Caesar duly arrived at Carthago Nova, intending to meet with those who were in need of him. A great many came to see him, some for the purpose of settling any differences they might have had with certain persons, others because of matters of civil administration, others in order to obtain the rewards for deeds of courage which they had performed. Regarding these matters he gave them audience. Many other officers had congregated there also. The Saguntini came to Octavius asking for assistance, for there were a number of charges against them. He acted as their spokesman, and speaking before Caesar skillfully secured their release from the charges.
Caesarは期日通りにCarthago Novaに到着し、自分を必要としている人々と会おうとした。非常に多くの人がCaesarに会いに来た。その中には、ある人々との意見の相違を解消しようという目的の者もいれば、民政の件で訪れる者や、なし遂げた勇敢なる行為に対する褒美を得ようとして訪れた者もいた。このような件に関しCaesarは謁見を許し、多くの士官らもそこに集まっていた。サグントの人々がOctaviusのところへきて多くの重税を課されていたため援助を願いでた。Octaviusは彼らの代表者のように振る舞いCaesarの前で巧みに重税から解放してやった。
Yes. I'm sorry. I made a mistake. I told you that I had 10 Statue of Liberty sets because that was what I ordered, but when I opened the box to get them for your package all I had was Empire State Buildings!! I had to wait for my new shipment to come in to get the Statue of Liberty sets for you. My apologies.Also, I included a few free nanoblock kits for you in your first box.The box I had was too small yesterday so you will be getting 2 packages. The largest box has everything but 3 of the White House kits in it and it is coming via Fed Ex The second box is coming via Priority Mail and has the remaining 3 White House kits for you.
はい、すみません。私はミスを犯しました。あなたには自由の女神像が10セットあると言いましたが、それは私はそのように注文したからです。けれどもあなたに梱包するために箱を開けてみると出てきたのはすべてエンパイヤステートビルだったのです!! あなたのために自由の女神像を手に入れるために新たに配送されるのを待たなくてはなりませんでした。本当にすみません。またあなたのために最初の箱に無料のナノブロックのキットをいくらか入れておきました。昨日、私がもっていた箱はあまりにも小さかったため、あなたは2つの小包を受け取ることになります。大きな箱にホワイトハウスのキット3つ以外はすべて入っています。Fed Ex で届きます。トラック(追跡)ナンバー=201500216647282 2番目の箱はプライオリティメールで届き、残りのあなたのためのホワイトハウス・キットが3つ入っています。
This however he could not now do on account of his attack of sickness. Accordingly, he left him behind in the care of a number of persons who were to take particular charge of his mode of life; and giving orders that if Octavius should grow strong enough, he was to follow him, he went off to the war. The eldest son of Pompeius Magnus had got together a great force in a short time, contrary to the expectations of everyone, with the intention of avenging his father's death, and, if possible, of retrieving his father's defeat. Octavius, left behind in Rome, in the first place gave his attention to gaining as much physical strength as possible, and soon he was sufficiently robust.
だが、病気にかかったせいで今はそうすることができなくなった。そこでCaesarはOctaviusの生活スタイルを特別に管理する多くの人にOctaviusを預けて、もしOctaviusが非常に丈夫に成長したらCaesarの後を追ってくるよう命じて戦に赴いた。Pompeius Magnusの長男は、父の仇を討ち、可能であれば父の敗北を挽回するつもりで皆の期待に反して短い間に大いなる力を結集した。ローマに取り残されたOctaviusは、まず出来るだけ体力を回復することに集中し、まもなく十分丈夫になった。
Then he set out from home toward the army, according to his uncle's instructions (for that is what he called him). Many were eager to accompany him on account of his great promise but he rejected them all, even his mother herself, and selecting the speediest and strongest of his servants he hastened on his journey and with incredible dispatch he covered the long road and approached Caesar, who had already completed the whole war in the space of seven months.When Octavius reached Tarraco it was hard to believe that he had managed to arrive in so great a tumult of war. Not finding Caesar there, he had to endure more trouble and danger. He caught up with Caesar in Spain near the city of Calpia.
The boy, being his companion both at the theater and at the banquets, and seeing that he conversed kindly with him, as if with his own son, and having by this time become somewhat more courageous, when many of his friends and citizens asked him to intercede for them with Caesar, in matters in which they were in need of aid, looking out for the opportune moment he respectfully asked and was successful; and he became of great value to many of his kinsfolk, for he took care never to ask a favor at an inopportune time, nor when it was annoying to Caesar. And he displayed not a few sparks of kindness and natural intelligence.
