Dearest PaulThe live was fantastic today!I was amazed. Thanks a million! I can't wait to see you again.
こんにんちは。商品タイトルには iPhone5s と記載がありますが、機種を選択する箇所には iPhone5 と記載されています。このアイフォンケースはiPhone5とiPhone5sの両方に適合していますか?機種をiPhone5と選択すれば私は、iPhone5とiPhone5sの両方に適合したアイフォンケースを購入することができますか?
good afternoon.the title says iphone5s, however, when i want to select a model it says iphone5.does it desined fir both iphone5 and iphone5s ?if i select iphone5, is it possible for me to purchase one for both?
I apologise for the late payment.I attempted to pay with paypal today, however, its security system temporally blocks our payment to other countries from Japan, which doesnt happen all the time.I contacted them and they explained that the system could not be unlocked, then they told me a few things we could do.wait for a couple of hours or even daysuse a different credit card