Thank you for your message.I am sincerely sorry.This item has came back being unable to be delivered.This is my fault that I will fully refund to you.Thank you.
Thank you for your inquiry. We don't know if we can set the price you expect but how many kinds, the number, and the price of them do you want? Due to the wholesale cost accounts for 60% of the retail price, the price for you will be 80% of retail price. Negotiations with the manufacturer may be possible if your order is big in number.We will be happy to settle in a good deal. We're looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you.
The item has arrived. I checked it and found some pages came off the spine of book. There are also scribbles on it. I didn't see it on the description of the item. It was really disappointing since I was looking forward to it. I would bear some minor problems but it is far worse in condition. I'd like to exchange it or have a full refund including the shipping fee. I can send you a picture of it. Please contact me ASAP. Thank you.
"Greetings Jun, I would be glad to assist you. It appears our supplier sent this to our location instead of sending it directly to you. The part was delivered to us yesterday, so we're going to look in our warehouse for it. When we find it, we'll send it out to you and I'll provide you with the tracking for it. I sincerely apologize for the delay. Kind regards, Justin - CPD Customer Service."If you're satisfied with this solution, you can let the seller know by sending a message in the Resolution Center. If you don't want to accept this offer, we encourage you to send the seller a message with solution that you'd be happy with.You can also view the details of this case in the Resolution Center.
こんにちは、Jun。 私は喜んであなたを援助させていただきます。我々の供給者は、この品を直接あなたにではなく、私どもの住所に送ったようですね。一部が昨日我々に配達されたようですので、これから倉庫を探してみます。見つかりましたら、あなたに向けて発送し、追跡番号もお知らせいたします。商品の配達が遅れましたことを心よりお詫びいたします。よろしくお願いいたします。Justin-CPDカスタマーサービスこの解決方法にご満足頂けましたら、Resolution Center にメッセージを送ることで、販売者に知らせることができます。この申し出を受けたくない場合は、ご満足頂けた解決方法を書いたメッセージを販売社に送ることをお勧めいたします。こちらの件に関しての詳細は、Resoution Centerでご覧いただけます。
It was also on account of suppliers' circumstances that the use of gas in Japan after wartime has delayed.Despite a major increase in the price of coal due to WWⅡ, the suppliers were not allowed to increase the price of gas on the ground of compensation agreements with local governments. The profit of gas companies had dwindled as a result. Local small gas companies, in particular, didn't have a retail outlet for by-products such as coal so that they couldn't bear the significant cost increase and many of them went bankrupt in late 1910. It took a lot of time for them to reopen their business.Some of the major gas companies dealt with this financial difficulty by stopping their service for the unprofitable areas.
Thank you for considering the purchase of the item again.We are glad to hear such kind words from you.Certainly. We're waiting for your purchase again after your address change is completed.Thank you very much.
念のため一つだけ確認させてくだい。私はリフェイス、もしくは何らかの改造がなされたMPは要らないのですが、このMPは記述どおり100 %オリジナルですか?
Please let me make sure in case.I don't want an MP that is refaced or converted in some ways. Is this MP 100% original as it says in the description?
Please check the application page for more information.◼ General sale tickets release (on a FCFS basis)April 16 (Wed.) 7:00pm
Thank you so much for contacting us. We deeply apologize about sending you a wrong item. We'll rearrange the shipment and send you a correct item right away. Please keep the item we've sent to you and give it to your firiends or family if you don't mind. I am very sorry to disturb you this time. We will arrange the shipment as soon as possible.Shipping method:Tracking number:Best Regards,
Hello, and thank you for your email. I work with wholesale orders here at Vivere Ltd. I would like to see the sites that you currently sell on. Can you email me links to what you currently have online? From there I can confirm other details about our products. I look forward to hearing from you. Best Regards,
Thank you for inviting me to the event last week.I enjoyed it very much.I'd like to contact you when I need to know detailed information of start-up.
Radiation therapy is a local trearment that aimed to one part of the body as surgeries are. It doesn't have effects on the part which haven't been exposed to radiation. Therefore, just being careful of changing the parts to which you deliver radiation, as long as the function of organs allows, you can give treatments safely as many times as needed.
We have seen this happen a few times lately. It seems they are getting worse with tracking at USPS. I had one package going to Germany that showed tracking one day and then not again for 12 days until it arrived. I will call them and see if they can give me any other information. I am sure everything is fine though, do not worry. If you have any other questions please let me know.