Caesar wished Octavius to have the experience of directing the exhibition of theatrical productions (for there were two theaters, the one Roman, over which he himself had charge, and the other Greek).This he turned over to the care of Octavius. The latter, wishing to exhibit interest and benevolence in the matter, even on the hottest and longest days, never left his post before the end of the play; with the result that he fell ill, for he was young and unaccustomed to toil. Being very ill, every one felt considerable apprehension regarding him, lest a constitution such as his might suffer some mishap, and Caesar most of all.
Accordingly, every day he either called himself and encouraged him or else sent friends to do so, and he kept physicians in continuous attendance. On one occasion word was brought to him while he was dining that Octavius was in a state of collapse and dangerously ill. He sprang up and ran barefooted to the place where the patient was, and in great anxiety and with great emotion questioned the physicians, and he sat down by the bedside himself. When Octavius' full recovery was brought about, he showed much joy.While Octavius was convalescent, still weak physically though entirely out of danger, Caesar had to take the field on an expedition in which he had previously the intention of taking the boy.
そこで毎日Caesarは自分自身でOctaviusのところへ行き励ますか、そうでない時は友人を送ってそうさせた。 Caesarは医者をOctaviusの下に置いて治療を続けさせた。ある時、Caesarが夕食を取っていた時、伝言が届き、Octaviusが衰弱し、危険な状態にあることを知った。Caesarは立ち上がると裸足で病人の所まで走り、不安に満ち、心を大きく揺さぶられて医師に容態を尋ね、Octaviusの傍に腰を下ろした。Octaviusが全快したことを知った時のCaesarは大変な喜びようだった。Octaviusは回復しつつあり、まだ体力はないものの、危険な状態から抜け出た。Caesarは以前少年を連れて行こうと考えていた遠征に出発しなければならなかった。
Introductory Priced for this auction are 36-Pen Quality Pen Display Boxes in High Lacquer Cherry, Black Lacquer or Oak. Regularly priced at $275 and future auctions will be priced accordingly. These large boxes measure 13.25 x 7.5x 6 (outside dimensions). Pen divider slots measure 7/8 wide x 6 1/2 long x 7/8 deep and are perfect for standard or larger sized pens. I have added a photo with Le Grand Montblanc pens from my collection for a visual. The inside is finished with a soft beige 'faux-suede' fabric. Shipping is Free for the first box ordered and $15.00 for any additional ones shipped.
このオークションのためにお薦め価格になっているのはサクラ材漆仕上げ、黒漆仕上げ、又はオーク材のペン・ディスプレー・ケースです。通常価格275ドルに基づいて今後のオークションは行なわれます。この大きなボックスのサイズは13.25 x 7.5x 6(外形寸法)です。ペン仕切り溝の大きさは幅7/8x長さ6 1/2x 深さ7/8インチで標準サイズのペンやより大きなペンにもピッタリ合います。視覚的にわかるよう私のコレクションの中からLe Grand Montblancのペンを入れた写真を添付しました。内部はソフトベージュ色のスエード調織物仕上げです。ボックスの最初の注文は送料無料で承ります。追加分からは1個につき送料15ドルを申し受けます。
When he found that his mother was opposed he said nothing by way of argument but remained at home. It was plain that Caesar, out of solicitude for them, did not wish him to take the field yet, lest he might bring on illness to a weak body through changing his mode of life and thus permanently injure his health. For this cause he took no part in the expedition. After finishing that war also, Caesar returned to Rome, having granted pardon to a very few of the captives who fell to him because they had not learned wisdom in the earlier wars. Then the following incident occurred: there was a particular associate and friend of Octavius, who had been educated at the same place and who was a very special friend of his.
