ一同取り組んで参ります。お客様一人一人の声を大切にし“活気溢れる” “笑顔溢れる” オークションとなれるよう努めて参ります。
The new auction started from Sep. 2016. While the environment and the needs of Luxury Brand Market is changing bewildering, we are also provide the needs of this change. Our biggest mission and our staff is working on now is to take the best advantage of know-how from the auction operation we have been cultivating right now to support the member attendee who has the desire of creating the auction. Our goal is to take seriously for our customer's needs of "Keep energetic" "Keep smiling" to make the auctions happen.
Sorry for keep you waiting. After the confirmation from our exhibitors, this figure has 7 kinds of collection. About the price, if you would like to ship together with your other items that are not shipped yet, we offer the discount as $105 for our repeat customer with the lower shipping cost. (However, this item is in our another storehouse, it will prolong for 2 days till shipping. ) If you would like to ship separately, it will cost more shipping expenses. Since you are our repeat customer, we offer the discount for $115 ( shipping for free). Please consider the price and look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you very much for setting the meeting with us last Thursday. We had a very precious time for getting more understanding of your company, in terms of your company's situation and the questions about us that we answered to you. Furthermore, by contacting with Mr./Mrs. 〇〇, and asking questions with each other, we felt we had deeper understanding and knowledge of your company. We also expecting that we can answer the questions that you would like to ask in the future. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you very much.