特典映像には全国各地に密着した、約40分に及ぶ長編ツアーメイキング映像を収録。本人の口から語られる今回のツアーへの思い、意気込み、そしてナチュラルな姿が垣間みられるオフショット映像も多数収録。 日本を代表するエンターテイナーとして、着々とフォロワーを増やし続ける三浦大知の最新エンターテインメントは必見!【特典】◆mu-mo特典サイン入りクリアファイル(サインは印刷となります。)◆ファンクラブ・大知識特典サイン入りスタッフパスレプリカ(サインは印刷となります。)
The exclusive videos are edited from nationwide and include around 40 minutes worth of extended feature videos of the makings of the tour. Several behind-the-scene videos providing glimpses of DAICHI MIURA's thoughts on this time's tour as told by the man himself, and his enthusiasm and natural countenance are also included.An entertainer who represents Japan and is steadily accumulating followers, DAICHI MIURA's newest work is a must see!Exclusives◆ mu-mo exclusiveAutographed clear file (the autograph is printed)◆ Fan club "DAICHISHIKI"Autographed staff pass replica (the autograph is printed)
DAICHI MIURA “exTime Tour 2012”自身初の全国ホールツアー『DAICHI MIURA “exTime Tour 2012”』の最終公演@東京国際フォーラムHall Aの模様を収録。オープニングからラストまで圧巻のパフォーマンスを[映像]+[サウンド]ともに完全パッケージ!
DAICHI MIURA “exTime Tour 2012”The disc contains the last performance of DAICHI MIURA's first national hall tour 'DAICHI MIURA “exTime Tour 2012” at Tokyo International Forum Hall A. From the opening to the end, the highlights of the performance, including videos and sound files, are fully packaged into the disc!
日本武道館公演を大成功させ、ドラマ主題歌シングルの発売、初の全国ホールツアー、そして今年を締めくくる大型音楽フェスへの出演に、12/12に発売する両A面シングルなど、目覚ましい跳躍をした活動を見せ続けている三浦大知の2012年。2013年の第一弾リリース作品は、全国17公演 計3万5千人を動員した、自身初の全国ホールツアー『DAICHI MIURA“exTime Tour 2012”』の最終公演@東京国際フォーラムHall Aの模様を完全収録。
A successful performance at the Japan Budokan, the release of a drama theme song single, his first national hall tour, and to round out the year, a performance at a large-scale music festival and a double A-side single released on 12 December; 2012 continues to display a remarkably active DAIICHI MIURA.The first released work in 2013 is the complete recording of the final performance of DAICHI MIURA's first national hall tour (performed 17 times nationwide with attendance of an estimated 35,000 audiences) "DAICHI MIURA "exTime Tour 2012"" at Tokyo International Forum Hall A.
オープニングからラストまで、圧巻のパフォーマンス計128分を収録したLIVE DVD&BD!超絶テクニックのフルバンドを従え、サウンドでの演出力も高いLIVEだった事から、今回はLIVE ALBUM(2DISC)が付くという、ダンスアーティストには異例の形態でのリリースとなる。踊りながら歌っているとは思えない、その歌唱パフォーマンスも必聴。
From the opening to the end, an estimated 128 minutes worth of highlights from the performance are recorded in the live DVD and Blu-ray disc.Because the high feeling of a live performance is also recreated in the sound files using the best techniques, this time, the LIVE ALBUM (2 DISC) is included and the dance artists are released in extraordinary forms.Not only the singing and dancing performances, but the singing performances are also a must hear.
c/w には、夏の終わりに心地よいレイドバック感たっぷりな微熱ソング「Gotta Make You Mine」に加え、三浦大知自身が音楽を始めるきっかけとなった、敬愛してやまないアーティストMichael Jackson の「Human Nature」カヴァーの計3曲を収録。テレビ朝日系「 Future Tracks→R」8月度 エンディング・トラック
In c/w "Gotta Make You Mine, a hot song filled with a great laid back end-of-summer feel is included. Never-ending adoration and respect for Michael Jackson being the trigger for DAICHI MIURA's music career, the single includes a total of 3 cover songs from Michael Jackson's "Human Nature".August Ending Track of Asahi Television's "Future Tracks→R"
In the midst of deciding on his first ever performance at the Japan Budokan and rapidly advancing, here is a performance from a genuine entertainer, who proves that he is becoming even more active in 2012.
