shimoda (a_shimoda) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
a_shimoda 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

"Greetings Jun, I would be glad to assist you. It appears our supplier sent this to our location instead of sending it directly to you. The part was delivered to us yesterday, so we're going to look in our warehouse for it. When we find it, we'll send it out to you and I'll provide you with the tracking for it. I sincerely apologize for the delay. Kind regards, Justin - CPD Customer Service."

If you're satisfied with this solution, you can let the seller know by sending a message in the Resolution Center. If you don't want to accept this offer, we encourage you to send the seller a message with solution that you'd be happy with.

You can also view the details of this case in the Resolution Center.


こんにちは、Jun。 私は喜んであなたを援助させていただきます。我々の供給者は、この品を直接あなたにではなく、私どもの住所に送ったようですね。一部が昨日我々に配達されたようですので、これから倉庫を探してみます。見つかりましたら、あなたに向けて発送し、追跡番号もお知らせいたします。商品の配達が遅れましたことを心よりお詫びいたします。よろしくお願いいたします。Justin-CPDカスタマーサービス

この解決方法にご満足頂けましたら、Resolution Center にメッセージを送ることで、販売者に知らせることができます。この申し出を受けたくない場合は、ご満足頂けた解決方法を書いたメッセージを販売社に送ることをお勧めいたします。

こちらの件に関しての詳細は、Resoution Centerでご覧いただけます。

a_shimoda 日本語 → 英語



It was also on account of suppliers' circumstances that the use of gas in Japan after wartime has delayed.
Despite a major increase in the price of coal due to WWⅡ, the suppliers were not allowed to increase the price of gas on the ground of compensation agreements with local governments. The profit of gas companies had dwindled as a result. Local small gas companies, in particular, didn't have a retail outlet for by-products such as coal so that they couldn't bear the significant cost increase and many of them went bankrupt in late 1910. It took a lot of time for them to reopen their business.
Some of the major gas companies dealt with this financial difficulty by stopping their service for the unprofitable areas.

a_shimoda 英語 → 日本語

Due to recent export regulations changes we need to review many items such as knives to verify their export status. In the vast majority of cases this is simply a matter of going through the process and we will be able to ship your items to you. I am sorry for any inconvenience and please rest assured we are working as fast as we can to release your items. Thank you for your patience as we comply with exports laws and regulations. We are being extra cautious to ensure we are in compliance with the new and ambiguous export regulations. Once these have been clarified I anticipate these delays will become minimal. Thank you for your understanding and we apologize for the inconvenience.

