At first, remove the cap of your applicator. Hold the mouth of a shampoo bottle, remove the cap, and put the applicator cap on it. Pour the shampoo from the pack to the applicator carefully not to spill it. when a fixed quantity of shampoo is transferred into the applicator, remove the cap from the shampoo pack and put it on the applicator. Do not mix another kind of shampoo with it for use. This shampoo prevents your hair from damage such as split ends, and makes splendidly mosit and shiny hair to the end with care every time you use it.
Use a flexible hose and the like to connect a pipe to a roatry joint. Avoid connecting directly to a steel pipe for constraint. Inappropriate restraint shortens the service life of the joint.
This picture shows a lonely dinner with my sponsor.
I wanna see your peacock.
当社は、"Partner with Entrepreneurs"を理念に、ネット/モバイルベンチャーにIPO、M&Aアドバイザリーサービスを提供しています。
We provide IPO and M&A advisory services with Internet and movile ventures to achieve our mission of "Partner with Enterpreneurs".
PyhaRubyで書かれたクラウドの為のCMS。特徴* Windows, Mac, Linuxに加え、Google App Engine, Heroku等のクラウド環境でも動作します。* WordPressを参考にして、WordPressユーザーに分かりやすく作られています。* インストールが簡単。* デザイナーにとってテーマを作るのが簡単。* RubyistにとってクリーンなプラグインAPI。
PyhaCMS written in Ruby for cloud computing Features:* Performs in the cloud environment such as Google App Engine and Heroku as well as Windows, Mac, and Linux.* Designed with reference to WordPress for WordPress users to easily understand.* Easy installation* Easy to create a theme for designers.* A clear plug-in API for Rubyists
PSJailbreak clone X3jailbreak is real, will go on sale for $50-$60 next week
PSJailbreak クローンの X3jailbreak は実体があり、来週 50-60 ドルで発売予定です。
Conyac, a social translation service, provides the service, where an individual can easily request translaters all over the globe to make a translation. You can make a request at the lowest fee of 0.3 yen per letter, which is extraordinary low compared with the rate of the conventional translation business. A monthly flat-rate plan has started this month. On the other hand, another individual who can use more than a language can be paid while helping people having trouble in languages.Conyac currently supports 47 languages, and will globalize to develop its service in the future. Conyac will be the standard translation service throughout the world in a few years.
all goods are supplied in accordance with our standard Terms &Conditions of sale
Some price fields are blank on the Ladies line sheet, which gives us no price information. Please send us the updated line sheet. Let us know the distinctions between delivery 1 and delivery 2. What do WSP and SRP stand for? When will the exhibition in New York start?
I am having a difficulty in finding a good property.
I had to save it as an htm file due to the size, but we can fix that later. Any style not included has been cancelled. Please note there are some missing samples that are not complete yet. You’ll just have to sell without them for now. Regarding the prices, we promise not to raise any of them – if anything, most will get lowered as we finalize all costing.
サイズの関係でそれを HTML ファイルとして保存しなければなりませんでしたが、後で修正が可能です。未搭載の様式はどれも取り消されてきました。未完成の不明サンプルがいくつかありますのでご注意ください。当分はそれなしで販売しなくてはならないでしょう。価格については、どれも値上げしないとお約束します。経費がすべて確定したので、むしろほとんどは価格が下がるでしょう。
Since I cannot open the line sheet file attached to your e-mail, please resend it. We are going to introduce our customers, to which you can sell your brand products, to you at the exhibition held by A company. Would you please check e-mail from us during the exhibition?
We are expecting increased orders here and hope this trend continues in the Japanese market. Do you feel all the other buyers besides the ones you noted will place increased orders?We have to submit the final order to our factories on September 2 . Therefore, please send me your confirmed order by that date.We have received orders from almost all of our top accounts, but still have a bunch of boutiques to go. See attached units on order so far. I included notes for certain styles so you have an idea.I highly suggest pushing buyers into the styles that are definitely going to get produced. There are of course some that are “on the fence”, so as many more orders in these as possible would be great.
Toxic minerals would first be absorbed by roots but later relocated to the stem and leaves. A harvest of the shoots would remove the toxic compounds off site to be burned or composted to recover the metal for industrial uses. After several years of cultivation and harvest, the site would be restored at a cost much lower than the price of excavation and reburial, the standard practice for remediation of contaminated soils. For examples, in field trials, the plant alpine pennycress removed zinc and cadmium from soils near a zinc smelter, and Indian mustard, native to Pakistan and India, has been effective in reducing levels of selenium salts by 50 percent in contaminated soils.
毒性のある鉱物はまず根から吸収され、のちに茎や葉に移動するだろう。若芽を刈り取ると、毒性化合物は取り除かれ、焼やされたり堆肥化されたりして工業用金属の状態にもどる。耕作と収穫を数年行うと、その場所は、汚染土壌の標準的な修復方法である採掘と再埋め立てよりはるかに安い費用で修復されるだろう。例えば、実地試験では、アルプスのグンバイナズナという植物は、亜鉛精錬所近くの土壌から亜鉛とカドミウムを除去し、パキスタンやインド原産のカラシナは、汚染土壌のセレン塩レベルを 50% 減少させるのに効果があった。
「Warranty Expiration」画面では、顧客の所有する機器単位でメンテナンスの保守契約期間を一覧表示させることが可能です「Assets」画面では、保守契約単位で顧客名、機器名、保守期間の情報を入力しますお客様の保有するクライアント情報について、営業・デリバリーご担当者にヒアリングを行い、要件定義をいたします
In the [Warranty Expiration] window, a listing of the term of a maintenance contract per device owned by a customer can be displayed.In the [Assets] window, a customer name, a device name, and the contract term are entered per maintenance contract.For the client information owned by a customer, we interview people in charge of sales and delivery and define the requirements.
After bathing or washing your face, dry your face. Spread the facial mask all over your face thin the same way as ordinary facial mask. You can spread it around your eyes and mouth, where wrinkles or blackening is likely to appear. If you have a sensitive skin, dissolve the pack in water and pat some amount of it on your face gently, which is also effective.
Checking users you follow:Click [User you follow] in the sidebar on the right side of Timeline to check the list of users you follow.
My apologies if my words are not translated well. I think emotions rather than meanings are lost in translation. I am glad that your mother is out of the hospital and hopefully she is feeling better. I am concern that you are sick. I would be too if I am in your situation with the lack of rest and so much stress. Please take care of your health. I can understand if you cannot visit Singapore this September and its ok. Thanks for letting me know but we need to plan something if we manage to sell the apartment by then.
私の言葉がうまく翻訳されていないとしたら謝ります。翻訳では、意味よりも感情が損なわれている(伝わっていない)と思います。お母さまが退院されてよかったです。快方に向かわれますように。あなたの具合が悪いのが心配です。休息もなく大きなストレスを抱えるあなたの立場だったら、私も具合が悪くなるでしょう。どうかお体を大事にしてくださいね。今年の 9 月にシンガポールを訪問できないとしてもそれは理解できますし、問題はありません。知らせて戴いてありがとうございます。けれど、それまでにうまくアパートが売れたら、何か計画する必要がありますね。
When you log in, you can post a message in the top window. With an iPhone, a voice message can be posted using TweetMic, an iPhone application.