A.N. (a-nii) 翻訳実績

約9年前 男性 40代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 スペイン語
a-nii 英語 → 日本語

Merel acknowledges that a “pure quantitative analysis of the VR/AR market today is challenging, because there’s not much of a track record to analyze yet.” But he believes VR/AR are compelling enough to grow new markets and cannibalize existing ones after the technology really starts taking off next year.

“VR and AR headsets both provide stereo 3D high-definition video and audio, but there’s a big difference,” Merel said. “VR is closed and fully immersive, while AR is open and partly immersive – you can see through and around it. Where VR puts users inside virtual worlds, immersing them, AR puts virtual things into users’ real worlds, augmenting them.




a-nii 英語 → 日本語

“You might think this distinction is splitting hairs, but that difference could give AR the edge over not just VR, but the entire smartphone and tablet market. There are major implications for Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook and others.”

Merel said that VR is great for games and 3D films. However, he sees it primarily as a living room, office, or seated experience, as you might bump into things if you walked down the street wearing a closed headset.

He expects that it could snare tens of millions of fans among console, PC, and online gamers as well as those who prefer 3D to 2D films. VR will also have niche markets in enterprises, medical, military, and education markets.





a-nii 英語 → 日本語

He said that AR could play a similar role to mobile across sectors as well as a host of uses nobody has thought of yet. He foresees uses in e-commerce, voice calls, web browsing, film and TV streaming, enterprise apps, advertising, consumer apps, games, and theme park rides.

“There could be meaningful enterprise VR revenues, but we think that AR could take more of that market,” Merel said. “We think AR’s addressable market is similar to the smartphone/tablet market. So AR could have hundreds of millions of users, with hardware price points similar to smartphones and tablets. This could drive large hardware revenues for device makers.”




a-nii 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Only 26 percent of marketing technologists actually have STEM degrees, for instance. And most technical skills have been learned on the job, resulting in uneven development and inevitable missing links.

Interestingly, the five skills marketing technologists identify as “most important” for their future jobs span two technology-focused areas, two marketing-focused, and one business-focused. For technology, web design and CRM systems led the pack — which seems a bit retro these mobile days — while marketing strategy and target market identification are the top two desired marketing skills.