彼の母親が反対しているのを知ると彼は口論を手段とはしなかったが家の中に閉じこもった。彼の暮らしが変わったことによって虚弱な体が病気になり永久に健康を損なうことになってはいけないのでCaesarがこの親子に対する配慮からまだ彼を戦場に連れ出したくないのは明らかだった。そのような訳で彼は遠征には参加しなかった。戦争が終わった後Caesar はローマに戻ってくると、初期の戦で知恵を学ばなかったために捕えられた僅かな捕虜に御社を与えた。すると次のような事件が起きた。Octaviusと共に勉強しOctaviusと特別の友情を結んでいた親友がいた。
His brother was with Cato and treated with much respect; he had participated in the Libyan War, but was at this time taken captive. Although Octavius had never yet asked anything of Caesar he wanted to beg the prisoner off, but he hesitated because of modesty and at the same time because he saw how Caesar was disposed toward those who had been captured in that war. However, he made bold to ask it, and had his request granted. Thereupon he was very glad at having rescued a brother for his friend and he was praised by others for employing his zeal and right of intercession first of all for a friend's safety.After this Caesar celebrated his triumphs for the Libyan War and the others which he had fought;
彼の兄はCatoと共におり、深い尊敬を集めていた。彼はリビア戦争に参加したが、その時捕虜となった。OctaviusはCaesar に捕虜を解放してほしいと懇願してはいなかったが、彼はそのつつしみ深さから懇願するのをためらっていた。同時に戦争でホロになった者に対してCaesar がどれほど好意的であったかを知ったからでもあった。しかし彼は大胆にもそれを願い出て、その願いが聞き入れられた。その結果、彼は友達の兄が救われたことを非常に喜び、友人の安全のために自らの熱意と仲裁の権利を初めて使ったことを他から高く評価された。こんなことがあって後、このCaesarはリビア戦争や他の戦争の勝利を祝った。
and he ordered the young Caesar, whom he had now adopted, and who was in a way a son even by nature, on account of the closeness of their relationship, to follow his chariot, having bestowed upon him military decorations, as if he had been his aide (syskenon) the war. Likewise, at the sacrifices and when entering the temples he stationed him at his side and he ordered the others to yield precedence to him. Caesar already bore the rank of Imperator, which was the highest according to the Roman usage, and he was highly esteemed in the state.
Color Option: SilverSleek Apple-style design ideal For Mac Pro, iMac, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, MacBook, Mac mini and other laptopsCompact and colorful designShielded cable provides safe data transfer and long-term usageColors shown in pictures may slightly differ from actual product due to lighting and color settings
色の選択:シルバー光沢のあるAppleスタイルのデザイン。Mac Pro、 iMac、 MacBook Air、MacBook Pro、MacBook、Mac mini他のラップトップに最適。コンパクトでカラフルなデザインシールドケーブルにより安全なデータ転送が出来、また長期ご使用になれます。照明、色のセッティングのために画像の色が実物の色と多少異なる場合がございます。
USB 2.0 Hub adds four additional USB ports to your Mac (or PC), allowing you to connect USB devices such as digital cameras, phones, external hard drives, flash drives, and printers.It's sleek aluminum design with shielded white cable is the perfect complement to your Apple computer and products. It does not require any software or complicated installation process. With a slim, strip-shape design, it saves you precious desktop space. It's extremely portable and easy to move between systems or take on the road.Cable Length: Approximately 5.5 inch.
USB 2.0ハブで追加の4つのUSBポートをMac (或いはPC)に取り付けて、デジタルカメラ、携帯電話、外付ハードドライブ、フラッシュドライブ、プリンター等のUSBデバイスと接続することが可能です。光沢のあるアルミニウムのデザインと白のシールドケーブルはお客様のコンピューターや製品を完璧に引き立たせます。製品にはソフトウエアや面倒なインストールのプロセスは全く必要ありません。スリムな帯状のデザインでお客様の貴重なデスクトップのスペースが節約できます。非常に携帯性に優れており、システム間の移動や持ち運ぶが楽です。ケーブルの長さ:約5.5インチ
thanks for your interest~Out of the US, I charge $30 up front so I can go to the PO and ship right away, refunding every penny except for $5 for my time. This saves me (gas, too) from having to go there, stand in the line which usually is only about a half hour, get a price, come BACK, OK it with you, go BACK to the PO, and actually ship it for you. If this is all right, please bid!
Please help me understand why you do not shop in the US anymore. My boss is going to be very distressed to learn that you want to cancel. I need to be able to explain why you do not need your extended family at anymore. I see that you are not planning to ship from the US. If the shipping rate was lower would that help you to continue shipping? If you had a free membership for another year, would you consider staying? This way if you do in fact need us this year you will not have to rejoin. I will certainly cancel your account if you insist. But I want you to know how grieved we will be to see you go, friend. We appreciate your loyalty and I look forward to your reply.