中身の濃いオリジナル曲が16曲収録される。ディスク2枚目のカヴァー・ベストには、テレビでの歌唱後、視聴者から音源化を熱望されていたHY「366日」のカヴァーも新収録。またMay J.の名を世に広めるきっかけとなった「Garden」や、テレビ番組での歌唱で大きな話題となった「ハナミズキ」「涙そうそう」「First Love」に加え、クリス・ハートとデュエットした「A Whole New World」など、May J.流に彩ってきた珠玉のカヴァーナンバー全16曲を収録。
16 original songs of rich content are included.The second disc, which contains recordings of the best of her covers, was created in reaction to hearty requests from audiences to turn them into recordings after hearing her sing a cover version of HY's "366 days" on television. "366 days" is also newly recorded and included in the disc. In addition, "Garden" and television program songs like "Hanamizuki" (The Dogwood Flower), "Nada Sou Sou" (Tears for you), and "First Love" which made May J's name known to the world are included. With songs like "A Whole New World", a duet with Chris Hart, this is a 16 number cover album adorned with May J-style gems.
ディスク1枚目のオリジナル・ベストには、ドラマ挿入歌としてもヒットした珠玉のバラードである最新シングル「本当の恋」や、ヤマザキ「ランチパック」CMソングのアップテンポなナンバー「Sunshine Baby!」、日本中を席捲したディズニー映画「アナと雪の女王」の日本版主題歌「Let It Go ~ありのままで~(エンドソング)」に加え、ライブで超定番となっている数々の曲も収録。
The first disc, which contains the best of May J's original songs, include ballad gems, hit songs and drama insert songs, like her newest single "True Love", "Sunshine Baby!" (an up-beat commercial song for Yamazaki Boulangerie Lunch Packs), and "Let It Go" (the theme song of the Dizney movie "Frozen" which swept through Japan like a storm). Many classic songs which have become a staple in May J's live performances are also included.
Feel the love / Merry-go-round約3年ぶりとなるシングル「Feel the love / Merry-go-round」、Xmas発売決定!DJ Hello Kitty & m-floによるサウンド・プロデュース!!シングルとしては、2010年9月リリースの『 L 』以来、約3年ぶりとなる両A面シングル「Feel the love / Merry-go-round」が12月25日に発売!
Feel the love / Merry-go-roundThe first time after around 3 years, the single "Feel the love / Merry-go-round" is to be released on Christmas!Sound produced by DJ Hello Kitty and m-flo!!Since "L", released on September 2010, for the first time after around 3 years, the double A-side single "Feel the love / Merry-go-round" will be released on 25 December!
4月にデビュー15周年を迎え、約22万人を動員する全国アリーナツアーを大好評のうちに終えるなど、まだまだ進化し続けるayuが放つ会心の新作は、書き下ろし新曲2曲入り両A面シングルで、「Feel the love」はなんと世界中に熱狂的なファンを持つハローキティがDJとして活動している“DJ Hello Kitty”による世界初となるサウンド・プロデュース作!
The arena tour through the whole country to usher in the 15th debut anniversary in April which mobilized around 220 thousand people ended amidst great reviews. The ever evolving AYUMI HAMASAKI's popular new work is a double A-side single including 2 newly composed songs. "Feel the love" is the first single produced by "DJ Hello Kitty" - Hello Kitty, who possesses wildly enthusiastic fans throughout the world.
どちらも、名だたるUSトップ・アーティストのヒット曲を数多く手がけるエンジニア、Jaycen Joshuaがミックスし、NYの新進気鋭のエンジニアDave Kutchがマスタリングした一切の妥協無しの本格サウンド。ayuの切ない歌詞と世界標準EDMトラックとが響き合う傑作がここに。DVDにはL.A.で撮影を敢行したミュージック・ビデオ2本を収録。「Feel the love」ではayuとDJ Hello Kittyの初共演が実現!
Mised by sound engineer Jaycen Joshua, who has been in involved in many hit songs by US top renown artists, mixed both songs and mastered by New York's up-and-coming sound engineer Dave Kutch, both are authentic sounds created absolutely without compromization.Here is a masterpiece in which AYUMI HAMASAKI's witsful lyrics resonate with world standard EDM tracks.The DVD includes two music videos shot in Los Angeles. "Feel the love" is the realisation of the first collaboration between AYUMI HAMASAKI and DJ Hello Kitty!
Party Queen2012/03/21 in stores13th ALBUM『Party Queen』フジテレビ系木曜よる10時ドラマ「最後から二番目の恋」主題歌として話題の「how beautiful you are」をはじめ、未発表書き下ろし新曲のみ全14曲を収録した超豪華フル・アルバム!全曲ロンドン・レコーディングを敢行し、世界の音楽シーンの最前線で活躍するトップ・エンジニアやミュージシャンを多数起用した、まさに世界標準のサウンドが詰め込まれた意欲作。
Party QueenIn stores from 21 March 201213th ALBUM"Party Queen"Starting with"how beautiful you are", the theme song of Fuji Television's Thursday 10 p.m. drama "Second to Last Love (Saigo Kara Nibanme no Koi)", and including only unpublished compositions, 14 songs are included in this extra luxurious full album! This is a motivated work in which all songs recorded by London Records, many top engineer and musicians who are active in the world's music scene were engaged, and packed with sounds that fulfil the world standard.