If we go with 600 pieces I can get a better price from my supplier. Let’s go with $5.50 each on the 3016308 with that many glasses. This would be freight paid to a US destination. If we need to ship that directly to you, we can do that as well. These are packed 144 per case. So we would have to ship in roughly 4 cases. I am sure we can add the small amount that is left and combine into 4 cases. If you would like for me to estimate the freight to you, just let me know and I’ll see what I can do. Thanks again
もし我々が600個購入するのなら、供給者からよりよい金額で取引できます。ガラスが沢山付いた3016308を、一つ$5.50で取引いたしましょう。これはUSの目的地に支払われる料金となるでしょう。 もし我々がお客様に直接発送する必要があるならば、それも可能です。それらは一ケースに付き144個入っています。従って、我々は大体4ケースほどを発送しなければならないでしょう。残りの少量をその4ケースに一緒に加えることは出来ます。もしお客様が荷物の料金の見積もりを知りたいのであれば、お知らせいただければ対応いたします。有り難うございました。
Due to recent export regulations changes we need to review many items such as knives to verify their export status. In the vast majority of cases this is simply a matter of going through the process and we will be able to ship your items to you. I am sorry for any inconvenience and please rest assured we are working as fast as we can to release your items. Thank you for your patience as we comply with exports laws and regulations. We are being extra cautious to ensure we are in compliance with the new and ambiguous export regulations. Once these have been clarified I anticipate these delays will become minimal. Thank you for your understanding and we apologize for the inconvenience.
I cannot see which part of this item has been damaged from this photo.Could you tell me where the damage is on this item?If the item turned out to be defective due to the damage, I'll proceed to return it to the sender.So please put the action status back to the state that I can choose out of.Thank you very much.
ph76001食べたい……!でももったいない!!キャラ弁、葛藤の10選日本の手先の器用さは世界的に認知されていると特徴ではありますが、日常においても器用さがうかがい知れます。日本人のランチの定番〝お弁当〟がなんと、アニメのキャラクターに大変身しているのです!今回はそんな〝キャラ弁 〟をご紹介します。食べたいけど食べられない!もったいないんだもん!!▼キャラ弁って?
To eat or not to eat, that is the conflict.Here goes Kyara-Ben, a homemade boxed lunch containing food decorated to look like anime characters, which made it to the top 10.The Japanese are characterized by their deft fingers, and which is known to the world. You can also tell it from their daily life. "The Bento", a standard items for Japanese people's lunch, have gotten a big makeover into anime characters! Here we introduce you the Kyara-Ben.To eat or not to eat! They're way too cute to be eaten!
In case you want to know the condition in detail, please send me a message.I can attach photos for you. The payment hasn't been confirmed yet. The payment term is within three days after the acceptance of bid. We're ready to ship the items soon after your payment made. Please contact us in case that your payment might delay. We'll be a personal shopper for you at a bargain price! This one is a supplement to a magazine. We're writing a blog and also writing about items we are going to put up for sale. Please check it out! The rating of our store still remains low however we work faithfully and conscientiously. Thank you very much.
我々は既にDropboxでDue Diligenceに必要な資料を共有いただいているが、やはりNDAの締結は必要でしょうか。マイケルからは以前、既に締結しているABC社とのNDAがあるから新たに締結する必要はないと言われている。
We've already shared necessary materials for Due Dilligence with you by Dropbox. Still do you need the conclusion of NDA?Mr. Micheal told us before that we don't need newly to conclude it because we've already had an arrangement in NDA with ABC Co.
fr89505国指定名勝でもある松濤園は、明治43年に十四代立花寛治伯爵によって整えられました。松濤の名の通り、クロマツに囲まれた池庭で、座敷からの眺望を楽しむ観賞式の庭園です。のんびりとした時の流れと一緒に、歴史のおもむきにひたるのもいいかも知れません。 柳川名物に舌鼓。
Shoutouen is an officially-designated scenic beauty, which is arranged by the 14th Count Kanji Tachibana in the 43rd year of the Meiji era.The name Shoutou, soughing of the wind through pine trees, is true to its name. It is an ornamental garden with a pond surrounded by black pines.You can enjoy its splendid view from the parlor.It would be wonderful to steep yourself in the historic atmosphere with a peaceful passage of time.Enjoy Yanagawa's local specialty.