yuika hasegawa (6891yuikahase) 翻訳実績

Tokyo, Japan
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
6891yuikahase 英語 → 日本語

I'll ship you your appliances with 10 pieces. Shipping is via UPS. Today I spent the whole day solving this problem in the future we have with you the transaction was smooth. Such parties on Ebay no trades except for me, so you need to be careful with the delivery of goods. You can not worry, I'm an honest person and I want you to get your goods are not overpaying for it. Those goods which you have already paid, I redirected via UPS as I said earlier. Goods bought from you before coming to you with a delay of 3-5 days. The main thing that can be delivered at no additional cost to you. I will show undervalued in the declaration and document confirmed this to Customs missed the goods in Japan.



6891yuikahase 英語 → 日本語

UNICEF took a very ordinary object -- a water vending machine -- and made it startling by filling it with bottles of disease-laden H2O to enlighten New Yorkers about how something we take for granted is not such a luxury in the developing world.
While stopping passersby in their tracks with choices of malaria, cholera and typhoid-flavored "Dirty Water," the UNICEF staffers then got the message across that $1 is enough to ensure a child gets access to clean water for 40 days -- a simply bottled message that saw the donations roll in.</p><p>It was a clever way to convey an issue, confronting those that live a life of luxury with stark realities from other parts of the world.



6891yuikahase 英語 → 日本語

Swedish furniture giant Ikea makes little public pockets of Manhattan a little nicer with whimsical street settings in the "Everyday Fabulous" campaign.Seeing such ordinary items in unexpected places is a great way to cement something in a consumer's mind, as well as actually get your physical product right under their noses -- not an easy feat under normal circumstances.

Our favorite on this list for its sheer simplicity, Loctite's street marketing for its Super Glue 3 product can literally be found at street level -- as in glued to the sidewalk.Really, what better way is there to demonstrate the effectiveness of your adhesive than the old coin-glued-to-the-ground trick?


1. イケア
スウェーデン発の家具屋である大手IKEA(イケア)が、マンハッタン郊外に、ちょっと喜ばしいことに思いがけない場所で”Everyday Fabulous(毎日 楽しく)”という名のキャンペーンを行う。毎日見慣れているものを予期せぬ場所に配置して消費者の心をつかむのが目的だ。それがけっきょくイケアのもとに物的生産を与えることになるが、これは常設だけでは達成し得ないことだ。
2. ロックタイト
わが社のこの人気商品リストはもっともシンプルで、ロックタイトの末端消費者を対象にした“Super Glue 3(スーパーグル―3)”のマーケティングでは言葉通り末端に、端にくっつけた。本当に良い宣伝は商品の効能を消費者に見せることだから、あなたの執着心は「道端に小銭をくっつけるいたずら」にも勝るだろうか?

6891yuikahase 英語 → 日本語

"When you wanted to look at issues unique to our company it was sometimes difficult to get the view of requested data, so we decided to move to a tool that we owned and that ran on our infrastructure so that we could get access to the necessary data on demand."

While the decision to install IBM TSRM for internal knowledge management capabilities was made before re-evaluating the outsourced help desk arrangement, installation of the tool proved fortuitous, Corbin acknowledges. "When we decided to bring service desk in-house, it uncomplicated the transition significantly because we didn't need to execute a transition of tool and data: that was already in place," he says.



IBM製のTivoli Service Request Manager(TSRM)を社内に導入すると決めたのはアウトソーシングのヘルプデスクが再度評価される前のことでしたが、偶然にも該当のツールは製品責任者であるコルビン氏からのお墨付きで「社内にサービスデスクを設けるにあたってこの簡易な導入はとても大きかった。移行する際に過去のツールもデータも損なわれなかったからだ―気が付けばもうインストールが完了していた」と氏は述べています。