1: I am sorry, I did not ship that to japanHave item back in California, I Pick it upJohn
Have you already sent it to me using UPS? It was not found although I used the tracking number you sent.I'd like to make sure that your mail.Did you get a 100 same parts in your stock?
Tracking 1の商品も破損しているのですか?日本へのは発送不可ですか?この商品も Tracking 2と同じ売主ですよね?今、売主と連絡と取っていますが、まだ返答がありません。連絡が取れるまで3,4日待って下さい。
goods of Tracking1 also damaged? you can't send it to Japan? and Tracking1 and Tracking2 are same seller, isn't it? and now, I have taken with a seller and contact but there is no answer yet. Please wait for 3 or 4 days until I can get contact.
I want to ask if I can send a request to cancel the transaction to recover the expensive fees of ebay.