【CD+DVD+DVD】【CD+DVD】【CD】の全3形態でのリリースで、【DVD-1】にはロンドンで撮り下ろされた3曲を含むミュージック・クリップ4曲とそれらのメイキング・クリップの未発表8トラックを豪華収録!さらに【DVD-2】には、2011年大晦日に開催されたばかりの最新ライヴ「ayumi hamasaki COUNTDOWN LIVE 2011-2012 $$00002$$ ~HOTEL Love songs~」を完全収録!!
Released in three formats - "CD+DVD+DVD","CD+DVD" and "CD" - Music clips of the 3 songs recorded in London, as well as 4 video clips on the making of these music clips, and 8 unpublished track are luxuriously included in DVD-1!in DVD-2In addition, latest live, held on New Year's Eve 2011 recently, "AYUMI HAMASAKI COUNTDOWN LIVE 2011-2012 $$00002$$ ~HOTEL Love songs~" is fully included in DVD-2!!
【CD+DVD+DVD】初回盤はライヴDVDパッケージ付き透明スリーヴ仕様で、特典として世界最高水準のAR技術を駆使した「ayupan AR」アプリ専用ステージ台紙も封入!
For the limited edition "CD+DVD+DVD" version, a cardboard stage is specially included on the transparent sleeve of the package of the live DVD, exclusively for use with the mobile application "AYUMI HAMASAKI AR", created using the world highest level of AR technology.
また、本アルバム(【CD+DVD+DVD】初回限定仕様)と、同時発売のDVD / Blu-ray「ayumi hamasaki ~POWER of MUSIC~ 2011 $$00002$$」、エクスクルーシヴ・グッズ(ハーフ・パイント・グラスとコルクコースター)とをセットにした過去最大サイズの超豪華BOX SET“『Party Queen』SPECIAL LIMITED BOX SET”、今話題のニューメディア“PLAYBUTTON”でも数量限定で発売!!
In addition, with this album ("CD+DVD+DVD" limited edition), the simultaneously released DVD/Blu-ray "AYUMI HAMASAKI ~POWER of MUSIC~ 2011 $$00002$$" with exclusive goods (half-pint glass and cork coaster) is packaged together as the largest ever ultra luxurious box set “'Party Queen' SPECIAL LIMITED BOX SET". This box set which is the hot topic in NEW MEDIA “PLAYBUTTON” is also released in limited quantity!!
LOVE againデビュー15周年に向けて5ヶ月連続リリース、第4弾!2月8日(金)にオリジナル・フルアルバム『LOVE again』を発売!!全15曲、14映像収録!!!全てはこのために...。デビュー15周年を迎える2013年4月8日に向けてリリースを重ねてきた第4弾は、待望のオリジナル・フルアルバム!序章ともいえる11月8日発売『LOVE』、12月8日発売『again』収録曲に、書き下ろし新曲5曲ほかを加えた全15曲を完全収録!
LOVE againIn conjunction with the 15th debut anniversary, the 4th in 5 consecutive months of releases!The original full album "LOVE again" will be on sale on 8th of February (Friday)!Includes 15 songs and 15 videos!!!Everything is for this...To celebrate the 15th debut anniversary on 8 April 2013, the 4th album, which part of the consecutive released, is the long awaited album!"LOVE", which will be released on 8th November, will also include a preface. The 15 songs in "LOVE" will be included in the 8 December release of "again", which will also include 5 newly composed songs!
初収録となる新曲は、星野靖彦氏、多胡邦夫氏、中野雄太氏による楽曲で、誰もが待ち望んでいたこれぞ“浜崎あゆみ”と言わんばかりの歌に仕上がっている。そこに、2012年に各方面で話題となった「You & Me」「Song 4 u」といった楽曲が加わり、ひとつの物語として綴られた圧倒的なクオリティのアルバムが完成!映像は、video clipとmaking clipそれぞれ7本ずつ計14本収録。
The newly composed and recorded song created by Yasuhiko Hoshino , Kunio Tago , and Yuta Nakano is the song everyone was waiting for. This song has been completed, and it is not just called "AYUMI HAMASAKI". Here, the songs which dominated the topic of various fields in 2012, "You & Me" and "Song 4 U", are combined into one story to complete an album of overwhelming quality.There are a total of 17 videos, including video clips and clips on the making of the album.
With a masterpiece of a volume, the contents are enhanced with many images from the newly recorded videos, and you can see the various appearances of AYUMI HAMASAKI. In addition, it has been decided that the videos in the album will be released in Blu-ray format for the first time ever.Also, due to long-time request from fans, and circumstances in a cover the manufacturing schedule, albums with an image of AYUMI HAMASAKI on the CD jacket will finally become a reality in limited quantities! In addition, containing a rare luxurious photo book filled with never before published shots, this is an ultra valuable record to be coveted by fans!
To welcome the 15th anniversary year fittingly, the entire original full album is fully infused with AYUMI HAMASAKI's appeal. The answer is here.