ah-good (ah-good) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
ah-good 日本語 → 英語



As shown in X, malignant cancer has different degrees of integration, which depends on its pathological type. It is not reasonable to investgate malignancy of organs excluded from a subject of the study. In K, although S values of malignant and benign cancers shows significant difference in early phase, the author described there was not worth studying the S values due to the overlap between them. However, the S value is more significant than other indexes. Therefore, I think it is not beneficial to take an image of patients who were selected by scrutiny of morphological changes in early phase, forced to be exposed to radiation and consume their time in late phase. This paper randomly mixes results and discussion. Furthermore, the discussion part is too long more than necessary. The paper needs major revision.