At the time when the Civil War had laid hold on the city, Philippus quietly sent Octavius off to one of his father's country places.He entered the Forum, aged about fourteen, to put off the toga praetextata and assume the toga virilis, this being a token of his becoming registered as a man.Then while all the citizens looked upon him, because of his comeliness and very evidently noble descent, he sacrificed to the gods and was registered in the sacred college in place of Lucius Domitius, who had died.The people indeed had very eagerly elected him to this position.Accordingly, he performed the sacrifice, adorned with the toga virilis and at the same time the honors of a very high priestly office.
内戦が市内に広がった時、PhilippusはそっとOctaviusを自分の父の田舎に遣った。彼は14歳の時Forumに入り、(子供が着用する)トガ・プラエテクスタを脱ぎ(成人用の)トガ・ウィリリスを身に着けた。これは彼が一人前の男として認められた証だった。彼の容姿の美しさや明らかに高貴な家の出身であることがわかったことから市民の誰もが彼を見た。彼は神にいけにえを捧げ、今は亡きLucius Domitiusの代わりに枢機卿会に登録された。実際、大衆が彼をその地位につけることを非常に望んだのである。その結果、彼はいけにえを捧げ、トガ・ウィリリスと非常に高位の聖職という名誉で自らを飾った。
Nevertheless, though he was registered as of age according to law, his mother would not let him leave the house other than as he did before, when he was a child, and she made him keep to the same mode of life and sleep in the same apartment as before. FOr he was of age only by law, and in other respects was taken care of as a child. He did not change the fashion of his clothes, but continued to use the Roman garb.He went to the temples on the regular days, but after dark on account of his youthful charm, seeing that he attracted many women by his comeliness and high lineage; though often tempted by them he seems never to have been enticed.
During the Latin festival when the consuls had to ascend the Alban Mount to perform the customary sacrifices,the priests succeeding to the jurisdiction of the consuls,Octavius sat on the Tribunal.There came many people on legal business and many on no business at all except for a sight of the boy;for he was well worth beholding,especially when he assumed the dignity and honorable aspect of office.Caesar had by this time completed the wars in Europe, had conquered Pompey, had taken Egypt, had returned from Syria,and was intending to advance in to Libya in order to put down what was left of war over there;and Octavius wanted to take the field with him in order that he night gain experience in the practice of war.
Latin festivalの期間、執政官はAlban Mountに登って慣習となっているいけにえを捧げなければならなかった。司祭らは執政官の管轄権を継承し、Octaviusは法廷に座った。法律関係者も全くそうでないものも多くの者がやって来た。彼はそのあどけなさを除いては見つめるだけの価値があり、とりわけ威厳と聖職者の高潔さを身に着けた時は格別だった。この頃にはCaesarはヨーロッパ遠征を終え、戦争が終わった後残されたものを蓄えるためLibyaに向かおうとしていた。Octaviusは実践による戦の経験を得るため彼と共に出陣したがった。
Problem with package: Other: invoice states that the items are vacuums. This pallet is all dyson bladeless fans.
Luna's new uke combine the best of traditional profiles and wood selection with fresh new designs to suit the unique players that are making the ukulele their own. The Tattoo and Hona series utilize traditional Polynesian body ornamentation while the Floral and Dolphin Ukes are litle sisters to Luna's beloved Flora and Fauna guitars. This Uke takes its design from traditional Hawaiian body ornamentation. The patterns and layout were strongly geometric and there were many shapes and symbols representing the natural island world: stones, waves, fish, sharks, turtles, rain, sun, and birds. This design is based on a Hawaiian turtle (honu), a symbol of longevity and endurance rendered in a Polynesian tattoo style.
Lunaの新しいウクレレは、パーソナライズされたウクレレにしたいというユニークな演奏者の皆様にご満足いただけるよう、従来の外形や木材の選択の最も優れた点に新鮮で新しいデザインを融合させています。Tattoo and Honaシリーズには伝統的なポリネシアのボディー装飾を用いており、Floral and Dolphinのウクレレには皆様に愛されてきたLunaのFlora and Faunaギターの姉妹版になっています。このウクレレのデザインには伝統的なハワイのボディー装飾を取り入れています。パターンとレイアウトはかなり幾何学的で、石、波、魚、鮫、亀、雨、太陽、鳥等自然の島の世界を象徴した様々な形やシンボルです。このデザインは、ポリネシアのタトゥーの表現の中に描写されている長寿と持続力のシンボルであるハワイの亀(ホヌ)をベースにしています。