Lam Joseph 様この度は、当店Sound-Creaにてご注文誠にありがとうございます。商品のお届けについてですが、お客様がお泊りになる「ホテル ニューオータニ」のフロントスタッフへ商品のお届けの依頼を致しました。明日にはホテルへ商品が到着し、フロントスタッフが先にお部屋までお届けしておりますので、ご安心ください。この度は誠にありがとうございました。サウンドクレア村上
Dear Lam Joseph,Thank you for your order in our shop, Sound-Crea.We have already sent your item to front desk in "Hotel New Otani" where you are staying. The item will be delivered there by tomorrow and one of the hotel staff will bring it to your room before you arrive. So everything is going to be fine.Thank you again for your order.Sound-Crea.Murakami
I understood it. I will let you know as soon as the product is posted on the website.I am now very busy to make the shift from the old website to a new one and prepare for opening a real shop in July.So please wait for a while.
In case the size of items show 3, 5, 7, 9..., is "3" for Juniors in the size chart?Or it it in between US 2-4?
Hello,The last email might have a lack of explanation.You might have misunderstanding about it.I am now thinking about import business from Korea to Japan.Therefore, I thought if you could introduce me to someone who can speak Japanese in Korea.However, I haven't stepped into action officially yet, it is okay if you know someone.I am sorry if you have been misunderstanding.Best regards.
Please give me a file including phrases which need to be translated.(Please leave phrases which needn't be translated blank.)
May you who have bought this item find happiness.